posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 10:57 PM
The deductions made from a few people state that this whole week, June 20th - June 27th is a 'convergence' of multiple, some related conspiracy
theories regarding many things - operation 'black jack', oil spill-related issues, etc.
People are assuming OP BJ will:
1.) happen exactly as the slideshow portrays
2.) happen exactly the same days/week/year
First, nobody I mean nobody can predict the future. It hasn't happened yet, and each of our actions and thoughts combined determine the outcome of
the world and our future. So, even if someone had an open and shut case proving some evil/elite force is planning such a false flag, there's still no
way to know EXACTLY how it's going to play out.
Secondly, what if the slideshow is referring to June 2011 or June 2012? There's no way to know....IF it were to play out it could be this year, next,
or the one after.
What happens if there are no warnings? What happens if the slideshow was just a ploy and the only thing accurate were the dates, but the year is not
as easily predicted? What happens if a major even occurs after this month, and similar things happen (new laws, new government, etc.) - is it still
relatable back to operation blackjack? maybe, maybe not. What if it's meant for 2012 and 2010 is just a year of economic and currency crisis,
earthquakes, etc. 2011 policy is pushed further and june 22nd 2012 this 'event' occurs? what happens if nothing happens?
People PEOPLE people. I am a firm believer in many 'conspiracy theories' (IE, 9/11 being an inside job manufactured by the bankers to invade
Afghanistan/Iraq, etc.) but one thing I have noticed is that when you focus around dates, or times or whatever is talked about on the internet you
begin to lose focus of the true issues at hand, and can lead you into a spiral of delusions and fear/paranoia of which is not good for ANYBODY.
the # that is taking place in this world makes me sick to my stomach, and has stressed me out to ends in which i am having PHYSICAL problems - lip
rash, headaches, etc. I start getting my mind off the problems, supplement with my *herbs* and some vitamin-B and after a few days I feel right as
rain, no symptoms what-so-ever. stress is KILLER, and worrying about any impending doom does nothing but inhibit your true character from being all
that it can be, literally.
point is - keep an eye out, and if anything EXTREMELY suspicious begins i'm sure someone will already have a thread open on ATS.
worst case scenario:
- false flag/war on USA
- internet and phones down across US by mandate of DHS
- martial law declared
- riots begin, food shortages, utilities begin shutting down until order restored, etc.
best case scenario:
- wars extremely limited across globe
- no false flag
- illegal, unconstitutional bills such as the national security strategy or patriot act begin getting repealed
- end of federal reserve
- elimination of IMF, CFR & Bilderberg groups
- restoration of the Constitution and new, strict limits/rules/laws on capitalism, investments, etc.
now understand there are millions of ways these scenarios can come to fruition, but which one do you think is more than likely going to happen?
the question is not IF, but when, who and how. operation blackjack could be the elite foreshadowing/throwing it in our faces, or could be completely
*FOR THREAD skimmers: OP BJ has no specific year. deductions are being made and people are assuming it will be 2010, if at all. It COULD still be 2011
or 2012.