posted on Mar, 13 2003 @ 11:20 PM
Lets see, you claim that I like to attack you? Hmmmm.... Lets see, in the space of this thread you have labeled me bafoon, arrogant, air head, and
piss poor at geology and firearms (I may well be missing one or two).
Tell me ATS, can anyone say HYPOCRITE?
But back to the main point, is my CSM says, 7.62mm can do this, that's what I said, you say I'm wrong I show you a website that backs it up and now
you attack me? Posted by hammerite
Yes I do say its wrong. Why? Whoever this guy is has no supporting evidence other than a couple of handdrawn sketches... I have 3 decades of solid
personal experience saying that the 7.62mm round WILL NOT do what you claim it will!
Can you get a 7.62mm to flip on a bone? Anything is possible. I had it happen on a Moose at 120 meters when it hit a shoulder bone (the whole bone was
as thick as a mans thigh) Will it fishhook inside a persons torso? Not a chance.
my CSM killed plenty of people to damn well know first hand what the 7.62mm round CAN do. Posted by hammerite
I have a coworker who is a retired USMC scout sniper... I called him up for just this post. For the record, he claims over a dozen kills in Somalia
using an M-25 at between 600-800 meters, and at least half a dozen kills in Panama with a Rem 700 .300WinMag out to 1000 meters. He has a good bit of
experience with the M-16A4 (hates it about as much as I do, although he does own an AR-15, totally custom built though). He echos my sentiments,
7.62mm does NOT fishhook inside a torso. Also, when asked what he would use if the $h@t hit the fan, excluding his sniper rifles, he indicated the
FNFAL 7.62mm, due to enhanced penetration, range, and overall stopping power. (Not to mention far better reliability than the M-16)
my source I gave to you said it has 6inches of penetration before the shockwave causes it to tumble. 6inches is USUALLY thicker than most anyone.
Posted by hammerite
Would be a really damn skinny guy.... also, what about cross torso shots? Shots at an up or down angle? What if he were bent or leaning one way? The
shockwave is what causes the temporary crush channel, causes severe internal laceration and hemmorage, but does NOT flip the bullet or make it curve
inside the body. IF that were so, why dont we have ANY photos of it doing so in ballistic gellatin?
You'd be amazed how fast your emotions can "tumble" out of control when you try to argue a point that you are not necissarily correct on. Posted
by hammertie
Your absolutely correct... would this be an explaination why you are now stalking me on all threads?
Sniping (which seems to be your preferred way of fighting) is nearly useless on the battle field. Posted by hammerite
Please reread the paragraph regarding my associate... he fell out of his chair laughing when he read this statement of yours....
A minigun will make short work of a platoon, a snipper, would be lucky to kill 6 before he is blasted out of his hole by a mortar or grenade Posted by
My associate loved this statement as well.... anyone with even the slightest hint of combat knowledge would know the fallacy of this statement...
First rule of modern combat, DO NOT BUNCH UP. You stay spread out, very dispersed so that a large number is not taken out by a machine gun or other
concentrated firepower.
He also wanted me to relate a story from Panama... Upon making landfall on the beach, his force recon platoon progressed less than 300 meters from the
beach when they were ambushed by Panamanian forces on two sides. His platoon was forced to litterally dig foxholes under fire (since cover was
virtually nonexistant where they were) while he largely suppressed the enemy with his sniper fire (fortunately, the enemy forces were not very
substantial, and lacked such things as mortars, but they were being fired upon by 3 GPMGs) Although he was pinned down under heavy fire, with 3
machine guns in superior positions, he was able to kill all 3 machine gun crews, thereby allowing his platoon to break cover and make it into the tree