posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:18 PM
You can add me to the list of those with an excessive fear of Grays. No idea where my fear came from... but, ever since I was a little kid (as far
back as my memories start) I have had a consuming, and seemingly irrational, fear of them.
I remember when I was around 8, I had a bunk bed... I would sleep on the bottom bunk and I would drape sheets all around the frame of the top bunk so
I was completely enclosed in the bottom bunk. Sometimes I would even take one of my brother's baseball bats and keep it under my pillow... I was THAT
afraid of them.
I used to have horrible, horrible nightmares of them... sometimes I remember them screaming at me... they sounded like a cat's growl (when they
scuffle with other cats). I remember waking up many times and feeling this giant vibrating pulse, like gravity was pushing me down into my bed, and it
sounded like a jet engine was right beside me... I couldn't move at all and I would try and scream for my mom, but I couldn't talk. One of my
friends said that sounded like I was waking up during astral projection? I'm still on the fence about astral projection (I believe it and I don't),
but, when I was a kid, I associated those experiences with aliens.
For the record, I don't believe that I have been abducted... at least I don't believe I've ever had any physical interactions with them. Everything
I've experienced relating to them has been in the dream state... but, even still, those dreams, nightmares, have scarred me for life. I'm 25 years
old now, but I am still as terrified of them as when I was a kid. I have a hard time looking at even children's drawings of them... if I catch a
glimpse of the picture, my stomach sinks into my feet. To this day, I still have nightmares of them... just not as often as when I was a kid.
It's funny though... as afraid of them as I am, anytime a show comes on tv about them, a movie about them is released, internet articles, etc., I
have to watch/read it... I can't stay away from them. I know by doing so I will have a few sleepless nights afterwards, but my fear is subdued by my
curiosity for a few minutes and I'm drawn to watch/read. Does anyone else who is terrified of the grays do that as well?