Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
reply to post by Divinorumus
Says the guy who use a laptop or a pc with various plastic things all made in China or southern Asia
No, serious, earth survived catastrophes that were even worse than the little oil spill, you know, from asteroids to big volcanoes like Krakatoa...The
planet has seen all kind of bad situations, most coming directly from the beloved "mother earth" itself
True enough, she will get through this and maybe we won't be exterminated by planetary heating (passing galactic center .. all planets are heating)
and massive out-gassing of Methane --making the Earth a wonder roaster of divine proportions -- not to mention a people roaster.
Surely the planet will survive.
But the seas .. the seas are the birthplace of life on the planet (excluding perhaps some microbes delivered by impacts, etc).
Between the Seas (and you salt water blood) and the forces of the sun which have timed and tuned all life on the planet .. "we" are very much
objects of our environment.
And now we see .. those Oceans are being impinged upon rather indiscriminately ... and more than once .. more than twice by some
"?? ???" who
can get away with it.
I really have to wonder if somehow the BP Execs have a hologram of a Gray "or something" they bring along with them when they talk to higher ups, so
they can sweep all the dirty under the table!!
Oh he is just our adviser, don't look so distraught, he doesn't bite (often).
If the new microbes work they will produce fodder for other life forms, it is mostly the microbe waste that is fodder, but the thing is this is a boom
time for the microbes
(and Co-wrecks-it did not kill them!!) .. and other things will follow.
We really should get the oil shut down at all locations leaking (amazing trick), ~*~TURN OFF THE DISPERSANT~*~, and watch the Methane carefully (there
was a river of it at one time). .. It (and the C#$%*!) is the great issue I see now, if the microbes are on the job.
I won't say anything about Corexit ..
I will start to boil, and steam, and other nasty things and then type way, way too fast and ... we won't go there. If I were not a civil person ..
... well, we won't go there either.
I could however request of the powers that be ... a Guatemala type sinkhole under the Corexit facility and storage area. Not likely, but an
entertaining scenario.
I hope it fixes .. really.
I wish someone would say here is the CWI fix .. but I have not seen any science going this direction. And the Russian secret arms plants areas and
the Chernoble woods are on fire, more pollution for the farmers for a time. I think I will eat more indoor grown green alga, myself.