posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 03:09 PM
I think i spotted a smoking gun
At the start they showed four guy that were doing some fishing near the side of the rig in a little motor boat and they made a dash for saftey when
they heard some type of gas presure blowing something up on the rig.
Trouble is they were fishing in broad day light and it was dark when the rig blew up from what i remember.
They mentioned Haliburton but not Golden-Ball-Sacks or that the chemical used to clean up the spill has been banned in most parts of the world.
Bp did not own the rig, the Bop, the oil and all the workers seemed to be american and yet Bp is being singled out on this one
it looks like the major Bp error was due to not fixing the Bop and then allowing Haliburton to do a bodge job on cementing the drill and they would
had known about the defective Bop and knew just how to turn that to an advantage.
Note they have opened a criminal investigation in to all companies that were involved so lets put that down to public presure haveing at least some
Someone has clearly told the clean up workers not to comment but they are on a good screw anyway because many are only doing a few hours work each
[edit on 21-6-2010 by LieBuster]
[edit on 21-6-2010 by LieBuster]