reply to post by ProjectJimmy
I'd say it's all perception though. I see universities being left leaning because I have conservative ideologies (not religious conservative, like
Republicans, but true conservative) .. And thus I am more sensitive to picking up hints and drops of left-leaning political comments or beliefs..
One instance would be I had a Archaeology teacher who used exclusively progressive wording in her sermons (I say sermons because it was hardly
teaching) .. she spoke almost solely about protecting Native American rights, and any history of any individual was more about the destruction of such
and such culture and stealing such and such item. The class of course was about archaeological practices and terminology, and had nothing to do with
Indians or even interpretation of items and culture. She would also inject at every possible opportunity a notion how the historical archaeologist
were obviously racist and sexist and go on and on about how her former employer was sexist, and all men were sexist, and cavemen were sexist (a whole
day about sexist cavemen I recall). I for one was upset over the class and considered it a waste of time, but the vast majority were in staunch
agreement and thought it was the best class ever.
If I were left leaning like most my peers are I probably would idolize her the same, and even if I agree with some of her points (destruction of
native cultures for instance) I consider it out of place and inappropriate. I've sadly had many professors like her, especially since I study
If I attended a conservative school I probably wouldn't notice this at all, if my professors were conservative. In fact I find myself in more
agreement with my economics and investing classes ive taken, were most of my professors were right-leaning.
Of course it should be pointed out that college should be a time when you are forced to question your beliefs.. listening to professors, the
intelligent ones (believe me intelligence is not a requirement to be a professor) have altered the way I view things in a more objective perspective..
If you can't take hard questions about your own beliefs and have the ability to defend them with reasonable argument, your beliefs are unfounded.
What happens to most college kids, as it happens to most adults throughout their lives, is that they either do not take enough interest in affairs
before being educated, or make no effort to discern what they are told and what they see.. People in general are sheep like in their mentality, they
are easily herded and easily told what to think. We say kids come out of college "liberalized" because more often than not the most outspoken
professors are liberal and it's from them they absorb their beliefs (having none prior)
Think of it like this. Not many high-school students care about politics, economics or the World in general.. it's more about who's dating who and
how such and such is ruining your life and you view of the World barely extends beyond the high school walls. Enter college and every ones talking
about politics and economics and worldly affairs.. this is where people get their first footing into what they believe.. but the vast majority will
only accept what they are told, and more often than not they are told something "liberal".
I am reminded of many arguments I had on campus with students with Obama stickers .. having no clue about his stances, beliefs.. just that they were
told Democrat good, Republican bad, and when I mention I only support 3rd parties, absolute cluelessness as to what that meant.