posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:31 AM
You know, Ghost Hunters did their Halloween special in I believe it was 2008 and declared that this home was pretty high up there on their meters.
Based on what I felt there, I believe it. It's built on top of the bodies of soldiers from a battle in the civil was that the owner/builder refused
to have consecrated.
While there, at the start of the tour and before I had any clue of the history, my feet burned and my throat kept closing, which is very weird for me,
as I don't typically have physical effects from places that are high in activity, mainly I just get a sharper sense of what's about to happen.
As I said before, I will never go there again. In general Savannah felt really full of "ghosts" to me. It's an odd feeling. The most peaceful place
we visited there was St Bonaventure Cemetery.