From time to time I have experienced different variations of sleep paralysis, from the type that begins when one slips into slumber to the type that
ends as one slowly awakens. I have even been able to encourage some with a breathing technique or simply just by relaxing. All of these however share
a similarity, that is, they all coincide with a dream or phantom, that make the overall experience quite disturbing.
Those that begin as I, or my body alone, drift to sleep, leaving my mind exposed to reality without the aid or defense my constitution, inspire a
dreadful sense of helplessness, but grant me enough latitude to shake myself awake; or they end abruptly since in such a state I cannot fall or remain
Those that begin when sleep ends are not so determinable, and usually repeat an event a few times over before I fully awaken; that is, for example, I
may hear someone knocking upon my door, wake enough to realize that there is no one knocking, and drift to sleep only for the knock to occur again. I
am unsure if an event like this qualifies as sleep paralysis, but the mind is surely awake as the body sleeps when this occurs.
This morning I experienced what I can only describe as a combination of sleep paralysis and a day dream. I was laying in bed and thought myself to be
awake. There was a tug upon the blanket covering me - which I thought nothing of at the time even though I was alone. I pulled the blanket back and,
moments later, the blanket pulled away from me again, but more forcefully and further off my body. At this point it occurred to me what was occurring,
that I might have been dreaming, and woke myself (which was simple being partially awake as it happened), frightened that whatever was pulling the
blanket would become angry and start pulling on me next. When I woke up, I found that the blanket was not even on me, but on the opposite side from
which it was pulled.
I've had many of these experiences that range from scary to strange, with one of the strangest being a stream of electricity entering my mind through
my forehead. The sensations that brought about were quite unusual and memorable.
I thought I would share my story and add to the collection of experiences here in the Philosophy and Metaphysics forum. I'll add to this thread as,
or rather after, the sleep paralyses occurs.