posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:12 AM
It's been pointed out to me (thanks Kano) that the filenames you have used contain illegal characters, namely the brackets. This causes the script to
fail which is trying to delete these files.
Try to avoid illegal file-names, or ones containing any 'odd' characters. I say 'odd' as I am unaware of the actual limitations of the upload
If not being able to delete the file is really causing you a problem, it may be possible to have it removed for you. If you u2u me your details and
the name of the file, It's possible that I may be able to get it removed. I can't promise, though as (starts guessing) it would probably require
direct access to the ATS database, and I should think that there's only one person that can do that.
[Edited on 13-6-2004 by Zzub]