reply to post by Romantic_Rebel
Your a little bit off. Removal of a government without alternative is called anarchy. In a "socialist country, the government owns interest in and
heavily regulates industry, banking, commerce, all revenue generating activity. The government redistributes proceeds, via mechanisms such as
healthcare, social security, and welfare or similar programs.
Free markets are eliminated completely, or to a large degree. In other words, your choices are limited.
In a communist country, the government takes complete ownership of most viable commerce entities and removes property rights, other than limited
personal items. Income is derived from the state. Housing belongs to the state. You belong to the state.
We already have a ruling "proletariat". It's called congress. Remember that this country became the wealthiest in the world under limited
government and free markets. Our poor folks own color televisions, cars and cell phones. As govenment involvement increased, our economic fortunes
declined. We now are nearly exclusively a socialist nation on the edge of an abyss.
This government propagandizement that we are all "interdependant", and "responsible for each other" is merely to set the stage for a communist,
or as you know it "progressive" regime. The spirit of american individualism is under assault. Any man who would trade his freedoms to remove a
little risk from his life is a fool, and will never fulfill his potential. He'll never open a business and beat the odds, becoming a billion dollar
entity, employing thousands, paving the way for his employess and their children. He'll never feel the thrill of taking a chance and winning, or of
building character by losing and learning. He'll just go to work, provided he has a job or hasn't been euthanized, do a mediocre job because he
lacks incentive, come home to his government issued housing (projects), watch government run programing touting the benefits of communism, and lead a
misierable existence. No freedom to travel, no expanding the immagination, just tout the government line, work and die.
You see, marxism was disrobed for what it is early in the twentieth century, so it's since been repackaged as "progressivism" (marketing, you
know). Other fun aspects of communism include rules regarding the size of your family (limited resources, you know), genocide ( no dead weight),
endless speeches and statues of and from a guy like...say....Obama, and a ban on religion (don't want anything competing with the state you know).
Then there's the abject poverty a communist country lives in. You'll say China is wealthy and I'll tell you that the chinese middle and upper
classes include less than one percent of the population. You see, the Chinese government controls the image. So if you like misery and don't think
the pursuit of happiness is for you, you'll love communism.
Unfortunately, a large part of the younger people are complete victims of an indoctrination. You've been lied to. You actually think the
progressives have your best interest in mind. Here's what they have in mind. Staying in power, creating the likes of a "thousand year reich", and
redistributing your wealth (what did you think social justice means) to "his people", more or less as a jab at the white collar folks. Of course,
they won't be around to offer you that 100k job, so there is a downside. And if you've worked hard and accumulated any wealth, we'll you probably
exploited black folks or illegal immigrants somewhere along the way, so we'll be needing that back.
Progressive's like Obama never understood that we don't care what color somebody is, we're too busy living our lives and working hard. And we
exploit no one. We have what we have because we work our butts off. Therefore, what we have is ours, not the state's. I truly don't beleive he
understands what will inevitably happen, should he attempt to take it away. We won't cooperate. We are one act of extorsion (tax hike) or one giant
takeover (health care) away from a rebellion. Did you notice that a bill was introduced last week stating that all adults 18-42 would be required to
serve either in the military or a "civilian security force" for two years? What's that about? It's about two things. Indoctrination and control
of civil unrest. You see, to take away the guns and remove the 2nd ammendment, you need manpower. Important safety tip, don't get involved in coming
down south and trying to disarm folks.
All those dreams you have about going wherever, doing whatever and being whatever. Scratch that if Obama is able to impose his will. Think it can't
happen here. You've lived what, 20 years. Read a history book. Reference Germany, 1930's. Hitler started with class warfare, then his own civil
security force (they became the ss). Always starts the same. That's because these tactics come from marxist text books and are now taught at
universities here in the US. For example, check Obama's college affiliations.
Unfortunately, we're at the edge of an abyss, and it may well be that we have one option left, and that would be non-compliance while we're still
[edit on 29-7-2010 by astrogolf]