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The US Food and Drug Administration has decided to retain current rules on gay and bisexual men donating blood.
They said there was still a tiny but "unacceptable" increased risk of HIV transmission to blood recipients.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in African American communities is a continuing public health crisis for the United States. At the end of 2006 there were an estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV infection, of which almost half (46%) were black/African American [1]. While blacks represent approximately 12 percent of the U.S. population, they continue to account for a higher proportion of cases at all stages of HIV/AIDS—from infection with HIV to death with AIDS—compared with members of other races and ethnicities [2, 3].
The Numbers
HIV/AIDS in 2007
Blacks accounted for 51% of the 42, 655 (including children) new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting.
Blacks accounted for 48% of the 551,932 persons* (including children) living with HIV/AIDS in 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting.
For black women living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of transmission were high-risk heterosexual contact** and injection drug use.
For black men living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of HIV transmission were (in order):
sexual contact with other men.
injection drug use.
high-risk heterosexual contact.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a serious threat to the Hispanic/Latino community. Hispanics/Latinos* comprise 15% of the U.S. population but accounted for 17% of all new HIV infections occurring in the United States in 2006 [1, 2]. During the same year, the rate of new HIV infections among Hispanics/Latinos was 2.5 times that of whites. In 2006, HIV/AIDS was the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic/Latino men and women aged 35–44.
The Numbers
HIV/AIDS in 2007
Hispanics/Latinos accounted for 18% of the 42,655 (including children) new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting.
Hispanics/Latinos accounted for 17% of the 551,932 persons (including children) living with HIV/AIDS in the 34 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting.
For Hispanic/Latina females living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of transmission were high-risk heterosexual contact** and injection drug use.
For U.S. Hispanic/Latino males living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of HIV transmission were (in descending order):
sexual contact with other males .
injection drug use .
high-risk heterosexual contact.
The gay movement, if it is to be treated like everyone else, should come to understand that just like everyone else, they can't eat their cake and have it too.
Originally posted by Uniceft17
Yes, this thread has to do with human health, but also psychology since the ban put in place was not based on medical data but homophobia.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
African American and Hispanic gay men are high risk groups
the same high risk groups that began dying of AIDS more than 30 years ago are the same high risk groups dying today, Africa not withstanding, and the question of how many people in Africa who are actually HIV positive remains debatable to this day.
Sell the threat of HIV to the entire world, as being an equal opportunity infection.
If HIV is in fact the source of AIDS, and to be sure, the vast majority of gay organizations support this theory, and since it is still to this day advocated that HIV can take up to several years to make its presence known, then the ban on gay blood donors is a prudent move.
There have been several scientists and researchers who have vigorously challenged the HIV=AIDS theory, but for the most part the gay movement has willingly joined the political lynchings of these scientists and gladly referred to those who challenge the HIV=AIDS theory as being "AIDS dissidents" or "AIDS denialists".
Originally posted by SpeedBump
Try telling that to all the donor receipients who died in the 80's & 90's.
If you want to talk conspiracy, I guess this would be a good way for population reduction. What better way to kill people than give them infected blood?
But seriously, what has changed? Why should high-risk groups be allowed in the blood pool?
Originally posted by Dark Ghost
As bad as this seems, it is better to deny one high-risk group than none at all.
At the end of the day, those in need of blood are less at risk of receiving unhealthy blood.
'The Gay Community' doesn't speak for me, I don't remember ever electing anyone there to represent me, and to be honest 'the gay community' seems alien to me, and an embarrassment to most of us gays that don't run around waving rainbow flags and screaming we are gay at the top of our lungs in the streets and dancing and acting deviant in they're pride parades, I'm not a part of that community and don't really know much about the HIV AIDS connection. All I know is that if your going to ban high risk groups, be fair about it.
Originally posted by Uniceft17
As bad as it seems? It doesn't seem bad it is bad. If the CDC want's to ban blood from high risk groups then do it for all high risk groups. It's kind of pointless to ban one and not ban the others.
So you would rather be politically correct than look at the facts?
If you would have read the OT then you wouldn't have said that, because high risk groups are still donating every day.
In 2005, over half of new HIV infections diagnosed in the US were among gay men, and up to one in five gay men living in cities is thought to be HIV positive. Yet two large population surveys showed that most gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners per year as straight men and women.
US researchers applied a series of carefully calculated equations in different scenarios to study the rate at which HIV infection has spread among gay men and straight men and women. They used figures taken from two national surveys to estimate how many sex partners gay men and straight men and women have, and what proportion of gay men have insertive or receptive anal sex, or both. They then set these figures against accepted estimates of how easily HIV is transmitted by vaginal and anal sex to calculate the size of the HIV epidemic in gay men and straight men and women. The results showed that for the straight US population to experience an epidemic of HIV infection as great as that of gay men, they would need to average almost five unprotected sexual partners every year. This is a rate almost three times that of gay men. But to end the HIV epidemic, gay men would need to have rates of unprotected sex several times lower than those currently evident among the straight population. This is because transmission rates are higher for anal sex than they are for vaginal sex, say the authors. But "role versatility," whereby people adopt both “insertive” and “receptive roles,” also plays a part, they add. A gay man can be easily infected through unprotected receptive sex, and then infect someone else through insertive sex. Gay men are therefore far more susceptible to the spread of the virus through the population, even with the same numbers of unprotected sexual partners.
Those who have ever used IV drugs that were not prescribed by a physician are not eligible to donate. This requirement is related to concerns about hepatitis and HIV.
Since 1985, FDA officials have had a different view. They point out that the prevalence of HIV infection among men who have had sex with other men is 60 times that of the general population.
And they say, right or wrong, the current ban has worked. The risk of getting HIV from a pint of blood is now only one per 2 million units transfused, the officials told MSNBC.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Before you made this comment posted above, I made no assumptions as to your sexuality what-so-ever, and merely assumed you were being "politically correct" by calling this ban a homophobic one.
However, there is now reason to assume you are gay, and while you claim to want to distance yourself from the "gay community" you sound a lot like that "community" and are as in your face as any pride parade can be.
Screaming that this move is not a medical decision and simply one rooted in homophobia ignores the very good chance that prostitutes and intravenous drug users are more than likely barred from donating blood as well.
and given the statistical reality of how tests positive for HIV the most, it is indeed very prudent to ban all high risk groups from donating blood.
Originally posted by Dark Ghost
It is hypocritical, but it is not pointless. Like I said I can understand why you feel frustrated because one form of discrimination is allowed and others aren't, but it's still better for those that need blood to have one less high-risk group donating.
Do you agree that the gay community is a high risk group when it comes to donating healthy blood? If so, then why are you claiming it is homophobia to deny that group from donating blood?
The body held hearings last week on the issue and committee members voted nine to six against making any immediate changes.
They said there was still a tiny but "unacceptable" increased risk of HIV transmission to blood recipients.
# For black men living with HIV/AIDS, the most common methods of HIV transmission were (in order) [3]:
* sexual contact with other men
* injection drug use
* high-risk heterosexual contact**.
**Heterosexual contact with a person known to have or to be at risk for HIV infection.
For both black men and women, having unprotected sex with a man is the leading cause of HIV infection. Among black men living with AIDS, 46% were infected through male-to-male sexual contact. Among this group, the young are particularly affected. In 2006, more black men who have sex with men (MSM) between 13 and 29 were infected with HIV than any other age group, including of other races.8 Furthermore, the HIV epidemic among this group is rapidly growing as between 2001 and 2006 annual HIV diagnoses among black MSM aged 13-24 grew by 93%. Among black MSM of all ages the figure was 12%.
There are a myriad of social and economic factors that result in higher levels of sexual HIV transmission among black Americans. However, higher levels of STDs among African Americans, also shaped by social and economic factors, in turn facilitate sexual transmission of HIV. Black Americans have 8 times the level of chlamydia, and 18 times the level of gonorrhea compared to white Americans.12 An analysis by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 48% of black women and 39% of black men were infected by genital herpes in the U.S compared to 21% of women and 11.5% of men overall.
Injecting drug use is the second most likely HIV transmission route for African Americans and by 2007 accounted for 27% of all African Americans living with AIDS. More black males and females living with AIDS were infected by injecting drug use compared to males and females of any other racial or ethnic group. African American injecting drug users (IDUs) have a high risk of acquiring HIV and for not surviving long after an AIDS diagnosis.14
A direct risk of transmission occurs when IDUs share needles with people of a different HIV status. Indirectly, drug users may also become involved in crime or prostitution to fund their habit. Sex workers who are desperate for a fix, or are high on drugs are less likely to insist their clients use a condom. Crack coc aine, along with drugs such as crystal methamphetamine, can also lower inhibitions and increase the likelihood that users will engage in high-risk sexual behaviour.