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LOTS OF PICS: Death in Memphis, maybe everywhere else too.

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:20 PM
Well I rarely decide it is worth it to make a thread but I felt that this topic is extremely important, the outcomes could consist of the most violent of social ramifications, hunger, crime, rioting, starvation, sickness, displacement, enslavement.

I would hope that those who wanted to know my background would first check my introduction post, however hopes do not always last so I will give a brief surmise of myself to give the reader a fuller idea of the situation:

I was born in the Middle East nearly 45 years ago and I moved here when I was 5. I am a citizen and have been since my 18th birthday when I had to make the choice of naturalizing or claiming my heritage. I went to work for the DOD when I was almost 19 as a translator and ended up a lot more after my 27 years in the department. During and after I gained a PHD in Genesynthesis, I might not specialize in plants however 9 years of biology leads to a rudimentary understanding.

Understand that this is not a “Gulf oil is killing everything” thread but neither is it ignore the pretty scary evidence and condemn us to damnation thread.

Now that all the disclaimers and introductions are out of the way I will quickly throw you into pictures from my area, these come from two locations roughly 15 miles apart from each other on opposite sides of Memphis Tennessee. After you view the pictures and a video that has been posted many times before, but I would like an ease of information for some of our short attention span members so I will post it here, following will be a description of the situation and a few links.

Here is the damage to the roots.
These two images show boil like effects on this particular plant
Close up of the boils


Many threads before me have stated there seems to be a complete or near media blackout dealing with the ordeals of the oil spill. I have information that cannot be corroborated because it comes from the sources themselves who have been discouraged from going to the media, who seemingly has been discouraged from seeking out specific stories.

I still have contacts at a local university who do atmospheric monitoring above Memphis, one of which approached me last week wanting to quickly talk to me about something. We met at a local coffee shop and he quickly told me that he was worried over a 3% oxygen drop that has occurred in the last week, with a replacement of extremely harmful chemicals, which he would not tell me because he was scared. I of course asked him why he would not tell me the specifics; his response was that he had to sign a NDA back in April and if “they” found out he had violated it “they” would take EVERYTHING he had and remove him from his job. Considering this is a friend I did not push the issue, however I do not have the ability to test this myself and further contact to those that do might result in unwanted results.

The link shows a video of a recent event that escaped the filter, it was originally reported by Bachrk and the situation has since worsened. I called Wilder Farms last week to see if I could get an update on the information provided from the news video. They were not very happy to talk with me about it, and when I asked how everything was going and if there was anything that was helping their situation they quickly got upset, their response to my question was “We have already lost 70% of our crops what could help us out now?”

I posted a response on a thread by boondock-saint to try and help his case, however I felt that it needed its own thread. He seems to be having the same problems in NC, which is not exactly close to Memphis. Also in a thread it was mentioned that someone in Missouri is having the same issues. We have dead birds, trees turning brown and dyeing, marks appearing on bark and roots, boils and burn marks appearing on small plants, cars are rusting, I know several peoples dogs who are becoming sick.

I do not know what is causing this but it appears to be affecting a wide swath of this country and for us it started about 3 weeks after the oil leak. I have watched carefully and the only bugs I see on the plants are those that are eating the already dyeing tissue, I do not see any eggs, and there is very little mold which could be caused by the weakened immune system in the plants anyway. I will take pictures soon of the rusted cars and if more pictures are needed of the plants I might take some for that as well. However I will not be doing any work on it past next Friday because my family and myself are moving as far north as possible.

If this indeed starts killing all the crops off I do not need to go into gory details of what that will do to this economy and the people. Whatever is happening is getting worse by the day, and not just “oh I see a few more holes” bad but “oh wow that dog is being eaten by a bird in the middle of that persons yard” worse.

We do not want to stick around to see everything die here and if evacuations do happen we do not want to be considered “refugees” and be herded into camps. I will answer any question I can because I want to find out what is causing this before it is too late for those that will continue living here.

EDIT: Well I did not leave enough room to add updated information, so please look through the post for new sources.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:22 PM
Someone a little paranoid.

Why didn't you just post one or two good pics and not so many??

This is common during the summertime for plants to experience. It's not because of "oil" wake up!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:23 PM
ummm these are normal issues with various plant bugs, and parasites......

while im sure there are some "unknowns" as to whats going to happen with the BP oil spill...........

This just seems a little exaggerated , and paranoid........nothing to see here

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:28 PM
Is that marijuana in the 4th pic? I'm no expert on the plant nor do I have much experience at all with it, but it kind of looks like it. Is it?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Shine71

No I do not believe so but I hardly think that is important, I am not a botanist I do not know what any of these plants are or what their properties hold.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:38 PM
Your concern is obviously sincere. I thank you for both your concern and your attention to stressors that our plants [and food crops] may [or not] suffer as a result of the GoM incident. We must all pay attention, hopefully for naught, but still, we *should* pay attention.

I agree with the posters stating this particular bit is a natural occurrence, however I still say a thank you for looking and a thank you for giving us a potential heads-up. And, last but not least, a thank you for availing yourself to the aggregated knowledge of what is ATS: the "hive mind" if you will.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:43 PM
This has already been addressed in another thread. The images are of insect/fungal damage.

if you are truly concerned, stick a cup outside and collect the rain water, and have it tested.

Do an image search of leaf damage from insects or fungus.
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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Shine71

No. Canadian here, we know our stuff
it's not the happy plant.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Shine71

Lol, no. Marijuana leaves are serrated on the sides, not rounded.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Geeky_Bubbe

I generally pride myself on observation and it has been my best skill throughout my careers, saying this I have never seen this on the scale that it is happening now. There is literally no tree or plant unaffected by this years "usual occurrence", and yes animals die as a part of the normal earth process, however in the past week I have had two birds fly into my car and there are an abnormal amount of creatures acting "confused".

I can say that it is worse this year hands down, having lived in memphis off and on for 20 years I have never seen it on this level. What you do not see is that a month ago ever greens looking quite healthy from all the extensive rain we have had, and now they are brown and covered in mold and boils.

If this is "normal" well normality has killed an extensive portion of crops from several local farms, and normal has killed the 3 year old boxer across from my office with a mockingbird making lunch of it.

I appreciate the nice remarks but a little more science in my debunking would be great.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:54 PM
A lot of what you are showing in the pics, look like fungus that attacks plants, not oil based or any sort of problems. Have you consulted a botanist and taken samples to have them tested as to what the actual problem is? The reason why I ask, is that Tennisee is no where near the gulf coast and right now, it makes no sense that you would see that near by. I do know that it has been humid and a lot of rain in the area, that would cause a growth of molds and such that would attack a plant and kill it.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Aziroth
reply to post by Geeky_Bubbe

I appreciate the nice remarks but a little more science in my debunking would be great.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

A little more science in theory might help. :-)

Well, I and others have offered the best opinion we can give from the handful of photos provided. You have given no evidence of the large crop failures you just alluded to. Feel free to provide the evidence. In the meantime, as a long-time gardener/farmer not too far from your region (WNC), i can say the photos you have provided look completely normal.

Did you post this here looking for honest input? Or just out of knee-jerk hysteria? Because you seem to be disregarding the informed advice out-of-hand when it is offered.

Take a look at the many photos available online of the EXACT same sort of leaf damage from common pest and fungal problems. My alder died two years ago from a fungal disease. Its COMMON. I have a Maple in the Front yard at the moment with a mite infestation causing red dots on many leaves. NORMAL.

go outside and collect the rain water and so a simpel PH test. Thsi will prove FAR more effective than photos that show common insect and fungal damage.

be well.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:00 PM
This vid discusses it. Pretty alarming.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Aziroth

best wishes on your thread but after my thread
fell of a cliff, I hope yours does better

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by justadood

I appreciate the responses, but I want more than "opinion". There is a link I attached of a video that shows the early stages of the crop problems and even in the video they said they are worried about their entire crop.

I do not want "knee-jerk" reaction just responders who read my entire thread and respond based on science and knowledge, not backwards reasoning and "common sense" that can change depending on mood and food.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I have no hopes that it will do any better, but I wish that somewhere in here there will actually be a kernel of truth that will shine a light on the reasons this is happening on such a massive scale.

reply to post by yuefo

Originally posted by yuefo
This vid discusses it. Pretty alarming.

And thank you I did not know how to embed the video, we will see if it works better for those who do not click links.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Aziroth

Fair enough. I offered my opinion as a long-time farmer and gardener in your general region. I did read the entire thread, as well as the entire other thread where this was brought up.

I HAVE NOT said this sint happening. What I have said is, in my experience, the images you have provided are 'proof' of nothing. Do the ph test. It is SIMPLE and EASY. ou can buy a ph test at any local hardware store.

I ABSOLUTELY think we will see MAJOR problems due to all the corexit being dumped int eh atmosphere via planes. And the video posted seems to imply that they are beginning to see evidence of that in the mississippi region.

But you posted pictures that basically look like insect and fungal damage. Watch the video, that was the farmer's first assumption as well. It is the most logical conclusion to come to.

Until you post more than a couple images from some leaves, you arent going to 'convince' too many people.

Provide more evidence if truth is your real objective.

Have you looked in a pest management book yet? Done any google image searches?? Can you see why some would say 'normal pest damage'? Or are you already CONVINCED and just posting here to stir up hysterics. I would think if you were interested in discovering the truth, you wouldnt be so combative when experienced farmers offer their perspective

Be well, friend. I hope for all our sakes you are wrong.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Aziroth

Yes, unfortunately those that understand exactly what u are saying, are already in complete agreement, as i.
You might be interested in looking at a vid from one of the threads on here where a woman upon leaving the water in a "Mississippi" area, started to show the "same" white blotch, boil/lesion, effect.
Of course also made fun of and ridiculed. Just a sad fact.
And u are correct in all of your assumptions, simply because of the fact that like u or anyone else who has had to rely on there powers of observation to make a living, where a mis-observation meant dire consequences. I guess looking back, this ability which we all have to some degree is like any other muscle and so on and so forth.
Long story short u are right. Maybe someday u may be able to say in all honesty, I tried.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by BobAthome]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:36 PM
Some possibilities to look into

It seems NALCO Corexit is also dangerous to crops.

It seems like damage brought by the oil gusher has spread way beyond the ocean, coastal areas and beaches. Collateral damage now appears to include agricultural damage way inland Mississippi.

A mysterious “disease” has caused widespread damage to plants from weeds to farmed organic and conventionally grown crops. There is very strong suspicion that ocean winds have blown Corexit aerosol plumes or droplets and that dispersants have caused the unexplained widespread damage or “disease”.


* Chemical leak at Lucite plant on Highway 51 and Fite Road
* Sulfur Trioxide vapors escaped silo
* Highway 51 back open but many still evacuated


posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by justadood

I am hardly being combative, I am sorry if it appears that way; in my field persistence and authority are required. I will gladly take a Ph test to the rainwater when the earth is so inclined next to give me some, and if it is required I will show you thousands of pictures from all across the tristate area to prove the supreme level of destruction these natural things have caused.

And yes I have indeed looked in pest control manuals, talked to professors and colleagues at my work, and consulted.... online sources. It could appear to be normal however here are some easy pics I found that show a different story

These are all pictures of acid rain damage which looks considerably like the damage in my pictures, Mr boondock-saint, and the crop death video. Also the following link is from the EPA about acid rain, and the fact that it can be easily remedied in crop fields when farmers add nutrients to the ground. Since you have such posted about yours and other farmers intense knowledge of acid rain and natural occurrences it would go to show that the farmers in the videos too have added fertilizers, and to no avail, would also suggest that the levels of acid rain would be intensive and much more deadly than the usual "high and deadly" amount.


By the way as evidence comes forth I will add it to my OP, thank you for pushing the issue friend as it is helping come closer to the truth.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Aziroth]

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