reply to post by TattarrattaT
Wikileaks is more than a website. It is an idea.
An idea whos time has come though preferably from a real source.
A professional would never post a 'sensitive' message from their own computer to any website. A true patriot of folkland would research the site
and out it for what it is.
I haven't seen many takers.
Just watching.
.....with a clear conscience.
To Do Know to do No harm.
Should one imagine that the Creator works in mysterious ways as Creation itself continues to come Into being?
The past 3 months have been full of trials, tribulations and unimaginable horrors. Though I walk through the valley of evil, I fear it not.
To fear the flesh is to fear the Self.
Did not the Creator endow mankind, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom with the ability to use intellect, reason, to be rational, the ability to
harness sapience and sentience, discover 'certain' laws of the Universe?
Nonetheless, most human beings follow the path of others who in turn show no respect to .....the followers.
The truth can not be written but rather seen with good intention for such .....inform/ations.
All true genius Sees, then only attempts to put to paper or ear.
If your glowing, your Right.
If your not, your wrong.
This is the only evidence you need.
Many intuitively know this to be true though choose to follow the path of others whom share not the legend of that mouse on it's string.
Form to word.
Symbolitry is far more honest a communicator than the words of man though unfortunately may only provide the viewer the same vision as it's source.
Wikileaks is clearly a fraudulant deception.
Kudos to the idea.
The show carries on.
Who's paying attention?
More importantly, who is Acting on what they know to be Right from what they don't know? to be wrong.
Who is your Brother?
Your Neighbor.
May you glow in the radience of The new beginning?
You may choose to begin at this moment.
Or not.
Either way, the consequences are as shadows to the Light.
Does not the LIght dispell all shadows.
I didn't forget the question mark above, did you?
"Sub Umbra Florero"
The phrase above is a good example for a play on words.
Without Light, there is no growth at all.
Is not Light itself the source for all other Forms of energy in the Universe.
Regardless of what is written by a folk in folkland, if it makes no sense, it wasn't meant to.
Glow if you can.
I am still learning to cope with all the injustice I witness day to day in every face I see. Most are blind unto themselves as they are to the
To acknowledge a gift is as the bow unto it's box.
Open sesame?
We are waiting.....
If One wishes not to get lost in a web,
Why spin that which cloaks the Soul from itself?
How often the eyes of man deceive the Self.
True Vision is seen within though drawn from A bout with the..... material vision .....only then projected to the eye of man.
Though you know this is true, one continues to follow another.
I suppose it is difficult to escape the subjective self and view matters objectively in a top down manner for a Reason?
I thought I would close with something to dream about.
It might work.
I don't know an animal that can read backwards and see the meaning of it all.
Do you?
If something is true you most likely will feel it.
If it is Right, you glow.
That is your confirmation.
Do the Right thing.
No excuses.
I would imagine a Creator would have no use for such foolish folly.
The Creator Does work in mysterious ways.
Please keep this in mind from here foward.
I'm well aware I'm on candid camera.
I only hope the viewers are paying attention.
To Do No Harm.
Saved the Farm.
May the blood of wicked fertilize the flora and fauna at my gate.
Gateway or Gate?
Your choice.
I'm quite aware of what I'm going through.
Are you?
Are You paying attention?
More importantly, are you acting or Being.
Many spiders could be as a check to the Conscience of Man.
May One's' next step be in tandem with some Light.....and not slight of Justice.
[edit on 23-6-2010 by Perseus Apex]