This thread scares the crap out of me. I blogged about a dream like this, in 2008. I copied and pasted it here. Im sure you could go find this just
to prove I wrote it 2 years ago, but just take my word for it and dont stalk me ok?
EDIT: forgot to add that when someone mentioned Tsunami dream, it brought back a memory of a Tsunami dream I had, I dont know why I had forgot about
it until that point.....I distinctly remember surviving a tsunami with some family members in this dream. weird.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Current mood: geeky
So the other night, I had this weird dream. it was like the #ing apocolypse. it was the first actual nightmare i had in a long time.
it started out with me and some of my family hanging out, looking into the backyard of my cousins house - but it had been transplanted to NY, instead
of being here in virginia. all of a sudden, like fighter jets fly overhead. and then this train comes barrelling down the tracks that had magically
appeared next to this house. but this train was significant, it was all military-like and had more jets flying over it/with it. they were trying to
protect this train that was running from something.
so we were all creeped out - and then the sky begins to darken, turning all red and black and burnt umber. in the distance appears this convoy of
vehicles, and there is this guy, he is leading them. it was just like Lord Humongous out of "The Road Warrior." We were upstairs, watching this
out of a balcony, and i ran downstairs to tell my mom, but I couldnt make her understand what horribleness as happening. Suddenly, a warning came
over the radio or television that everyone should evacuate. Some of my family wanted to stay in NY, but I was trying to get everyone to go to Canada,
and to leave that very instant, but no one would listen to me. i was becoming desperate trying to convince them of impending doom.
I cant explain how horrible this Lord Humongous impostor was. you guys know me, im a big, tough guy, i aint afraid of nothing! but i was fearful of
this man, this thing, this evil monster without a face. afraid of the way the sky darkened and the clouds became a swirling mess of nonsense was
something i had never ever seen, even in my hallucination-filled vision history. it was indescribable - i wish you could have seen it. i was
seriously afraid (especially of something that could control the sky like that), strange feelings that send the tingles down your spine.
so as i mentioned, i was trying to warn people, to no avail. and the harder i tried, the more frustrating it was as no one listened. i was pleading
with someone, saying "I cant understand what is going on right now, the difference between reality and fantasy...' and you know how you talk in your
sleep and wake up in the middle of it? i woke up saying "reality and fantasy" out loud, and sort of noisily. luckily no one was around to hear my
nonsense. the end.
[edit on 21-6-2010 by aching_knuckles]