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The Georgia Guidestones = A Great Idea

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posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:36 AM
Now hear me out. The Georgia Guidestones are often maligned on here as being indicative of a massive genocidal, eugenics-crazed NWO manifesto that is certifiable proof that the Elites are coming to kill you.

I propose, instead, that they are a good (though rashly drafted) outline for a better tomorrow. Let us take a look at the provisions and consider their merits. I think that by applying rational thought we can largely agree to their good intentions.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Ah, here is the big bad baddie. This ridiculous directive to keep the population under half a billion. Audacious back in 1980 when the population was around 4.5 Billion. Psychotic in today's world of around 7 billion. But let us ignore the number for a moment. Let us consider the phrase after the number "In Perpetual Balance With Nature".

I think it is clear that the Guidestones, while written by people of thought, were not necessarily created by people with a full grasp of the boundaries and capabilities of science.

Maintaining a population that is in balance with nature is really a no-brainer. Likewise, it is clear that our worldwide population is grossly out of whack with nature as we currently interact with it. While those who drafted the guidestones' methodology took a rather extreme approach. There is no arguing with the idea of living in balance with nature.

Furthermore, there is no time frame provided here. As a matter of fact, if we move forward through the list, we will see that a massive genocide would be in direct conflict with several of the remaining tennets. Instead, the Guidestones recommend that we. . .

2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
Standard reaction to this one is: OMG Eugenics!!! Their just like the Nazis!!!! But let me ask you something. Truly and honestly, how many times a day do you look at some of the teeming broods of mouth-breathing consumer automtons and think that we are getting just one step closer to Idiocracy? Now I know this sounds like I'm painting with a broad brush, but let's be honest.

Shouldn't there be some sort of societal convention in place that if you can't feed them, clothe then, educate them and raise them right then you shouldn't be having the kids in the first place? Take away the various government welfare programs and people would need to slow down their breeding to survive. Likewise, if we were to slow down and guide our reproduction, such programs would be unnecessary and could be phased out.

Yes, there are uncomfortable questions about who gets to decide who breeds and who doesn't. How are those deemed "unfit" to breed prevented from doing so, etc etc. These are hard uncomfortable notions to deal with, but when you look at the results of unfettered breeding, I think you can agree that they may be notions worth wrestling with. Especially when one considers that these Edicts are not directed at government, but at mankind. Some things would require governmental intervention from a simple logistics/coordination perspective and this (sadly) seems to be one of them.

One of the best non-government things that could be done in this area is to de-stygmatize the idea of sex exclusively for pleasure. Let's lose this ridiculous dogmatic demonization of Birth Control. Can we bring down the churches and banish the notion that sex should only be for procreation? After all, we are driven to seek sex and pleasure even when we are ill-equipped to handle the crying, pooping, screaming side effects of the act. That alone can help bring us closer to improving our situation.

So once again, a guide stone edict with a great premise (one that could humanely bring about the completion of Edict 1), crudely stated.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of this one. Esperanto failed. However multi-lingualism could be the answer here. People should be able to speak multiple languages. The odds of shared communication improve substantially. Again, well intentioned, naively phrased.

4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
Well, Edict 4 here is certainly one way to nearly eliminate war and strife. The re-introduction of Reason into our society can help banish the religious and political fanaticism that are the current engine of the world.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

This little trio of Edicts is especially awesome. Sure some may look at 6's call for a "World Court" and see Illuminati Eyes and NWO puppet strings all over it, but focus on the entire sentiment. Let nations rule internally. It would only be external disputes (you know, the stuff currently settled by war) that would go to the World court.

And come on. If you do not LOVE Edict 7, then you are an enemy of the people. These stones are not a call for mass control or government micro-managing of daily life. This a call to Reason.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
This one also irks me a bit. Seems to suggest a certain degree of forced (and therefore oxymoronic) altruism, until you remember that these are not directives for a government necessarily. These are directed to humanity. This is a call for individuals to abandon the ideas of greed and self-entitlement. BALANCE your personal rights with social duties. The right balance will enhance both your personal situation and that of society.

9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

A little bit vague, general feel-good stuff here. But really, can anyone find something to object to in these last two Edicts? I think not.

So really, out of 10 Edicts. We have 2 that could give grounds for offence (Numbers 1 and 2). Still when taken as a whole, when approached from a doom and gloom free perspective. It seems to me that the Georgia Guidestones are instead a beacon of hope. A suggestion that there are people working behind the scenes for the genuine betterment of humanity.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:39 AM
Further food for thought: the use of Babylonian, Sandskrit and Heiroglyphs all suggest that these guidestones were written not only to benefit mankind, but as a message to entities that were perhaps last here when those languages were still in use.

Perhaps a note meant to say: "Hey, at least we tried."?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:46 AM
good post!
well thought out.
I have thought similar things in the past,
just never this deeply. lol
But I do , for the most part..


posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:48 AM
Im a fan of the stones

The idea that they make a clock/calendar is my favorite part.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:51 AM
If 'they' hadn't been holding back technology and knowledge of past generations from us for so long, we wouldn't be the wasteful idiots we are today.

If the 7 billion people on this planet had access to a fraction of what's been suppressed, there's no way 'they' could control us, and that's clearly not good for a group that wants to be at the tip of the top of the food chain...

Who controls the media that's made us who we are?
Who controls the food supplies that's made our bodies the way they are?
Who instigates all the biggest fights and produces more and more deadly weapons?
Who's been advancing surveillance technology to the point where I'm in the center of alaska and I can't drive ten miles without being recorded by more than three traffic cameras?

The population doesn't need to go way down for any of the stuff on the stones to come about, we just need to be allowed access to the things that do away with our dependence on the detrimental system they've constructed for us...

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by alaskan

Agreed. Releasing the suppressed technology could theoretically bring even our massive population Into Balance With Nature. This is why I focus on the idea of striking that balance rather than reducing the population.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:54 AM
i can't believe this stuff is taken seriously. Someone somewhere is having a good laugh.

Then again, that's just my opinion

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Excellent to see my feelings expressed when I first read about the stones and the guidelines on it...

Petty me, I almost started to disregard my feelings... they are often right.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by alaskan

also very much agreed, alaskan!

If things were not hidden and controlled the way they are..
We would be in a much better position.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 10:11 AM
I dont think we can forget about the fact that we still have alot of very primal that were raised in mindsets of pride, greed, ect....there are still alot of mankind that are conditioned to ignore things of living one with nature and are raised to be ruthless killers.

Even though we are not ready as a whole to follow such guidelines, they are a start...and the more people that stand up for them helps turn this new leaf.

I think the many languages are to show, this is not just for one nation....for it to really work, there needs to be a pace amongst the people.

If the powers started to express a need to share goods and riches of the Earth with everyone....mabey we can take the first huge step in showing the world, greed does not have to be a power here anymore. If the strongest nation can lay down its pride and be humble to lead such a way....mabey another step can be made. Just ideas.....we have a long way to go.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:04 AM
i stopped at number 1 since you moved on to number 2 without even clearing anything up about the amount.

you just took focus off of the actual number and then candy coated the rest without even really explaining anything then moved right on to number 2.

in reality if mankind was being maintained in perpetual balance with nature, then the specific amount would be irrelevant.

and yet it remains they chose that very specific number of people that get to be alive. one could argue that they meant 500,000,000 is the number required to achieve this balance, however that is not what they wrote on the stone...they used the word "maintain".

suggesting an exclusive experience. at least in my eyes.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Just my $0.02...

I believe that these guidestones were created to give man a 'plan' of sorts after SHTF.

I believe that when they were created, TPTB already knew what was coming in the near future, with wars, famine, and natural disasters...
TPTB probably knew that:
1. A series of events are coming to alter human history
2. The plans that have been carried forth for hundreds of years end at a certain date
3. There is a master plan involved to wipe out civilization by their own hands

I have a feeling that they knew this was going to get bad either by planning or just certainty. Living with the continual use of fossil fuels, and greedy money making exploitation of the Earth and it's resources will eventually catch up to us.

Seems obvious to me.

They know what's coming and wanted the survivors to have a good set of guidelines.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:07 AM
I also agree, and I think points 1 and 2 make sense, as long as it is through control, and sensibility, and NOT depopulation.

Point 1 is a little low by today's standards, but when you look at the amount of people that don't have the basic needs to survive in a healthy way, such as healthy food, water, and medicines, we either have too many people, or we haven't learned to share properly. No one needs to be having 8 kids these days, and the children being born out in places where they can't even feed themselves, and there is no clean water, medicines, well....

Point 2 also makes sense to have as healthy a population as possible. I doubt they are calling for a culling of disabilities, but humans are the only species that will try their hardest to keep alive some born that are so disabled or mutated that they can never have a normal life, or even a life without pain and sorrow. And so many are against abortion, or even stem cell research, just to send them out to fight in a war when they are still children, or not quite yet adults.

I always thought maybe that was Bush's thing, keep the stem cells alive so they turn into an army when they are 18

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:13 AM
It really depends on the means to achieve the ends and whether or not those means are voluntary.

If everyone decided to be more responsible in reproducing, to such an extent that population started to drop over time, great. If it's a matter of installing a human being into power in order to decide who lives and who dies, then no thank you.

If that's the only human way to achieve harmony with nature, I'd rather have Malthus do the job for us.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by LurkerMan

I think you have a point there.

Obviously, we do not live in balance with nature these days. The balance is way out.

The point you made was about the amount of people to maintain the balance.
I assume you mean that that number isn't relevant anymore do to science and technology.
Both can extend the number exponentially IMO.

If we ever transcend from our human ways, maybe we can.

Our current attitude in regard to nature is horrifying. But... It will drive us to that magical number of halve a billion and beyond.

Look here an article where a scientist talks about just 100 years.
Scientist Predicts Human Extinction In 100 Years

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:44 AM

reply to post by LurkerMan

in reality if mankind was being maintained in perpetual balance with nature, then the specific amount would be irrelevant.

I agree with that.
Almost typed something similar.
Glad you did, you worded it better. lol

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
i stopped at number 1 since you moved on to number 2 without even clearing anything up about the amount.

you just took focus off of the actual number and then candy coated the rest without even really explaining anything then moved right on to number 2.

in reality if mankind was being maintained in perpetual balance with nature, then the specific amount would be irrelevant.

and yet it remains they chose that very specific number of people that get to be alive. one could argue that they meant 500,000,000 is the number required to achieve this balance, however that is not what they wrote on the stone...they used the word "maintain".

suggesting an exclusive experience. at least in my eyes.

Again, I think the number was a crude choice on the part of the well-meaning creators of this monument and I address exactly why I disregard the number in the OP.

As to my "sugar-coating". It is clear from the rest of the guidelines, that genocide is not their methodology.

Not that that matters since you stopped reading the moment you disagreed with something.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by havok
Just my $0.02...

I believe that these guidestones were created to give man a 'plan' of sorts after SHTF.

I believe that when they were created, TPTB already knew what was coming in the near future, with wars, famine, and natural disasters...
TPTB probably knew that:
1. A series of events are coming to alter human history
2. The plans that have been carried forth for hundreds of years end at a certain date
3. There is a master plan involved to wipe out civilization by their own hands

I have a feeling that they knew this was going to get bad either by planning or just certainty. Living with the continual use of fossil fuels, and greedy money making exploitation of the Earth and it's resources will eventually catch up to us.

Seems obvious to me.

They know what's coming and wanted the survivors to have a good set of guidelines.

Hhhhmmmm . . . This makes a lot of sense in a few ways. Considering that a full on societal collapse would eventually take out the power grid and all of our other means of telling time and maintaining a sense of the passage of the months and seasons, the timepiece nature of the stones also makes a lot of sense.

Consider too the "Time Capsule" which is not buried underneath the plaque and has no open by date. Seems the Guidestones are the time capsule and the people who created it do not/did not know the timeline on which it would be necessary for the survivors to "dig up" the knowledge.

I like this a lot!

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Should it not be placed in Europe, Asia ans Africa to ?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 01:15 PM
If its such a great idea, maybe you can all volunteer to go to the concentration camp.

The OP's Post is pure BRAINWASH. It never ceases to amaze me that the PTB can brainwash people to love tyranny. That people can become so disconnected from the truth.

Replace one word to see the agenda.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with "OIL".

"Big Oil" has kept important clean technology from the publics eyes for decades, using bribery deception and murder. That is why we are in this mess.

"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." Henry Kissinger - 1970

[edit on 18-6-2010 by zzombie]

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