posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:40 PM
After all the dust has settled after this incident is done wreaking its havoc, we will all forget about this oil spill. ATS history has already proven
this strange phenomenon with two topics that created - but not anymore - very heated debates. The two topics that I am referring two are, of course,
9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.
After these two events, many threads were created - so many, in fact, that new forums had to be born in order to make them more manageable. These two
forums, during the time after their respected events, were very "hot," and threads did not cease to be brought into creation within them. The
threads went on for multiple pages, and ATSers loved to discuss in these two forums. I remember reading about these two topics, and thinking to
myself, "This will never get old - there will always be something new and interesting to think about."
Now, however, about 9 years after 9/11 and 5 years after Hurricane Katrina, these two forums are, to say it in the nicest way, dead. The 9/11
Conspiracy Theories forum is not buzzing with as much intensity as during its heyday, and the Katrina Conspiracy Speculation forum has - during the
time of this thread being created - not received a post in 21 days, which is a very long time for ATS. Also, the Katrina forum only has 733 threads in
total - again, a very small number. These two forums do not even make it onto the "HOTTEST FORUMS" list, which shows the "forums with the most new
threads in the past five days." What does this say about these two topics? Did we, as ATSers, forget about them?
Presently, though, we have a brand new topic to discuss - the BP oil spill. This topic, of course, like 9/11 and Katrina, had its own forum created
for it, which is on the top of the "HOTTEST FORUMS" list. Take a look at the recent posts everyday, and you'll see that this topic is the topic to
discuss right now.
I wonder, though, how long until we forget about this topic? When will the Deepwater Disaster forum not make it onto the "HOTTEST FORUMS" list?
Perhaps it's because the spill is ongoing that this topic is burning with such vehemence right now. Or maybe it's just because Americans - or humans
in general - love to complain.
I believe that BP - or whoever else - does not even have to pay for the damages done in order for this topic to not be "hot" anymore. Think about
it, the real perpetrators of 9/11 - as the 9/11 conspiracy believers would have us believe - were not brought to justice, but the topic is dead. The
same goes for Katrina - the people who were responsible for helping the victims of the hurricane were not held responsible for their inaction, and yet
the topic is now dead.
In short, I am not exactly sure when or even why, but I am sure, however, that this oil spill topic will one day most certainly be a non-issue for us
all. Enjoy riding the oily wave of complaining and bickering while you can because you will not complain indefinitely, I guarantee it!