posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 10:48 PM
The blame game.
Always with the blame game in the U.S.
Lets just get this strait. From now on when ever you want to blame a huge horrible event on someone or something just blame the government. Don't
say oh well its Obama, or its Bush, or its this or that president. Its over with! Here and now! In all reality, most of the time its probably some
evil corporation that needs to be blamed!
We all sit around and say its the Democrats! NO! Wait! It's the Republicans! Have you ever actually sat down and thought that it might be both of
them? Have you ever wondered that maybe... just maybe that they are actually on the same team? Is that possible?
Left, Right, Republican, Democrat....
Don't you get it? Our democracy/republic is a joke of the civilized world!
Even the Greeks managed a better democracy and they existed thousands of years ago!
Do you really think a democracy with only two parties is a good idea? In all honesty? Do you believe that this is good?
All of you people who believe that our democratic system is working and stable are fools! If you don't think that our TWO great parties are becoming
united under multi-nationalist corporations through the use of lobbyists (aka legal bribery) then you should not be allowed to vote.
In fact, maybe you should even be castrated.
This nation does not need more ignorant masses that continue to believe our two party system is working and the corporations have our best interest
in mind and they would never bribe a politician.
So if you do believe what I have stated above is a lie, then please do the world a favor and do not have children. Thanks.