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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:50 PM
It's kind of like every subject that is perhaps a little off mainstream topics that's typed into a search engine will eventually lead you here...

So like the others I lurked around and used the site as a tool delve deeper into the subjects that cross my interest. What astounded me was how much information users bring to this site and how much of a tool in the fight against ignorance and suppression this place really is. I am amazed. Bravo people of the internet.

But going into why i will be discontinuing my lurking status... Two things really and I am sure it's the same for a lot of others here.
1) Delving as deep as you can into most subjects will eventually lead you to a brick wall in information. Sometimes strange... and here it seems like people will tend to help if its a worthy investment of thought.
2) because every once and a while I had something good to contribute and I wasn't signed up so I couldn't.

Myself, direction of thought

I was never much into the internet for the most part, I own a TV but its for a VCR. I love going places and doing things. Meeting people, making money, building my name, my image, and all that go into the physical world.

But one thing that recently struck me- all these people, who I suppose in terms here on the internet would be, 'waking up'. Because I was never asleep. I could see at a young age the structure of the system, and the older I got the more the pattern was easy to see around me.

Another thing is because I really don't talk much about conspiracies or politics with most people, I really had no clue that so much of the population was 'asleep'. In the past few months after being unable to find work I began just bringing up everything I could out of boredom to everyone who would talk to me. And wow, everyone I know must be blind!!!!

What most people see is just what they are told. And that statement doesnt even make sense, because its beyond ignorance and blindness... I can plainly see what is going on in the world and I didnt need the internet to search for it. The majority of the population is unaware of almost everything.

A friend once told me that this is the first time in history there have been so many people upset by whats going on, and also at the same time the first time in our short history there have been so few speaking out....

So I thought I'd get with the program where I can. 'If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem'... There is no neutral ground!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember that, unless you are from Switzerland.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Hello, welcome to ATS!

Nice introduction there. It's quite true what your friend said about so many people being upset, but so few speaking out.

Well, I hope to see you around on the boards!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:58 PM
Well done intro!

I myself have created a thread about something, googled for information and been lead back to here which I giggled about.

ATS is a massive and encompassing community and with so many critical, vast and talented minds in one place online you are bound to eventually add your side to their collective intellect. Well I tried not to get sucked in but did anyway.

Ever need anything don't hesitate to give me a shout!

Feel free to share your ideas, opinions and thoughts because that's what makes ATS, ATS. I find myself amazed at times at the amount of members here that can really get me to think about something as compared to the rest of society.

Hope to see ya around!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 02:05 PM
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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Agreed this is by far one of the BEST sites out there. there is so much helpful info here it is amazing, but there are some people here that are trolls and trying to disinform so watch out. I hope to see some good threads from ya.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by America?]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:58 PM
Yup this place is awesome

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