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Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Well some of what you have said just doesnt add up?
If you really had your laptop confiscated for such issues, I think it would be pretty abnormal for any enforcement officers to not search your house for backed up copies.
It also seems pretty damn "stupid" to carry on about it here, and state you have backed up files. If you are such a serious threat, dont you think that they would be watching you now?
Originally posted by Zeptepi
Wow what an incredibly idiotic thing to do.
First downloading the files (did you try to alter them?) Then you now realize that you just told them that you have backups. My BS METER just broke a new high. Your lack of forethought severely diminishes my desire to read any report authored by you! Good luck!
Is that a knock at your door I am hearing???
Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Wait a sec...before we jump to too many more conclusions, the OP does have a rather long topic about this on ATS. Some of the stuff might be in there? Just saying.
I still want to know what state this was in. Seems more like an FBI than state police thing.
[edit on 21-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]
To avoid any further confusion I'm not dougr or jeffrybinladen for that matter!
Originally posted by havok
Ok. First off. Anyone notice the use of the term "State Police"?
And then the use of the words, "Not from this country"?
Correct me if I'm wrong but State Police are derived from The United States.
Not any other state, or province, or territory.
Bollocks. Pure and simple.