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I can communicate with aliens

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:54 AM
I bought a SkyLaser not too long ago. I got the insane idea that I was on to something with the number code I've been learning. I just really pay attention when I go outside. I see these numbers at coincidental times and the more I learn the more I find that it really is a code that can be used to reach a higher plane.

My first draft of the complete code is here.


OK! So I've been flashing my laser up into the sky at night for a couple of weeks now. The short and sweet is... they are out there!!!
The first night I got a response. At first I thought they were satellites or shooting stars but they are too fast or too slow and too many and too angled.

Do you know what this means?? It means contact with a higher form of life which is perhaps millions of years ahead of us!

You just flash your laser like morse code.

Here might be a single message.

44 14 16 71 82

Which means: I love everyone and I want to help people evolve. I need protection because the work is difficult and there is much to learn so I am struggling.

Ya, that's what all that says. It really is a higer level of communication.

So get your lasers and lets beam up Scotty!!!!


MOD EDIT: Removed link to personal site.
No advertising of your personal or other websites until you have been a contributing member for at least 6 months. All URLs must be approved by an ATS Administrator or Site Owner prior to display.

[edit on June 23rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:58 AM
As a scientist i can confirm that extra terrestrials exist. But your thread on the other hand. Well, what can i say
. Ever heard of number 23? Well it seems like you are finding what you are wanting to find, its a mindtrick from our own brain actually.

Aliens do exist, YES.

Your thread on the other hand made me speechless. Not in a good way.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Pity you can go to jail for shining those lasers in the sky here in oz, otherwise id give it a shot.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by shineling

Here might be a single message.

44 14 16 71 82

Which means: I love everyone and I want to help people evolve. I need protection because the work is difficult and there is much to learn so I am struggling.

Excuse me but those just look like lottery numbers. But continue this discussion it was just my input.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:35 AM
Does it have to be a SkyLaser?

You also did not explain the procedure very well, or how you jump from a number/set of numbers into a whole sentence.

to me it looks like
44=i love everyone
14=i want to help people evolve
16=i need protection
71=the work is difficult and there is much to learn
82=i am struggling

Is that right so far?

Do you have more phrases worked out already.

Why not use the morse code to flash words/sentences to them instead of subjective numerals.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:15 AM
you really don't have to go to all that trouble; although it can be fun kind of like IM sometimes is fun.

just talk to them with your mind
send a thought
then listen within
they will send a thought right back!
quicker than instant, even.
that's how you know it isn't you - it is faster than even your own internalization's.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:17 AM
What kind of response did you get? Did they flash back with lasers too?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:18 AM

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:28 AM


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:29 AM
What if the laser had nothing to do with it?

And these number patterns had nothing to do with it?

And what if, these aliens you saw, had a machine or something that allowed them to pick up your Telepathic communications. Then their computers or whatever they are using, flagged you and so they came in to take a closer look?

How do you know that is not what really happened?

Granted your story is true and you did see UFOs.

What do you think OP?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38
you really don't have to go to all that trouble; although it can be fun kind of like IM sometimes is fun.

just talk to them with your mind
send a thought
then listen within
they will send a thought right back!
quicker than instant, even.
that's how you know it isn't you - it is faster than even your own internalization's.

OP, I second queenannie's suggestion.

But on a very serious note ... I don't think it is just Oz where shining laser lights into the sky is illegal ... I think it's everywhere, due to the fact that they can (worse case senario) cause planes to crash. In fact if memory serves there was a thread on here not so long ago about someone being arrested for doing exactly what you are doing !

Whilst (as an 'experiencer' myself) I am all for making contact ... I would not want to be responsible for making a plane fall from the sky.

If you do a search you will find plenty of articles and information about why it is illegal to shine laser-lights into the sky ... and of course there's that other little thing called 'common-sense'

Sorry if I sound like a wet-blanket (whatever the hell a wet-blanket sounds like ... do they make a noise ?) ... but I'd hate to see a fellow ATS'er get into trouble. And let's face it when you shine a laser light from your point of origin into the sky ... well ... you'll be pretty easy to find.


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:48 AM
Your making the presumption of a base 10 system with your numbers.

Just tell them to land on the white house lawn.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:58 AM
Your numbers are incorrect, the actual numbers are:

4 8 15 16 23 42

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:04 AM
I have a few problems with all this. The quotes are passages from your referenced work.

16 is a great great number. It means get to work! Superman was a 16er

I was assuming that this was some sort of real 'system', but unless I am completely off the mark 'Superman' is an imaginary being is he not?.

Wasn't the Starship Enterprise called 1701

Likewise the NCC-1701 is actually make-believe, so I am told. Maybe this is only the case in dreaming states when a 52 has been played (See later reference)

36 is a very nice number I get often

Are you able to explain where you get this number? Can you purchase it in the stores? You say you bring it into your mind, but from where? What is it about this number that makes it nice?

You then say

It means "lets go baby!" If you are being stubborn and the Spirit wants to fly it will juice you up with a 39!

So how does this number I bring into my mind from the store juice me up and say "lets go baby!"? If I manage to get this number in my mind does it start to communicate? I have some concerns about numbers speaking to me in my head.

The 40 scale is obviously the most known and talked about.

Obviously - except I have never heard it talked about in the 'local'. I must enlighten them. A few pints and a discussion of the 40 scale sounds interesting. Is this along the lines of 40D, 41DD etc. Yes I think the guys could get interested in that.

44 means yeah we chillin! Its a female number. Very motherly. Very loveable. She's taking care of you with an interest.

So please tell me, 11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,41,42,43 are also female numbers are they not? Do they not mean the same? Is we not chillin' wif dem also?

45 is a very interesting number. I've used it a lot to stay in the zone or in the dream.

A fascinating number I have no doubt, but I really would appreciate the knowledge of exactly how I go about using this number to stay in the zone (further explanation required) or the dream. Would the fact that not only do I rarely remember a dream be a problem, and also when in my dream am I am not able to control it and think of numbers, especially throwing a 45 in there to stop me from coming out of the dream?

Is it like 36? Do I need to purchase it somewhere before I can use it in my unconscious dreaming state to stay that way? What happens if I use 36 repeatedly. Do I stay in the dream for ever?

I love 46. Its like coming home to myself.

Sort of "Hi me, I'm home" then. I am having a problem understanding how I can come home to myself since if I am outside the home and coming home then I am not inside the home and waiting for myself. Have I got that right? Or am I in the home waiting for me, and thus cannot be outside coming home to me. I am finding this concept a little confusing.

I use a 52 or 53 when I am dreaming and suddenly have to go into a store to get milk or something.

It must be most exasperating to have to go to the store for milk in the middle of a dream. I am assuming that you have a 52 or 53 handy, or do you get one of those whilst you are at the store?

When I first got my real 66 I was a little in ecstasy. Its the turning point of reality as we know it.

The turning point of reality as we know it? Hm, this needs some explanation I think. I believe 666 might perform that function, but surely the ecstasy is more likely to be 69 is it not?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Hello there good day to you. Perhaps next time you go out you should set up a video and a Dictaphone, set up the whole thing as a reliable experiment, check satellite patterns that night, what planets can be seen from your area and so on.
Would love to try something like this myself, but there are too many street lights round here, and an airport is quite close, a few folks have been using these lasers to shine a pilots apparently. Ridiculously stupid I know, some people spoil it for everyone!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by shineling

So why exactly do you think aliens would understand morse code?

You didn't even get the code right either.

Secondly, why do you think they can see a little laser you shine into the sky? How would they interrupt it as morse code and actually understand what you're doing?

Explain yourself.

To be honest, if you were going to say you talked to them in your head it would be more believable then this.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Zstugome]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by shineling
I bought a SkyLaser not too long ago. I got the insane idea that I was on to something with the number code I've been learning. I just really pay attention when I go outside. I see these numbers at coincidental times and the more I learn the more I find that it really is a code that can be used to reach a higher plane.

My first draft of the complete code is here.


OK! So I've been flashing my laser up into the sky at night for a couple of weeks now. The short and sweet is... they are out there!!!
The first night I got a response. At first I thought they were satellites or shooting stars but they are too fast or too slow and too many and too angled.

Do you know what this means?? It means contact with a higher form of life which is perhaps millions of years ahead of us!

You just flash your laser like morse code.

Here might be a single message.

44 14 16 71 82

Which means: I love everyone and I want to help people evolve. I need protection because the work is difficult and there is much to learn so I am struggling.

Ya, that's what all that says. It really is a higer level of communication.

So get your lasers and lets beam up Scotty!!!!


MOD EDIT: Removed link to personal site.
No advertising of your personal or other websites until you have been a contributing member for at least 6 months. All URLs must be approved by an ATS Administrator or Site Owner prior to display.

[edit on June 23rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

Ok. You haven't shown anything indicating that you have communicated with aliens. You said you got a response? What kind of response? A flashing light? How do you know if it's too fast or too slow to be a meterorite or sattelite? How did you establish that?

How do you suppose the aliens know morse code? Wait, you said like morse code, so its not actually morse code? If they are millions of years ahead of us why do they care about some nut in the woods blinking a light at them?

And those numbers, how do you know thats what they even meant? They may be speaking some alien tounge and you have no idea what they mean. I wonder if they keep a special laser on board the shift just to blink back at folks in the hills.

I'm sorry there isn't enough info to even make this pretend to be credible. And even if you did provide details it still sounds like a load of garbage to me.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by shineling
My first draft of the complete code is here.


HAHAHAH! Advertising something?

The first night I got a response. At first I thought they were satellites or shooting stars but they are too fast or too slow and too many and too angled.

Do you know what this means?? It means contact with a higher form of life which is perhaps millions of years ahead of us!

Oook, I see that you ruled out every single theory out there possible. It means absolutely nothing. How do you know its not someone oelse out there with a sky laser?

Here might be a single message.

44 14 16 71 82

Here might also be a bunch of random numbers

Which means: I love everyone and I want to help people evolve. I need protection because the work is difficult and there is much to learn so I am struggling.

Ooook, how exactly does that equate to a message from an extraterrestrial life form

Ya, that's what all that says. It really is a higer level of communication.

So get your lasers and lets beam up Scotty!!!!

Advertising again

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 09:59 AM
I read up on the lasers. The strongest laser has a 100 mile range. Space begins at 73 mile from the surface. So your alien ship has to be within 27 miles of our atmosphere. THe international space station orbits about 300 miles from the earth, which is considered a low earth orbit.

For your aliens to see your laser they would have to stay in a geosynchronous orbit skimming off our atmosphere. And for the laser to actually reach the full 100 miles(if you bought the 1500 dollar one) then you would have to have almost zero atmospheric conditions. That means no ice crystals in the upper atmosphere reflecting, no clouds cutting the distance...

In other words your claim is bunk.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:06 AM
I can communicate with delusional people

you know how I can do that?

well, first I create an account on ATS, then I search for threads like this

cool, huh?

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