posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 10:20 AM
'This is our world, I am conscious!'
I write to you to help start a world campaign to take back what has been stolen from us; our lives, our houses, our jobs, our voice and our freedom.
If you agree with me that there is far too much pain, greed, corruption, suffering, deceiving, killing, maiming, invading, judging, descrimanting,
bullying, torturing, policing and laughing at our expense.
Then stand up by saying
'This is our world, I am conscious!'
I don't have the resources, the help or the support, only an idea. My idea is simple, make your voice count, one voice doesn't echo an idea but many
voices can. Use the internet as our tool. Make a poster and place it outside. Post a video, write in forums, send people tweets, provide a status
Let us not be scared to rise alone, let us rise together and our idea will be magnificent!
Thank you for listening. E.T