posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:26 AM
What in the hell gives a small handful of individuals the right to decided what is right for the rest of the human beings on this earth? They are no
different or better than us when it comes down to the simple fact that we are all human beings. Now, do not tell me, "Oh, but we voted these
individuals in to guide and lead us." No, we in fact did not. This system was in place far before any of us were born. We were conditioned to
believe that the system is the only way of life. We have been taught in school that they way things are is the way things HAVE to be in order to
maintain order and to keep the world running. That is just utter crap. There are a group of individuals that decide every aspect of your life, and the
thing that worries me is that people are O.K. with that.
They have taken away from us everything that it means to be human. Let me take you back to the time of tribal natives here in this land before the
Europeans arrived and committed genocide on a mass scale in order to obtain what was not rightfully theirs. When those natives were hungry, they would
go and hunt something. If they needed clothing, they skinned a buffalo and made covering with the furs and hide. If they needed shelter, they cut down
trees. If they wanted to learn a skill, they would become an apprentice of an elder or master.
Nowadays in this bar-less prison, if you need clothes, you must BUY them (unless you really do make your own, which is highly improbable). If you need
food, you must BUY it (unless you grow your own, which is very uncommon). If you need shelter, you must pay rent, mortgage. If you want education or
to learn a skill, you must PAY for it. Now what do you use to buy all of the above mentioned? MONEY. Their money. The money that you have been told
has worth. Without this money, you cannot eat, have clothing. See my point? Now the folks down here in the lower classes do not have very much of this
money because it is all up there, with them.
There are more of us than there are of them. And to be quite frank, I am sick of them. We all sit here and read and post and complain and read some
more and complain some more and nothing ever happens. We are all still victims of this system. We all know things are not right. We have all read at
least ONE story of a corrupt government official embezzling money from the tax payers. There hundreds, if not thousands of stories like that out
there, and possibly thousands more that have not been brought to light of the public. I for one am sick of being broke and working my ass off just so
the guys upstairs and keep going to the bank.
We all know about 9/11 and how things certainly do not add up about it. We all know that it is blood for oil in the middle east. So my question to you
guys is, why the hell are we not getting physical? We all know that peaceful protest DOES NOT WORK. Holding up signs and marching around chanting what
is on our minds has done NOTHING!! And want to know something? It NEVER will. If all of this took place lets say in medieval Europe, the government
would have been overthrown after the smallest slip up.
[edit on 21-6-2010 by KillenfizzenHumboflorator]