posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 01:11 PM
A lot of the material shown in oopart threads is shown over and over again, at least this had something unique to offer. The strange tools, figurines
and stone maps offer plenty of material to do some research on this time.
No self agrandisement whatsoever, all very plain and 'matter of fact', the story almost tells itself I feel, no mention of spacemen, abductions or
other distractions leaves you needing to know more.
Quite a lot of the material on the subject can be discarded as mistaken indentity, confusion with some unknown natural process, or the hand of some
joker in the not so distant past. However when you look at the some of the items found and freely available for inspection, listen to the unerringly
accurate and in cases, matching, tales of ancient and primitive societys, there are questions no doubt! Couple that with modern science's refusal to
accept ideas deviating from the norm, some of their excuses as hollow as the 'swamp gas & airplane lights' rubbish they can spout when unsure about
ufo's and you can be sure theres something there to find.
It may not be as groundshaking as you would like, no 'modern' civilisations etc, but it may well be confusing our ideas of the time scale of the
Much as it may offend some, the idea that there have indeed been cyclic disasters affecting this planet may in fact be true? The 'sudden' appearance
of relatively 'modern' cultures from nowwhere, may in fact be the re-emergence of a previous culture after a few hundred years or so?
UK members will be aware of the game show 'Catchphrase' where a picture is revealed piece by piece, I get the feeling that sometimes that strategy
tells more about the big stories than the 'evidence' offered by TPTB?
Well done sir!