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California on 'verge of system failure'

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by ho chi minh
i thought the name of your country was
the United states of America,you don't
sound very 'united'.
Then again i'm from Great Britain and
we're certainly not 'great' anymore.
looks like we're all disappearing down
the toilet..

Of course we are united. How do you not see that ALL OVER ATS. We here are all united, together, against a great enemy...

...except apparently the hippies in California, the bigots in Arizona, out of touch elite in New York, Suckers in New Orleans, animals in Detroit, rednecks down south, Yankees in the north, and dirty dirty raping and thieving immigrants(legal.)

We do not seem United to you? Sounds just like thanksgiving at my hose.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:34 PM
had to reply again,,,,,

you got 20% of your state that are on a free ride and need the national guard to patroll your drug infested areas.

One shi_ community there takes up abundance of rescorces and X's that by a 100+,,,,

Id leave Cali to itself and get rid of the shi_ far left politicians.

If you think about it,,,The whole US is going to shi_,,,and the scum bags are the cause..

Its at the point now everyone thinks a police officer should be allowed to be spit on,,,getting to the point they should be just only allowed to observer and report??

Ive seen sick ass criminals and gang thugs walk from the crimes they do!!!(100 to1)

They /here on ATS they allow to much crap,,because anyone with common scense wwouldnt give this crap site the time of day,,,

This whole site lacks a majority with common scense,,sure,,,im open to entertain with logic but its just so much stupidity here!!!

This # site aint worth my time of day,,use to be interesting a few years back but now its a cartoon...

Good bye all you loosers from pea size countries,,and Im sure the palestine would be breaking a blockade to send send releif to us if the role roles were reversed,,,,lol

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
California is the prototype of what well happen to every other Democratic states...


Schwarzenegger is a REPUBLICAN governor.

Would you like to try that again?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by oldvet66
had to reply again,,,,,

you got 20% of your state that are on a free ride and need the national guard to patroll your drug infested areas.

One shi_ community there takes up abundance of rescorces and X's that by a 100+,,,,

Id leave Cali to itself and get rid of the shi_ far left politicians.

If you think about it,,,The whole US is going to shi_,,,and the scum bags are the cause..

Its at the point now everyone thinks a police officer should be allowed to be spit on,,,getting to the point they should be just only allowed to observer and report??

Ive seen sick ass criminals and gang thugs walk from the crimes they do!!!(100 to1)

They /here on ATS they allow to much crap,,because anyone with common scense wwouldnt give this crap site the time of day,,,

This whole site lacks a majority with common scense,,sure,,,im open to entertain with logic but its just so much stupidity here!!!

This # site aint worth my time of day,,use to be interesting a few years back but now its a cartoon...

Good bye all you loosers from pea size countries,,and Im sure the palestine would be breaking a blockade to send send releif to us if the role roles were reversed,,,,lol

I think he's trying to communicate.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by draevin
reply to post by SevenThunders

Because all the countries being systematically destroyed right now, are being done so by greedy banker types and giant corporations.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I checked hippies don't support that kind of thing.

Well then you need to look a little deeper my friend. First the real issues are values. When your primary values are, how can I get off today? where's my next high coming from, it's easy to see how that translates into the controlled socialism/feudalism we have today.

Bill Clinton and Al Gore, products of the hippy era are classic examples of this. Al Gore stands to make billions if his carbon tax goes through. It's phony protection money to assuage your guilt when you pollute the environment.

Bill Clinton's wanton ways are legendary. He and his wife have managed to take their personal value system of 'me first' to legendary levels of depravity. Monica Lewinsky was just a smokescreen for the lurid crap that went on.

Our current communist president, Obama, is a pure product of hippy thinking. His mother foresook America and hung out with leftist and radicals her entire adult life. Obama friends, were Marxist terrorists and Islamic, America hating radicals. This fits well with the Soviet funded, down with America, hippy movements of the 60's that dominate our politics today.

Now let's examine those banksters. At the head is a cabal of illuminati types who've been foisting hippy, commie, socialist, anti -God and anti family values on America and the West for a hundred years. They've finally achieved critical mass, by creating a society of moral infants to run their banks for them.

Of course the banking crisis itself was not created by Wall Street as you were so carefully brainwashed into believing. The disaster was created by left-leaning hippies in congress who opened the credit floodgates to the proletariat, via an unregulated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The toxic debt was created by the US federal government, responding to a warped, leftist do-gooder utopian idealism. Not only is their 'charity' completely devoid of rational thinking, but it's not real charity at all. The proper name is theft, since they are giving away other peoples money. In this case they gave away the US treasury and destroyed our economies and stole jobs from the very people they were supposedly helping.

So that's how hippies destroyed America. Glad to provide a little light on the subject.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Incubus

That is a very common misconception.

Review the actiual governmental statistics and you will find that once you normalize the numbers (taking out major oil producing states and tiny states like Wyoming) California takes in slightly more than they send back to Washington.

California is a victim of their own shoddy policies and liberal nonsense. Lets just wait for all of the illegals move west out of Arizona. I'm sure that, as California lawmakers suggest and that illegals are great for the economy, those folks will pull California out of trouble in short order.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:52 PM

[edit on 19-6-2010 by soleprobe]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by oldvet66

You just joined, but you seem to have it all figured out.
I enjoy your company too, sir!

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity

Originally posted by Darkrunner

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by draevin

This seems to be the new talking point. Been hearing it a lot lately on GOP radio lol. The people who were hippies now run the country, dontcha know? They run the evil corporations and they are the mad leftists too.

I wouldn't go that far, but California is definitely a collection point of hippies and degenerates.

And San Fransisco? I'm not going to shed any tears when that falls into the ocean....

Sort of a more narrow view than I'm accustomed to, but um okay.

Whose fault is it in, say, Michigan?

[edit on 19-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

Jennifer Granholm.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Oh just to add more fuel to the fire. Here is the epitome of liberal success. Why this man has it all. He ran a huge Federal agency serving the proletariat. He 'invented' a device to reduce carbon emissions and he.....

ruthlessly lined his own pockets whilst driving his agency into the ground...

These are the type of people who make left leaning states the hell holes they are destined to become. CA is just a symptom. As the Bible says, "sow the wind and reap the whirlwind".

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Another FANATICALLY RELIGIOUS judge, jury & executioner...join the crowd here. People are so sure that they have got things all figured out! I'm laughing hysterically at the ridiculous replies from people that can't spell, or write grammatically correct English, yet they know everything about everything. Someone from another country was remarking that they thought we were the "United" States; it's plain to me from this thread, we're the farthest thing from united.

I'm amazed that "THEY" have done their jobs so well; a nation of slaves perceive themselves to be somehow different than all the other slaves. I'm amazed that people with bible verses for signatures judge their fellow man without the mercy they pray their god gives them, and deny the teachings of their "Christ". Zealots, are by far, the most ignorant and dangerous of all human beings; that can probably be proven, but I don't give a rats azz to do any such thing.

Each will have their turn in the barrel...if it can and does happen to California, it's just the first domino. The first domino has the exclusive pleasure of having no weight baring down on it, the rest will feel the weight of the first.

Deny Ignorance...? YEAH's more rampant here than anywhere else I HAVE EVER BEEN, and especially California. You want STUPID PEOPLE??? Go down SOUTH, you'll find them there...

Am I trolling??? I don't know...WE'RE YOU ALL ????

[edit on 19-6-2010 by odd1out]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

It's all free money dude have u seen the national debt lately? They have no intentions of paying it back so is it real money?

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Forgive me for asking, due to my leftist/socialist/liberal/hippy views, I seem to have forgotten.
What verse in the Bible does Jesus mention that thou shall spew out Fox news rhetoric?
Enlighten me.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:03 PM
It's not just California, people. Plenty of other states and the country are in this same boat. They're just whining louder lol

And, again, this is nothing new...

[edit on 19-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by soleprobe
Why does California deserve to suffer ....?

All of America as well as the western "democracies" deserve to suffer because of what they support with their taxes: babies slaughtered in their mother's womb, illegal wars, bombing and torturing innocent people, intentionally starving millions of people to death, poisoning them with DU and inoculations, overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing brutal dictators.... all of these atrocities and more have been financed and sustained with the taxes of the American people and Western “democracies” while they drink beer, watch sports and consume porn.... Decadent people deserve all the suffering coming their way and more.... It's time to pay the piper.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by jetsettingvet

No no no, not immigrants the problem is illegals HUGE HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Most immigrants do pay their taxes but some also do abuse the system. This story is a first person account to show people how the system can be abused.

Ok I work near a nail sallon and a couple years ago it was closing down. I asked the owner why she was closing down her business? Did it have to do with the building owner, was her lease up, what was the reason? She then told me something that made me so mad I now despise her and that nail sallon next door. She said that as an immigrant she did not have to pay taxes for 7 years on her business. (Ok thats fine give immigrants an incentive to start up a business, no problems there). She then goes on to tell me (a person who has no choice about paying taxes) that after those 7 years sister 1 packs up shop and then sister 2, who was employed by sister 1 in her nail sallon, opens up her own nail sallon in the same building and hires sister 1 to work for her. Now sister 2 does not have to pay taxes on her business. WHAT A JOKE!!!

Anyways back on topic, illegals do not pay taxes. They send their money home where the country never sees it again. It is not reitroduced into our economy through the purchasing of goods or services it is gone.have too many illegals getting payed any ammount of money, most of that money will disappear forever. By setting up a "safe haven" for political purposes in California the politicians are getting what they asked for. I'm sorry for all the hardworking, American citizens in that state but I suggest you finally close your open arms and start to secure your border, it may help your state in the long run.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by odd1out

I have no idea what you are talking about. Your reply has no substance and has it's fair share of grammatical errors. If you disagree with my analysis or anyone else's then refute their points with some kind of evidence.

The path of destruction is quite evident and deserved to be pointed out. My point is that it's starts with values. In this case an evidently failed value system, liberalism.

That deserved to be pointed out and shoved in the face of the fools who are repeating the same mistakes on a daily basis. Any politician who thinks he can solve the economic problem with more taxes and more government, or who continues to support global free trade (like most of the CA pol.s) deserves to be tossed out of office ASAP. How many more failed examples and piles of human misery do we need before we realize that Marxism and socialism don't work.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:18 PM
I'm from the midwest and ended up living in California for 28 years. Of which I owned a small business in santa Barbara for 12 of those years.

Lots of good hard working people there just like everywhere else.

It's not "socialism" It's more like capitalism, run amuk. Or even a better term, "corporate socialism". Governed by a REPUBLICAN, NOT a liberal democrat!

One of the reasons SB is falling apart because of property investors and landlords keeping commercial and residential property leases so astronomically high. Small businesses are closing all the time, and are being forced to fire, and not be able to hire employees, or afford benefits for them or even themselves.

If the rental property owners, who all own multiple properties (a lot of these people don't even live there, and a lot even out of state) were realistic about heir bottom line vs the quality of life for the residents, more people would be employed and insured. Period.

I'll bet I could name 20 businesses that went under because of greedy landlords. And even more (with families) who lost their leases on their homes and apartments because a larger investor came in and raised the rent.

It's greed that's screwing things up. That and they have to stop voting movie stars into the Governors office. (look where THAT got us the first time). Oh and I worked in the film biz for 14 years and worked with Arnold closely once. After that I couldn't believe he was voted in to office when I was there).

There's good people there who love their families, and where they live. Don't paint them all with such a wide brush.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by Target Earth
California is the prototype of what well happen to every other Democratic states...


Schwarzenegger is a REPUBLICAN governor.

Would you like to try that again?

ahaha really? he is a RINO. and another thing......california is a very democratic state. its like freakin detroit. go look at the records of how many republicans have been voted into office there! not so many huh.

There POLCIES are democratic.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by bvproductions
reply to post by SevenThunders

Forgive me for asking, due to my leftist/socialist/liberal/hippy views, I seem to have forgotten.
What verse in the Bible does Jesus mention that thou shall spew out Fox news rhetoric?
Enlighten me.

It's just common sense and history. Liberals = destruction, Americanism = prosperity. Note that I carefully separate liberalism from the basic tenets of America, because as we have seen they are entirely incompatible.

The first great modern liberal, Woodrow Wilson, had a great dream of subordinating American sovereignty to a World government. The World government would be run by high minded, socialist dictators, clearly intent on the betterment of mankind, as all dictators are.

So he gave us three wonderful legacies, the income tax, the league of nations (now called the UN) and the federal reserve system. Liberals in their mad rush to assuage their guilt, desire to 'help the masses' by stealing from everyone else and creating an 'enlightened' dicatorship. Whether that dictatorship is in the form of a monstrous mass murderer like chairman Mao, or a monstrous central bureaucracy, like the US government, the outcome is much the same. Misery.

The reason that all their philosophies and their application are such dismal failures is that they are based on a flawed assumption. Namely that man can perfect himself. The Bible, however states the truth here. "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Who can know it?". Just look around you and see what we have reaped. The Bible is correct and liberalism is wrong.

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