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David Icke is a liar

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 08:50 AM
I used to agree with you OP.

But not any more. I was amongst those laughing at Icke, thinking he was a crackpot etc. Again, NOT any more.

I spent several years of in depth study and reading on occult knowledge and prehistory, including the hidden prehistoric theories. I studied as a lay person, ancient language, symbols etc.

I am not saying that Icke is right about everything, just that I personally believe that he is not far off what is really going on.

Does that make me stupid or gullible?

I hope not, as I did the research, studying and took the time to attempt to prove that he was talking rubbish and I failed to do that.

He does not hate Jews. He exposes those who hate and use the Jewish people for their own ends.

He is not saying that people ARE lizards as such but rather that they manipulated and used by beings from other wavelengths ? dimensions.

Remember, the serpent sybolism of the prehistoric cultures and their stories of the 'serpent / lizard' races who use humanity.

To understand what he is saying you have to go way, way, way back and really study your prehistoric theories, stories, myths, beliefs and languages

I don't claim to be any kind of expert, just a lay person who has taken the time to question and attempt to find out.

David Icke talks a lot of sense.....but like the rest of us is not perfect.

I aceept people still look at him and laugh, but then perhaps they need to ask themselves, who benefits from their ignoring his message and the potential realities or truths he exposes.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Y2Zgt
How does anyone believe any of his garbage? He stole his idea from the television V. I think he is trying to make a resurgence of christians be getting people to believe in evil.

Wake up!

If you actually bothered to look into his work at least a bit, you wouldn't write such nonsense. But it's your life, not mine. Go figure.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:26 AM
How can you not believe evil to exist if it is the polarity of good. There would be no such thing to refer your "good" to then. Unless you trully have no reasoning capability and no brain then you just exist with no morals to guide.

A friend sent me an invite on a website to join a David Icke group and i joined it just to see who he was, and then i got a couple of people trying to find out why i was joining his group. It was a creepy experience like they are keeping an eye on all his followers. If that experience did not creep me out it means whoever doesn't like Icke is onto him. Anyway i left the group as i thought some of his ideas were outlandish especially the reptillian part. There are however malevolent beings that i cannot discount due to a personal experience.

If these people weren't helping in revealing the evil then we would not see that we are walking into their dark thoughts instead of living our light. He is one example of who we all can be if we go within.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Applesandoranges]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:34 AM
Disinfo / discredit thread, nothing to see here.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:35 AM
There are very obviously a number of people here who have read very little David Icke! I would advise all of you to rely on his books and NOT alternative websites (where he has been frequently misrepresented) before judging his work.

A very great deal of the INFORMATION David Icke has published is THE TRUTH. However, as Icke repeatedly admits to his readers, NOT ALL of his CONCLUSIONS will be absolutely correct. He simply states that the broad themes he discusses are correct.

He also repeatedly admits in his books that some of the information may be incorrect due to DISINFORMATION. He can only base his research on the information available and has done so. The only other thing he could do is invent evidence which he hasn't.

David could only have checked every source and snippet of data if he had been limiting his research to a SPECIALISED field. However we need generalists to get an overview of what is happeneing. We can only get that view at risk of presenting some disinformation or innacurrate research. The alternative to this is the same problem we have in science and intelligence communities - extreme compartmentalisation of knowledge leading to nobody having a broad overview of what is going on.

Basically alternative research needs generalists you guys. Give Icke a break. You may not agree that the worlds leaders are reptilian (or reptilian controlled) but I bet you have no evidence to the contrary! Does that make you a liar? No it does not! If some of what you have read or been tought (or published on here for that matter) turns out on inspection to be untrue, would that make you a liar? No it does not!

As I say, Icke admits himself that the sheer volume of information he reviews dictates that it can't all be correct. However, even if you disagree with his conclusions, it is a bit rich to dismiss him as a liar. From where I sit, he may be misinformed to some degree but everything he publishes is with GOOD INTENTION. There is NOTHING wrong in that.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Pimander]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Like I think it was Jim Marrs said, anyone that states publicly that the queen of England is a reptillian is going to bring nothing but bad press to ufology. I personally think Icke is full of BS.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I can remember seeing David on the Wogan Show twenty years ago and really feeling for the guy when he was ridiculed for saying he was the son of God, even as a teenager then i percieved that statement to mean that were all children of God. Then back in 2000 his book The Biggest Secret jumped out (not literally)on me in Waterstones, and i credit this for changing my life and the way i percieve things, i very much doubt if i would be an ATS member now had i not read it., For sure not every thing he says is correct, and yes he does use information from other sources but he always credits his references and i truly believe in my heart that his motives are for good. Im still have trouble with the replitilian thing though but i say go with what you feel in your heart, and i say that Icke's alright.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 03:12 PM
I'm reading David Ike's 'Guide to the Global Conspiracy' a the moment. While some of it is a little wacky, especially the Reptilian bit, there are parts which make a great deal of sense.

With Ike, I think that views seem too polarised. There is a middle ground, where we need to have a ration discussion about the work, not dismiss it out of hand because a few of his ideas are a little bizarre.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Looking_Glass
Disinfo / discredit thread, nothing to see here.

Um, No, Icke does steal people's ideas and make it his own. Anything that becomes popular he will take it and manipulate it.

I still laugh at the OP for his sayings that things that are debunked already like 9/11, Sitchin, giza pyramids, etc.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Pimander
A very great deal of the INFORMATION David Icke has published is THE TRUTH.

Such as?

Originally posted by Pimander
He also repeatedly admits in his books that some of the information may be incorrect due to DISINFORMATION.

So Icke is never wrong; if he is wrong, it's evidence of a conspiracy of deception, proving him right.

Originally posted by PimanderGive Icke a break. You may not agree that the worlds leaders are reptilian (or reptilian controlled) but I bet you have no evidence to the contrary!

Argument from ignorance. Even if there were no evidence to the contrary, it still wouldn't mean his claims are possible, because Icke has no evidence himself.

Fact is though, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Icke has no evidence of his claims, only the claim itself, his entire argument based on a bare assertion fallacy.

Originally posted by PimanderFrom where I sit, he may be misinformed to some degree but everything he publishes is with GOOD INTENTION. There is NOTHING wrong in that.

Are you familiar with what the Road to Hell is paved with?

[edit on 20-6-2010 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Y2Zgt

For what it is worth I don't like Icke, and I believe in aliens and have seen them.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam
Like I think it was Jim Marrs said, anyone that states publicly that the queen of England is a reptillian is going to bring nothing but bad press to ufology. I personally think Icke is full of BS.

Icke is not a ufologist. If you've ever read any of his stuff you would realise that when he talks about reptilians, he believes they are interdimensional beings.

As for thinking Icke means Jews when he says reptilians, he doesn't. Years ago some neo nazis turned up to one of his talks as they believed Icke was refering to Jews, every time he mentionedreptilians....they sadly were disappointed. Some people still think Icke is anti-semitic because a bunch of extremists turned up to see him years ago.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by mithrawept
I'm reading David Ike's 'Guide to the Global Conspiracy' a the moment. While some of it is a little wacky, especially the Reptilian bit, there are parts which make a great deal of sense.



It's OK apart from the alien shape shifting reptilians.....

Okey dokey!!

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Elliot
He is not saying that people ARE lizards as such but rather that they manipulated and used by beings from other wavelengths ? dimensions.

No, David Icke has said people are actually lizard-folk.

From Icke's The Biggest Secret, page 47

The Rockefellers are reptilian full-bloods...

page 295

...often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking human blood and eating human flesh

Page 462

Arizona says that Diana definitely knew that the Windsors were shape-shifting reptilians and Diana's comments to Christine Fitzgerald support this

Originally posted by Elliot
Remember, the serpent sybolism of the prehistoric cultures and their stories of the 'serpent / lizard' races who use humanity.

And that means what?

Many animals can be symbolism and were held in totemic regard throughout the world. The lion and the bear were held in particularly high regard through today. It does not mean the elites were shape-shifting bear and lion people.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat
As for thinking Icke means Jews when he says reptilians, he doesn't. Years ago some neo nazis turned up to one of his talks as they believed Icke was refering to Jews, every time he mentionedreptilians....they sadly were disappointed. Some people still think Icke is anti-semitic because a bunch of extremists turned up to see him years ago.

It is not just that. It is the fact he uses old libels against the Jewish people, replacing them with reptilians in his claims; he cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as being real; he is a holocaust revisionist; and he has explicitly stated a cabal of Jewish-elites is trying to manipulate the world.
Further Reading

[edit on 20-6-2010 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
I think he trying to get money & attention by getting people to be sucked in by his BS.

I think the bbc played a part in this stuff, as its mi5 media. the bbc played a part in his life going this way and he knows it.
I also worked at the bbc and it went bad, and after i went into this stuff.
So who knows what the feck these people at mi5 or such are doing.



You are saying your mind control problems are shared with Icke, as inflicted upon both of you at or by the BBC &/or MI5......

Is that correct?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam
Like I think it was Jim Marrs said, anyone that states publicly that the queen of England is a reptillian is going to bring nothing but bad press to ufology. I personally think Icke is full of BS.


Its people like David Icke that give Ufology a bad name.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:26 PM
I agree that Icke is a marketing commodity. He has far less substance to him than someone like Maxwell. He is intuitive and I think he may have some good things to say but, he's doing what he's doing for a living and so he has to keep refreshing the info to keep generating sales. I think that weakens the legitimacy of his work. He's not a very clear or concise communicator so that works against him. Never the less, I don't think he's completely without good intentions.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I would say that it is incorrect (not to mention rude and inflammatory) to call anyone a liar without proof that he is lying.

If you absolutely, positively "know" without a doubt that no non-human craft ever crash landed at Roswell or anywhere else, and I tell you that I have absolute proof that the US military has knowledge of non-human intelligent beings and is in possession of at least one non-human body part .. well, you'll call me a liar too. I'm not a liar. I know what I know, and if it doesn't fit into your understanding of reality you'll have no choice but to call me either insane or a liar.

You don't know what Icke has seen, or been told by people he trusted and believed. I don't either, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. There are so many possibilities that allow for him to be telling the truth. Not that what he says is the factual truth, but that HE believes it . .which is all that's necessary for him not to be lying.

He could be having hallucinations and not be aware that they aren't real.
He could be honestly falling prey to the hoaxes of others.
He could be suffering from a mental disorder that sometimes makes it difficult or impossible to distinguish real memories from stories, vivid dreams, and even TV programs or books. I knew a man who had it .. you could tell him a story about something and a few weeks later he might "remember" it as a real experience.
He could be being deliberately given disinformation and false evidence as one of many projects to keep the public focused on his theories instead of noticing other things that really are going on.

I could continue with more examples, but you should have the idea by now - there are a myriad of possible scenarios (including, as much as you don't want to consider it, the one in which he's right!) that allow him to be telling the truth as HE sees it, and therefore not be a liar.

Of course, personally I tend to think that your primary purpose with the OP was to start an argument.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Here's is my sense surrounding this David Icke character. If he knows so much about other people being allegedly `reptoids`, perhaps he too could be a `reptoid` himself. After all, it takes one to know one.

I do NOT believe he is a liar. As for him borrowing ideas, where do the rest of us stand as far as sharing unpopular opinions? Who among us really know who David is on a personal level? Not many.

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