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EU MP Mario Borghezi, Bilderberger foe, introduces EU Parliament declaration to end UFO/ET secrecy

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Peloquin

Many people here on ATS would like to see full disclosure. But... what if, if we couldn't really handle the truth?

Oh, i can definitely handle the truth, and so can everybody else.

Why do i say that?

Well, quite simply, every single human being that has ever lived and is being born right now must live their lives with a certain and very disturbing knowledge of the ultimate personal catastrophe that is, without a doubt going to befall them and us all.


We are all going to die, and cease to exist.

We know this, and as a species have invented a multitude of stories and fairy tales to try to explain the inexplicable...god, gods, ghosts, spirits, afterlife, and on and on...this is how powerful this knowledge has changed our species in profound ways.

If human beings can live their limited and short lives carrying this knowledge around every minute of their existence, the knowledge of fantastic technology and a host of other species out there in the cosmos, doesn't really come close to matching the significance of a certain death for everyone alive or who will ever live.

Bring it on, we can handle the truth, because the truth is nothing compared to the knowledge and permanence of death.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Very interesting, but it will not change anything. Why ? Because the UFO phenomenon is in the same category as are ghosts and other spooks that might go bump in the night or might make strange noises that only the gifted can hear. It is paranormal activity. Are the government going to publish their documents about ghosts ? Well the UFO sightings are 100% ghost terratory too. I cannot imagine that any documents getting published will make one iota of difference. The whole UFO subject is as real as day, but entirely in the domain of paranormal activity. What use is it to anyone ? The recent movie THE FOURTH KIND is illustrating how the UFO phenomenon is very real and yet outside of our control. It is thus "alien" simply because we are not in control of it. It has a mind of its own. Serving its own "alien" agenda. It is not serving us. It seems to be predatory apon us. To say that the UFO phenomenon exists will not bring it any closer to the average guy in the street. It is outer space. Too far removed from the average man or woman. Actually literally INVISIBLE to the average man or woman, myself included. I have never ever yet sighted anything even distantly resembling an UFO. As far as I can tell they are either INVISIBLE to me or else non-existant. Since watching it at the cinema and now owning a DVD of the movie THE FOURTH KIND, I am of the belief that the UFO phenomenon is extremely real to those affected by it, but it is all in the same category as are ghosts and other paranormal activity. For what it is worth, as if it will make any difference, nevertheless the government in the UK - British Isles - have already made fully public its documented UFO sightings at the following government sponsored National Archive website.

[url=]> UK - UFO - Documents

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Nivcharah
I'm not referring to this current talk of "Hey! They're going to disclose E.T. info!". I'm talking about an actual disclosure of what they really know taking place.

OK, I understand it now, I thought you were talking about this thread's topic.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Everything about UFOs to date has been a hoax, perpetrated by those 'in the know'.

We have deluged with propaganda for 60 years +, in these live sightings, movies (and UFO movie) TV series (i.e. Star Tek, Space 1999 and may more) all for the reason to build up belief in them, secrets from space programs, supposedly leaked videos from space.
and all perpetrated for the biggest HOAX of all, and invasion from outer space, with humans dressed as aliend, and an event that would bring the world to its knees and beg for help--- the Illuminati?-- and then their work is done.

They are so close with all the brainwashing that the NWO in place is about to happen

The German scientists and engineers brought over after WWII are the ones who are the brains, and techology that has been developed is 25 years ahead of what we know. Think Area 51 and its secrecy.
Think of bending gravity and time at the energy vortexes of earth.

unbelievable? yes! Probable? Yes!

Don't allow the satanists to rule your thoughts. Wehave been brainwashed from the get-go.

God is greater than Satan. Acknowledge Him and the satanists lose!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:48 PM
mmkay.. well the first step to disclosure, would be to officially legislate, or accept amnesty by WE THE PEOPLE for those who have kept the secrets for so long. its no stretch to assume that those responsible, unless protected accordingly, would no doubt be exposed to the rage of countless millions in the event of the truth coming out. that said, where is the point in disclosing something that will in the end harm them for just playing their part?

i'd say theres a chance of false-flag disclosure sometime in the next decade or so at the very least.. fake a "legitimate" proof and then just kinda go from there, or something like that.

any thoughts?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by canadiansenior70

some of that may be true (nazi brains behind our techs/gov's, etc) i mean #, just look at the up and coming neo-fascist regimes of the 'free country' of the usa. the apple rarely falls far from the tree.

but i think its ultimately foolish to assume that we are the only ones out here. sure, we're a backwater, but considering the vastness of our own galaxy, let alone the others, and so on, we are not that special. we need to get the @*#& over ourselves FGS.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by canadiansenior70

Don't allow the satanists to rule your thoughts. Wehave been brainwashed from the get-go.

God is greater than Satan. Acknowledge Him and the satanists lose!

and one more thing.. on the above note, that just makes me think you're either unaware or guilty of attempting to spread disinfo.. satan is freedom, and freedom is obviously free will. if you want to talk brainwashing, between 'satan' and 'god', i think you might wanna check into the latter.

the god from the story books is the bad guy here my friend.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by k3rm1t

Tnx for the enlighting post OP, but personally i believe nothing will come of this, to mamy people in power that will not allow this info to reach 'the average man'. I would show that a lot of people have been lieing for many years and to them, that is unacceptable.


posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:26 AM
The problem is that it wouldn't matter. People have a choice to believe something. you can say "hey here's a UFO" but really how can you prove it? Some will say "nah just a hoax". Unless one hovers over a city (like District 9)....You would still have non believers. People like to believe in god because it makes us special and unique. Aliens make us less than ordinary, a secondary species.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by latEsleepeR
mmkay.. well the first step to disclosure, would be to officially legislate, or accept amnesty by WE THE PEOPLE for those who have kept the secrets for so long. its no stretch to assume that those responsible, unless protected accordingly, would no doubt be exposed to the rage of countless millions in the event of the truth coming out. that said, where is the point in disclosing something that will in the end harm them for just playing their part?

i'd say theres a chance of false-flag disclosure sometime in the next decade or so at the very least.. fake a "legitimate" proof and then just kinda go from there, or something like that.

any thoughts?

Dr. Greer said that the government has the technology to create a fake UFO incident. Ships, programmed life forms, the works.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by canadiansenior70

Everything about UFOs to date has been a hoax??.........sooo when Christoper Columbus sailed to the "new World", and wrote in his log about seeing on oct. 11th 1492 a shaped light that arisen from the water and followed the ship only to fly away the trip to the "new World" was a cover to set up a hoax?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by mazeofSiriusC
People like to believe in god because it makes us special and unique. Aliens make us less than ordinary, a secondary species.

Why is it that people correlate the existence of other intelligent beings (aka: E.T.'s) to the non-existence of God? In MY belief system, God is a perfect, loving, divine being who created the entire Universe(s) and all that it contains. Who is to say that God did not create other beings on other planets and dimensions as well?

Maybe we are related to these other beings. Maybe we share DNA!

Just because there is other intelligent life other than what is on this planet, does not automatically mean that God does not exist.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah

I think people associate the existence of ETs with the non-existence of God because whenever they hear the word ''God,'' they always think of the Christian god. The Bible proclaims mankind to be the pinnacle of creation, so the discovery of an ET race more advanced then ours would show that to be untrue, causing people to say, "Oh, there is no god."

I think if there is a god, then it would choose to fill the entire universe with life, not just one spot.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Actually mentioned on AOL -

Italian Politician Claims EU Is Hiding 'Secret UFO Files'

(July 19) -- How close is the European Union to releasing its top secret UFO files to the rest of the world? Well, in a few months we may finally learn if the truth is out there. That is, of course, if such files exist, as one lawmaker insists they do. Last month, AOL News reported on how Mario Borghezio, leader of the ultra-conservative Italian Northern League party, has urged the 27-member EU governments to publicly release any information they might have on UFOs.

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