posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:12 PM
whoa now... he's coming out of the massive Montana 'bunker'?
nope, him 'Hawk' & the scores/dozens of others are all secured in their subterranian sanctury (bozeman-&-livingston area) and being interviewed on
communication links --- probably /likely Quayles ham band radio systems..
the man's been pumping the Trumpets/seals/ plagues/bowls/vials of judgements at just about every natural or geo-political stress point for over a
year now... (i really think the crew of his faithful have gone into the literal 'underground' for a year now...& will continue to stay 90% of the
time in their sanctuary the real world waxes and wanes regardless of their group-think ))===>>> can i say Jim Jones here?
scary stuff here--- , scary 'heavens gate' type of stuff