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Japanese scientists spawn invisibility cloak

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posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 10:33 AM
i know that this is asking, may even be top secret, but how does this thing function if damaged, would it say fail entirely, would the light be reflected in the wrong place, or would just the damaged area be affected. If all it takes is a bb gun to break an uber expensive (theoretical, as it does not exist) spy plane, or other large vehicle's cloak, then why even bother? And just for the record, i want one too.

posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 12:28 PM
not sure about that one sawyer.
Pretty sure it would depend on the computer programing though. I mean if there is a computer at work in the device it would have to be programmed to bypass damaged areas and possibly compensate for damage within conditions prgrammed it could be a fatal flaw however not to edacated on the whole cloak thing though i think this question might be better answered by the inventor.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 10:55 AM
what do you say about this thing being manufactured? Will it be a reality within the next ten years, or will it die like jet backpacks did way back when, and everyone thought that those were so cool. Besides, won't they cost buku bucks to make? It will be military tech before civillians can their hands on these anyway. there is money to be made on fufilling the dream of becoming invisible, but it just doesn't seem realistic right now that these will go into mass production.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 03:42 PM
GODDAMMIT! why does every new invention have to have freakin military possibility/application?

Warmongering s.o.b's!

You can tell the idea p*sses me off cant you!

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 03:53 PM
What other possible means could you think of to use invisibility technology.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Magickesists
What other possible means could you think of to use invisibility technology.

Plane cockpits have been mentioned, Also im sure there could be medical applications, and just plain novel ones such as see thru walls for homes!
With a little imagination im sure you could come up with hundreds of non military (read redneck) ideas! How about applying it to boats for reef veiwing for fishermen, no glass bottom required! Personality id love my ceilings done with the stuff for veiwing the stars at night from the confort of my bed. See thru paint! Use your head!

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 05:56 PM
Make your own home version....

just put your laptop or flatscreen in front of your body, and a camera behind you and whalla you can stand in front of the TV and no-one will complain of blocking thier view... (you must have drank CLEAN water)....
yeah not as impressive as a flexible one, but i hear the flexible LC displays will be out late next year... so you could wrap them around any one angled surface... (your arm, leg, ect)

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 11:17 PM
I can read and i aint no darn redneck lol.
I just asked an honest question to keep you honest and yes im sure there are plenty of non military uses for it but are they feasible in the way of costs and don't you think the military would gobble such things up and make their own advancements in the technology. Who knows they probably already have better versions.

But i think that the film industry could make good use of it to imagine if you literally couldn't see the camera filming you even newbie actors wouldn't look at the camera anymore.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 05:33 AM
who is to say that this is already not in use. I read some where that the technology that we know is somewhere between 50-60 years old.

What was rumored to have happen 50-60 years ago, the philidelphis project, try to make an object invisable (ship), 1947 i think.

On this page there is a guy that says that there is somethiing in his house that is invisable, something that has the same qulities as this, this is by far one of the most amazing things i have ever seen.

As to if this falls into the wroung hands, only the wroung hands has the funds to make this, our goverment, if the japenise has made it you dont think that we have a 100% invisable plane somewhere underground in nevada, you dont think that have people that are invisable in key places, be afraid, be very very afriad.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 05:35 AM

i just keep watching that video clip over and over. i dont know what to say. this is so scary.

You would like to think that this would be used for good, you want to think that, but in reality can you belive that this will be used for good any time soon?

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 11:17 AM
he looks like a damn ghost! but this is bad. it should have never been made

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 12:02 PM
imagine if the theatres dolled these out to the customers while you were at the theatre youd never have to worry about that bastard in front of you who is like 7 feet tall and blocks your view

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 11:01 AM
Calm down. Where do you guys see this thing going in five years? will this be something we can buy? Will new laws be written. THis could be really bad, or the other. what good will this do us? just calm down would you!

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 12:18 PM
what good can this really do for us? Its not like being "invisible" comes in handy all it is, is a way to visual deceive. i'm the type of person who believes any type of lying/decieiving is "wrong"

all it will do is help people kill people, sneak into people's home's, and rob places without even being seen!

that thing really sickens me. what moron would invent something so evil, and say it will only be for good!

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 02:00 PM
what about safer safes? come on, this could do some good. it is just how we decide to use it. But, realistically, i see this as being used to kill people more than anything else. that is what i truely think.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 02:19 PM

All I do is wear a white shirt, and use a slide projector...I CAN BLEND INTO anything.... thats all they're "cloaking" is, there is nothing really special about it.

The only way cloaking could work, is with millions of tiny cameras and tv screens. Or get such a dense magnetic feild that it bends light around it.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:41 PM
well blind, this is what they call a proto-type theres only advances to come, and who know's what type of crazy thing the japs will have next.

they could possibly put camera's on the cloak? or something. but i'm saying they'll get it to work

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Ohgr
what good can this really do for us? Its not like being "invisible" comes in handy all it is, is a way to visual deceive. i'm the type of person who believes any type of lying/decieiving is "wrong"

all it will do is help people kill people, sneak into people's home's, and rob places without even being seen!

that thing really sickens me. what moron would invent something so evil, and say it will only be for good!

Its NOT evil. Its just inanimate materials for cryin out loud. Its who uses it and what for thats possibly evil. I bet you think Tv is evil too, and hairdryers, and evil toasters, And *gasp* Guns!! (although guns are designed explicitly to kill, so you might have a point there, but get sensible !

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by instar
Its NOT evil. Its just inanimate materials for cryin out loud. Its who uses it and what for thats possibly evil. I bet you think Tv is evil too, and hairdryers, and evil toasters, And *gasp* Guns!! (although guns are designed explicitly to kill, so you might have a point there, but get sensible !

well how can this thing really be used for any "good" purpose? name one thing it could be used for in a positive way to help human kind.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 09:20 PM
I think some people already used some positive examples. But it could be used in all sorts of things imagine if a space shullte was equipped with this you wouldn't have to put and windows in the walls thus weakening the structure. Or scientific exploration subs for marine biology. imagine if any wall in your house could be transparent one way, you wold see burglars but they wouldn't see you, or even better all the walls in a high rise could be made see through in one direction to keep birds from flying into them, thats a big problem in calgary there afraid that falcons might kill themselves off in the cities. or in airplanes instead of weakening the cockpit with windows making the whole thing see through would certainly make it easier for pilots to see where there going. Or the best one of all would be factories or ugly buildings that people complain about because they depreciate the value of there property you could make the outside of these buildings invisble except the important areas like shipping and the front desk. out of site out of mind.

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