posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:18 AM
Besides what I said before, there is a difference I think between religion and belief.
I believe in God, but I haven't been part of an organized religion for a while now. I still think that God sustains me and that God has a plan for
me. I think that he is still at work in my life. I like to listen to the radio or read the bible for myself.
Since God is everwhere, I think we can worship him everywhere. I don't think I need a building anyway. I like to just be in nature and appreciating
I'm not the kind of person to go door to door professing my faith. If the issue comes up when I am with others, I listen to them and hope they listen
to me.
I am also interested in meditation and I do believe there are some sort of energy centers in the body, and that people an sort of go into themselves
to achieve a higher state of thinking.
In that sense, I may differ from most typical Christians, in that I am interested in what people in some Eastern religions are able to do.
I've had some strange experiences while meditating, and I have had lucid dreams.
Sometimes I feel like I should go to church, but I do realize that there are some corrupt churches and scandals in churches. Some organized churches
are full of people who do nothing but argue or care too much for the personal lives of other people. There are some churches that take one small part
of the Bible out of context, and rule by making people feel guilty for eating a certain food or dressing a certain way.
There are some churches in which the elders only want money and care nothing for the salvation of the members.
I pretty much don't take stock in anything that happens on televised mega churches. Those are the worst I think. God may be at work in some of them,
but I don't know.
Sometimes I hope that people don't look at these mega churches and think these are representatives of real Christians. I don't think God cares what
kind of car you drive or what you wear or even what you eat. The things I think he cares about, no one can see, because it is what you are thinking
and feeling in your heart. The only way you can show this is through your actions, and some people do not behave right way. They show through their
extravagance that they care about worldly goods and love to entertain themselves.
Maybe there are lots of other people like me who aren't regularly attending a church, but still have a belief system.