posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:50 PM
So we have had lots of threads regarding visibility of the oil, as well as detection of the benzene and other chemicals etc...
I found a very interesting thing in this relief map of the gulf...
The red area is basically where the heaviest of the oil will stay... and the stuff which has been hit by dispersants....
The slick will go further, which is what the yellow lines attempt to depict.
However, if you look at the ravine right off the coast of "Floribama" you will see this is also where they have some of the
highest detection rates of benzene etc.... and that is because the plumes can make
it further into shore, as the ravine runs almost right up to the Floribama coast....
Now Florida however is further away... this is where the
sea animals are
congregating... they are moving out of the deep water (where all the oil is) to the coastal regions in the shallowest areas....
Next, we also have the issue of the May 27th oily Shrimp catch off the keys of Florida.... well if you look down to the bottom right, where the keys
are, you will see that they are right next to the deep areas.....
Nearly all shrimping boats abandon Key West after crew pulls up oil-covered shrimp
My guess is that the dispersants is what has kept this stuff below the surface, and quite possibly away from more coastal areas than it would normally
have been....
It's all becoming much more clear to me now...
[edit on 19-6-2010 by HunkaHunka]
[edit on 19-6-2010 by HunkaHunka]