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Aliens And Psychics connection ?????

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posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 07:28 AM
hi there.

sorry if a post like this has appeared before.

im kinda new to this forum. i have kept my posts mainly to the paranormal area.
i am what people call psychic, and i was wondering if there has ever been an article on a psychic/alien/ufo/outerspace link.
i believe we are being visited from somewhere, or that our visitors are time travelers from our future (wierd thought eh)

i was in a chatroom a few weeks back, a ufo voice chatroom, and someone brought up the concept of a thing called "starchildren" and for some reason it hit a nerve. i have always felt differant from people, especialy when i was younger.

short story, my mum was 15 when i was born, and she has always swore blind i shouldnt be here (dont know what to make of that) also i was born 3 months early, this was 1973, i had my last rites read to me..
...where am i going with this u might ask..(so am i)

i always thought i was destined to be here for some reason.
im very psychic, and into ufology in a big way.

please dont laugh at me

always thought there might be a connection, was to scared to ask, lol



posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 03:09 PM
Hi shauny

I have never read an article on this subject, but I wanted to share my personal experience and understanding about it. What we call "psychics" are tiny glimpses into our natural or spiritual existence and abilities. We are all spirit and body, and our spirits are at least a little older than our bodies. Some spirits are much older than their current body.

Spirits who were in life before in other, further advanced races are the so-called "starchildren" and they carry original abilities to some degree, and pass them to their offspring. This is the only way a human can be of alien heritage. All personal alien experiencers are related by spirit to their alien contacts. This is how a human may have spiritual abilities that are unnatural to and ahead of the human evolutional point. However, this does not guarantee awareness of these abilities or deliberate use of them. A human is a human physically.

Humans generally, naturally do not yet have clear or ready access to our spirits or spiritual abilities but control is naturally increasing just like for every other race. Some humans naturally have more access to their abilities than others, even though all humans are active spiritually. For those who have alien contact, their contacts can help them use their natural abilities more than they can on their own for the purpose of the contact.

As we evolve, we increase in all ways. Our spirits and abilities increase just as our bodies and intelligence increases. This is spiritual evolution. All races are in some ways the same and in some ways different physically and spiritually, but most other races are "much" further evolved and advanced than we are yet. Humans can already fathom the physical, intellectual and technological advancement of further evolved life, but it is the spiritual advancement that we get stuck on, especially when we meet an alien person who is out of body or they talk to us by telepathy.

Literally all people are spiritual and psychic. Most humans ignore it or think it is something else like "fluke" and "mere coincidence."

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by shauny
hi there.

sorry if a post like this has appeared before.

im kinda new to this forum. i have kept my posts mainly to the paranormal area.
i am what people call psychic, and i was wondering if there has ever been an article on a psychic/alien/ufo/outerspace link.
i believe we are being visited from somewhere, or that our visitors are time travelers from our future (wierd thought eh)

i was in a chatroom a few weeks back, a ufo voice chatroom, and someone brought up the concept of a thing called "starchildren" and for some reason it hit a nerve. i have always felt differant from people, especialy when i was younger.

short story, my mum was 15 when i was born, and she has always swore blind i shouldnt be here (dont know what to make of that) also i was born 3 months early, this was 1973, i had my last rites read to me..
...where am i going with this u might ask..(so am i)

i always thought i was destined to be here for some reason.
im very psychic, and into ufology in a big way.

please dont laugh at me

always thought there might be a connection, was to scared to ask, lol



Shauny, your mom was very wrong to tell you that. There is good news, you are destined to be here. God made you for many reasons, Read Psalm 139, King James Version is best but if it's hard to understand try NAS, NIV or the Living Bible. God says and feels just the opposite of what she said to you. Watch out the UFO stuff will take you away from God.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 03:50 PM

I agree with dlbrandt wholeheartedly that you are meant to be here and God made you for many reasons. But God made all the life. The aliens are people too.

It's only human's wild ideas about anything real or imagined that make us think the wrong things. That is not because of the way alien life is, or because of the way God is. It's only because of the way we are. We don't know everything yet and we hardly know anything at all about the other life in the universe. We don't even know our own nature.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 11:04 PM
Yes the "aliens" were created by God. But when He made them they were not"aliens" and they were not fallen angels. They were created "good" and with a free will. I wrote "good" because God pronounced all His creation good after the creation. It was when lucifer allowed feelings of pride and jealousy and hatred and envy to conquer him and he acted on these feelings that he "fell" and became at odds with God. And yes his name was changed to satan. So why the free will for us and the angels. Without the power to choose(free will) there is no ability to love. God didn't want us to be robots. "True" love has to be a decision. The angels, both good and bad are spiritual beings. Can I tell you that there is no life on other planets. No I can't tell you either way. In the Book of Hebrews there is a verse that could suggest that there might be life like us on other planets. But if there is, it fell into sin with the rest of the universe. Christ came to redeem mankind but not the fallen angels. Why? My guess would be because mankind was decieved by someone other than himself(satan). While satan chose within himself disobedience. Another additional guess would be that the fallen angels had greater knowledge of who God is and are without any excuse to do what they did.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by dlbrandt
Yes the "aliens" were created by God. But when He made them they were not"aliens" and they were not fallen angels. They were created "good" and with a free will. I wrote "good" because God pronounced all His creation good after the creation. It was when lucifer allowed feelings of pride and jealousy and hatred and envy to conquer him and he acted on these feelings that he "fell" and became at odds with God. And yes his name was changed to satan. So why the free will for us and the angels. Without the power to choose(free will) there is no ability to love. God didn't want us to be robots. "True" love has to be a decision. The angels, both good and bad are spiritual beings. Can I tell you that there is no life on other planets. No I can't tell you either way. In the Book of Hebrews there is a verse that could suggest that there might be life like us on other planets. But if there is, it fell into sin with the rest of the universe. Christ came to redeem mankind but not the fallen angels. Why? My guess would be because mankind was decieved by someone other than himself(satan). While satan chose within himself disobedience. Another additional guess would be that the fallen angels had greater knowledge of who God is and are without any excuse to do what they did.

Don't confuse Satan and Lucifer. They are NOT the same thing!! Lucifer was, quite literally, the planet Venus. There is only ONE reference to Lucifer in the ENTIRE KJV Bible. Go read the Chapter that it's in. He[God] is SPECIFICALLY speaking about the planet Venus.

Please don't mis-quote the Bible that you so espouse to be the hand-written work of God. I'm sure he doesn't approve.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg

Originally posted by dlbrandt
Yes the "aliens" were created by God. But when He made them they were not"aliens" and they were not fallen angels. They were created "good" and with a free will. I wrote "good" because God pronounced all His creation good after the creation. It was when lucifer allowed feelings of pride and jealousy and hatred and envy to conquer him and he acted on these feelings that he "fell" and became at odds with God. And yes his name was changed to satan. So why the free will for us and the angels. Without the power to choose(free will) there is no ability to love. God didn't want us to be robots. "True" love has to be a decision. The angels, both good and bad are spiritual beings. Can I tell you that there is no life on other planets. No I can't tell you either way. In the Book of Hebrews there is a verse that could suggest that there might be life like us on other planets. But if there is, it fell into sin with the rest of the universe. Christ came to redeem mankind but not the fallen angels. Why? My guess would be because mankind was decieved by someone other than himself(satan). While satan chose within himself disobedience. Another additional guess would be that the fallen angels had greater knowledge of who God is and are without any excuse to do what they did.

Don't confuse Satan and Lucifer. They are NOT the same thing!! Lucifer was, quite literally, the planet Venus. There is only ONE reference to Lucifer in the ENTIRE KJV Bible. Go read the Chapter that it's in. He[God] is SPECIFICALLY speaking about the planet Venus.

Please don't mis-quote the Bible that you so espouse to be the hand-written work of God. I'm sure he doesn't approve.

OK, I have reread the chapter. So a planet said I will be like the most High(which is a reference to God). Plus Isaiah 14:16 plaining informs us it's not a planet.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:28 PM
spare me this god crap i dont belive in god it all BS u worship something without any proof it exists anyways all this god put u here and god loves u its so stupid god is just as real as santa clause and the tooth fairy and the eastern bunny

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
spare me this god crap i dont belive in god it all BS u worship something without any proof it exists anyways all this god put u here and god loves u its so stupid god is just as real as santa clause and the tooth fairy and the eastern bunny

So if God posts irritate you why bother reading and replying to them?

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:37 PM

spare me this god crap i dont belive in god it all BS u worship something without any proof it exists anyways all this god put u here and god loves u its so stupid god is just as real as santa clause and the tooth fairy and the eastern bunny

Geez. Are you for real? You've obviously taken the time to read some of these posts, so why not take a little more time and think before you write something like this? Do over, dude.

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