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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by ccsct203


Shakedown? You silly conservatives love to redfine words, don't you?

A shakedown would go like this

Obama: Give me 20 billion, BP!
Obama:Because im bigger than you and because i said so.


What happened in this case, the case that you're so desperately avoiding (you people have a funny way of doing that)

Is this:

Obama: Citizens in the gulf of mexico have lots billions, because of your negligence, BP. You will set a fund aside in escrow to help pay them back for the life of theirs that you've ruined

BP: Okay, here's 20 billion

Note - no where did BP say "i'll see you in court"

I mean honestly, what goes through the pea sized brain of someoen like Rush Limbaugh or one of his many "babies"?

Do you people legitimately think that Obama pulled a gun, held it to his head, said "Sign this paper or i will kill you right here in this office"?

And then they signed it and decided to NOT FIGHT IT IN COURT?

Listen to yourselves.


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:36 AM
this is a case of the black rooster coming home to roost. obama is a product of your racist and criminal actions. barack obama hasn't forgotten barry obama. i'm sure he's been called n-gger a few times and he can sense that you dumb n-gger look he must of gotten more than a couple of times from southerners. and it doesn't get much southern than louisiana. the only ones that can defeat the united states is the united states and you're doing a better job than russia, iran and china combined. all your enemies including the europeans are kicking back with 35hr work weeks, universal healthcare and an average lifestyle that makes middleclass america look like homeless people. you're a nation of selfish and greedy people indifferent to the sufferings of others who whine and cry into your iphones. global domination in any form will always fail and destroy the nation that tries to accomplish it. america is no different than any empire in history. you're prolonging the inevitable. many people in your country especially the people you vote to rule you have to be arrested and put in prison to end this smog of oppression that is choking the life and joy of the average person. not just in your country but the world that the united states exports its influence.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Snarf

What happened in this case, the case that you're so desperately avoiding (you people have a funny way of doing that)

Is this:

Obama: Citizens in the gulf of mexico have lots billions, because of your negligence, BP. You will set a fund aside in escrow to help pay them back for the life of theirs that you've ruined

BP: Okay, here's 20 billion

Actually it went more like this:

Obama: BP, WE'RE SCREWED!! Let's go ahead and set aside enough money to live on after the fallout from our criminal negligence is discovered. We'll take 20 billion, put it in an escrow fund run by a third party obligated to no one, and let it draw interests for 4 years!!

BP Great idea!!!!!

I really hope when the elites house of cards does catch fire and falls down, that they are caught inside trying to stuff their pockets with money.. =P

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by FearNoEvil
reply to post by nikiano

I agree with everything in your OP.

I expected his socialist agenda but I am very disappointed in the way he has handled the oil disaster. I think he needs to let Gov. Jindle tutor him.

I think Gov. Jindal has exhibited what a president should look like during a regional/national disaster.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by FearNoEvil]

Yeah, and when Jindal wanted to build sand barriers to prevent the oil from ever reaching the shores what did the Obama administration do? Prevent him from doing so for quite some time because they needed to do an "environmental impact" study - not that the oil itself would have some totally devastating environmental impact in and of itself! Then of course he could have accepted skimmers and booms from the Dutch three days after the blow out, but no, he refused that help because he didn't or wouldn't waive the Jones Act (which prevents foreign ships from going from port to port in the US).

So no, he couldn't really go down there and plug the hole himself, but there surely were some other decisions he could have made (or not made) that would have given much more of a leg up on keeping the oil from the shores and getting it cleaned up more quickly.

And silly me, I used to think Clinton was the worst president I'd ever seen - boy what I wouldn't do to replace this dingbat with 'ol Willie.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:47 AM
well he said everything would be ok if he just could be on oprahs show again she was so kind and probably got him elected but she didnt give me any advice on all these decisions she didnt tell me about i've asked my wife but she just keeps tending to the white house garden now i've asked the advice of my closest friends al sharpton and nancy pelosi but they dont seem to have anymore leadership skills than i do i dont know what to do maybe i should just go vacation again and drag down the middle class with some more taxes when i get back

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by dovdov
Obama has been in office less than two years, yet he has passed more legislation to help the people than W did his entire eight years.

I'm a people. When will he get around to passing any legislation (not a function of the Executive branch, btw) to help me? Got a timeline anywhere?

Carter presided over a great economic downturn following the fiasco that was Nixon and Ford, but is now considered a great statesman and wise mediator.

By who? Iranians, Palestinians, and Panamanians, maybe? Certainly not by any Americans of my acquaintance. Not even the leftists I know have the temerity to make THAT claim. Not even (or maybe 'especially') the ones who had the misfortune to live through his fiasco of an administration, like I did.

It HAS been said, with a great deal of justification, though, that Carter was the best President Panama EVER had!

However, I think that particular comparison of yours is apt. I can't see much real difference between Obama's actions in selling out America and Carters actions in selling out America. I've never referred to either one as 'President', and don't suppose I ever will, unless I catch one of them acting Presidentially. So far, that hasn't happened for Carter, and I can't really see it as ever happening for Obama, based on his performance of late - say, the past 2 years or so.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by WXBackdoor

You people are ready to blame your president for everything bad happening in the world "Just Because".

He's not 'my' president. You can have him, okay?

A question for all of you Anti-Obama sheeps :What have you done to help your country , eh? (Apart from sitting on your butts all day irrationally complaining about your president)

Shed blood, both my own and the enemy's. What have YOU done to help your country (apart from sitting around on your butt all day irrationally supporting this failure)?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

tip of the hat to you i work at dfw as flight line mechanic i've watched generations of families sent over seas on north american and omni and ata when bush was in office i use to see a bunch of stripes around sending them off and few times laura bush would pass through the place and george would show up to welcome them home but some times he would get some catcalls and the media would be right there to cover it but where's the media now obama and his mama haven't showed up once in 19 months i think they're just quality people to the core don't you think we should go blind into the night and follow their leadership not!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Snarf

OMG the billions in escrow won't cover the dent on the fender of the wreck.

You are thinking small like this episode between bp and obamanination has planned.
this disaster is priceless. Beyond trillions of dollars. Extinction of species from the face of the earth. The end of generations of a way of survival from natural resources.
The end of Florida as a vacation and retirement location.

Billions are letting them off with a wrist slap!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Obama is doing what Obama is supposed to do. Disassemble this country!

Think about it. The choices of the last election. An grinning idiot or a megalomaniac. These were presented to the American people as the best to lead this nation.

I didn't vote. I chose not to because I saw this election as the elite's way of shoving it in your fact that no matter what you choose we will get our way.

The parties are all entangled into the web of corruption and who has had the money since Napoleon's fall at Waterloo ? Ya none other than Rothschild family.

Let me ask you a real question. If Rothschild family bought up all of England's production for penny's on the dollar after their false rumor of Napoleon winning the battle, Do you think they stopped there?
Did they keep using their jump in finances to control more of the world and do nothing since 1815 that will not lead to a profit?

* Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855): Frankfurt
* Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774–1855): Vienna
* Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836): London
* Calmann Mayer Rothschild (1788–1855): Naples
* Jakob Mayer Rothschild (1792–1868): Paris

The Rothchilds had banks in france england

Original gun runners and financiers. They are still working today but with 100x the finances and connections..LoL
If you dont get it now you should just party get married and have kids

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:03 AM
He isn't completely useless.
After all, the flies like him. as do the rats and moles.
Worst President EVER!!!! Sorry, Community Organizer.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Ok, I'm going to go one step beyond saying he's worthless and incompetent. This is NOT presidential. This is treason. I am now thinking Obama WANTS to ruin America. I am now thinking we have elected a treasonous president, determined to bring us down from within.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by nikiarno]

Treason, huh? Your assertion that the President should receive the death penalty has been noted and reported. I too took an oath and it involved reporting crimes. To not do so is misprison of a felony.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:09 AM
Sure, Obama is a turd, like many turds before him. However, he is just the front man, the talking head we get to see on Tv.
What really matters and is of greater importance, are the people behind the scenes, the ones that REALLY make policy and give the President the material to be pushed forward.

Obama, like those before him, only got to be president with the blessing of those who created him and will serve his time in office doing the bidding of the paymasters... if he knows what's good for him.

The idea that it's the president that makes all the decisions and policies is laughable.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by randomname
this is a case of the black rooster coming home to roost. obama is a product of your racist and criminal actions. barack obama hasn't forgotten barry obama. i'm sure he's been called n-gger a few times and he can sense that you dumb n-gger look he must of gotten more than a couple of times from southerners. and it doesn't get much southern than louisiana. the only ones that can defeat the united states is the united states and you're doing a better job than russia, iran and china combined. all your enemies including the europeans are kicking back with 35hr work weeks, universal healthcare and an average lifestyle that makes middleclass america look like homeless people. you're a nation of selfish and greedy people indifferent to the sufferings of others who whine and cry into your iphones. global domination in any form will always fail and destroy the nation that tries to accomplish it. america is no different than any empire in history. you're prolonging the inevitable. many people in your country especially the people you vote to rule you have to be arrested and put in prison to end this smog of oppression that is choking the life and joy of the average person. not just in your country but the world that the united states exports its influence.
Believe it or not YOU are the one that is perpetuating racism HERE and if you act the same way in real life as you do on the internet, in the outside world, too. You are making a case that is blown way out of proportion, and giving time to a side of our culture that should be ignored. The more play you give it, the more fuel you add to the fire.
Let racism die as it should, don't fan the flames.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:28 AM
The world sees Obama as an amateur President.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:28 AM
I observed President Obama after leaving the briefing with the alphabets and he was visibly shaken.

That was back when he was president elect.

Anyhow I believe that the doctrines upon which this country, the United States of America, have implemented decades ago are pushing policy.

The President, whoever he is, is locked into these actions via the layers of bureaucracy placed into to force by the agendas of who ever writes the laws.

So in essence those who have written the US laws in the past 70 years, which was not your government for the most part as they do not even read these laws, they also understand these laws as well as their intent and so the United States of America has imprisoned itself via its own laws by allowing other interests other then the peoples interests to write and interpret these so called laws.

lol Their is very little hope. You are a product of your own inaction.

President Obama is a fall guy in my opinion. I never supported him, I was more of a McCain guy or a RP guy but in no fashion can you rationally blame President Obama for the fall of America.

President Obama is not America you all are as a group. Everybody needs to look in the mirror and understand that they have allowed themselves to become who they have become.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by whiteraven]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by WXBackdoor

You people are ready to blame your president for everything bad happening in the world "Just Because".

He's not 'my' president. You can have him, okay?

A question for all of you Anti-Obama sheeps :What have you done to help your country , eh? (Apart from sitting on your butts all day irrationally complaining about your president)

Shed blood, both my own and the enemy's. What have YOU done to help your country (apart from sitting around on your butt all day irrationally supporting this failure)?

translation: I don't have anything real to say besides echoing the same crap everyone else says but that's okay because I've killed someone and you haven't. I'll even answer your question in the form of a question, I'm just full of useless posts/thoughts waiting to happen

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Why do the people that criticise obama think bush jr was a better president? How was he better when he allowed katrina to destroy new orleans, allowed 9-11 to happen, pushed the patriot act, pushed for the disasterous department of homeland security?

Its one thing to be critical of a puppet president and its quite another to be hypocritical enough to say one puppet is better than the other puppet.

Corporate puppets are corporate puppets! Why not vote for a smaller(less corrupted) party???????? This "big vs small" government crap is only for the intellectually challenged super-naive.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Everybody needs to be afraid of the building backlash more then anything else.

This has been festering long before President Obama and the blowback could get irrational.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Thank you for recognizing the error of your ways. Now please go forth and de-program all of the mouth-breathing Obamtrons that still believe he is the best thing since the invention of the microwave oven!

Oh I get it. Neocon "uni-brows" breathe through their noses due to their severe neanderthal under-bite.

This thread is little more than a rant. Ripe with political baiting and the usual suspects who enjoy a good old fashioned Anti-Obama circle jerk. But alas, misery loves company.

Back to topic:

Is our President worthless? I suspect not. But only time will tell. Just like history is rewritten all the time. (Bush kept us safe for 8 years?)

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon. "- Napoleon Bonaparte

[edit on 23-6-2010 by kinda kurious]

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