posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Greetings ATS members. My name is Greg; but I will go by the handle of a new name that was given to me, AlSayr. It stands for All Seer; like the
Seer's in the Bible. The difference between a Seer and a Prophet is this. A 'SEER' can see what is happening in the world; however, they are not
usually a mouthpiece for God like a Prophet is. Some Seers are Prophets.
Before you conveniently dispose of me as a religious freak let me show where I am different. I don't believe in the man made institutional Church.
Church comes from the Greek word Ekklesia which means Assembly or Congregation. This is perhaps one of the biggest conspiracies of all time. We
really are just in a group that believes in Jesus Christ, not a Church, but man will have you believe very differently.
I have been lurking here at ATS for over a year now and enjoy the site very much. I look forward to discussing things with you great folks.
*snip* The purpose of this paper is to show that the early translators of the English Bible mistranslated the word "ekklesia" using the English word
"church" instead of "assembly" or "congregation." This translation has helped promote the false doctrine of a universal church and a
hierarchical authority over the local congregation. Showing how this translation has adversely affected the proper understanding of the biblical
doctrine of the church will demonstrate the absolute necessity of translating the text literally and rejecting the influence of any particular
church's theology. *snip*
AlSayr - Yeah - I did numerology on this name after it was given to me, it comes out as 21, how weird is that?