posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Styki
reply to post by smurfy
I don't think a "neutral warship" can just sail into Israeli waters.
Israel and Iran both do some egging on but this is more of a shove. Iran is truly pressing the line with this move.
For Israel, this blockade is a defensive military operation. A "blockade-busting ship" is truing to bust a military operation.
I think international waters is the keyword, certainly not Israeli waters. A friendly warship escort is perfectly correct. BTW, The UN consensus is, I
repeat once again, that the blockade is unsustainable, that makes it illegal in international law. A blockade busting ship carrying the correct
papers, (even if the blockade is legal) and that has a friendly neutral warship escort should not be intercepted. This blockade has been declared
illegal, before and since the Israeli attack on the flotilla, that makes things even worse. Either Israel is part of the UN or it is not, and for too
long they have, used or ignored their role in the UN as it suits. It would be nice also that some people would understand the Iran is not an Arab
country, they are Persians and they have no particular friends in the Arab world, but that is relatively recent history going back just a few
millennia. There is much evidence that Arabs, Persians and Jews are common to one another if you go back even further. It probally makes the unsettled
land of Palestine an entitlement to all these groups, but that also means none of them are entitled to land grab.