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<GB> Fox News

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Locoman8
Instead of supporting the guy who is turning people to the constitution on a daily basis, many ATS'ers are cutting him down. Look at the bigger picture and see that GB is bringing more people to educate themselves on the history of this nation and what the constitution limits our Federal Government to.

educate themselves on the history of this nation and what the constitution limits our Federal Government to.

what limits are you referring to?

give me a number of the laws.
tell me how many laws there are, please.

if i wanted to move into the house next to you, how many laws would i have to mandatorily abide by, in order to conform to the expectation of your neighborhood.

you tell me to look at the big picture, fine, i will:

What are the number of laws required by law in order for me to conform to the expectations of the laws?

here is a civics lesson for you you won't see on Glenn Beck's show on any friday's Founders Day:

"America IS NOT a nation of men, IT IS A NATION OF LAWS"

General & President George Washington

and, Glenn Beck lives up to his ForeFathers law.

Glenn Beck is not a man, but an accumilation of laws ......

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:15 PM
I'm thinking that most of the people currently following GB and this "movement" are grasping at things like the constitution simply to fight the evil Obama. Where were they when Bush was committing things as horrible or worse (war on lies anyone?) and starting this constitutional debacle? Oh yeah. They were busy ridiculing the people who were saying the very things they themselves are saying now.

They have no clue who the real enemy is.

And if in two years a Republican gets elected, they'll shoot off fireworks and go back to sleep. No. My maybe they'll wake up once in a while to ridicule the few who actually HAVE a clue.

In others words the majority of them are fakes with a 4-year term or two to kill. They're doing this because they lost an election and they're pissy about it.

I'm sick of this. Seriously I am.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Most specifically I'm referring to the 10th amendment... the one law that is undoubtedly being ignored. The one law that tells us that the states are all part of the checks and balances of this experiment called uSA. But it doesn't end there. It ends with We The People! Duties not given to the federal government are given to the states and to the people. We have lost that sense of independence. If Beck's show does anything, it makes people look closer at our constitution and opens their eyes.... even if their eyes are only open enough to see part of it.

Honestly, your post made little sense and is an attempt to criticize.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Locoman8

....of this experiment called uSA.
Honestly, your post made little sense and is an attempt to criticize.

my post made little sense in it's attempt to criticize?
Here is Glenn Beck's idea of criticizing my president, after such a short time in office:

maybe i'm just jealous of his success, and the profits and admiration he gets himself for critizicing an experiment he himself is not willing to participate in.

"speak without fear"
- GB
...... (ya, he speaks without fear as much as Locoman8 is right about GB agenda)

"question with boldness"
- GB

.... (but only point to the answers you want others to see)

how many circles does GB right up on the board?

i equate GB's logic as somewhere between a dog who is chasing his own tail and a monkey who is throwing poo at his own audience.

thanks for the insight,

Originally posted by Locoman8

....of this experiment called uSA.
Honestly, your post made little sense and is an attempt to criticize.

whatever you do, do not apply that same logic to Glenn Beck ...

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Helious
I don' know what you think you know but Obama and his staff are criminals.

i think i know it takes one to know one, criminal.

It has been proven ....

If it has been proven, then Glenn Beck would be out of a job, wouldn't he?

If you are correct in your assumption that "it" has been proven, then Glenn Beck is a success, and should retire immediatley.

Thanks for explaining it to us as it is,

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Helious

Concerning the flawed logic in the OP :

"Im not gonna try to preach anything right now."

- Helious / posted on 17-6-2010 @ 10:02 PM

I almost believe you …

"Glen Beck has it already figured out and if you are not watching him right now…
You must listen because…."

- Helious / posted on 17-6-2010 @ 10:02 PM

I thought you said you weren’t going to preach? FIRST SENTENCE! I’m afraid like glenn beck, your truth is … deluded.

I know “preach” has one too many syllables for most followers of Glenn Beck, so here is a second grade refresher course for you:

Main Entry: preach
Pronunciation: \ˈprēch\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English prechen, from Anglo-French precher, from Late Latin praedicare, from Latin, to proclaim, make known, from prae- pre- + dicare to proclaim — more at DICTION
Date: 13th century
intransitive verb 1 : to deliver a sermon
2 : to urge acceptance or abandonment of an idea or course of action; specifically : to exhort in an officious or tiresome mannertransitive verb 1 : to set forth in a sermon
2 : to advocate earnestly
3 : to deliver (as a sermon) publicly
4 : to bring, put, or affect by preaching

And now your credibility has come into question. You must watch too much Glenn Beck. You are proving to be an easily manipulated and true disciple of what your brain consumes.

So what part of preaching didn’t you do in the OP?

You are a perfect example of one who is educated by the likes of Glenn Beck.

"Say anything you would like about this situation. I will cut you down with facts and hardcore knowledge."

- Helious / posted on 17-6-2010@ 10:14 PM

Chop Chop!

"It is what it is."

How would you know? Glenn Beck tell you so? “It is what it is”. What a copout follower’s excuse!

Yep yep,

P.S. Helious,

anti-communication = Misinformation.

that makes you a disinformation agent, doesn't it?

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

maybe i'm just jealous of his success, and the profits and admiration he gets himself for critizicing an experiment he himself is not willing to participate in.

i might be willing to take one part of that post back...

maybe Glenn Beck is part of his audiences' experiment?
so, maybe, just perhaps .... glenn beck is part of an experiiment ..

or maybe glenn beck is an experiment .... social engineering requires socialists ...

so, doesn't that make Glenn Beck ... a Socialist?


hope no one thinks the idea is too hilarious
what does the OP author think about it Helious?

thoughts, things & stuff,

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Here is Glenn Beck's idea of criticizing my president, after such a short time in office:

Like Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43.... Obama is not my president. He is merely the current occupant of the White House.

You, my friend are the delusional one for believeing in Obama or any other president since Reagan.

I'm done with you either way. It's not like you can do anything but spout out how much you hate Beck. And you seem to have too much time on your hands putting so much effort in putting me and the OP down. Have fun with your Cheetos and tighty-whities dude!

Let me guess, you have a love attraction for Rachael Maddow? That makes sense. She is very masculine.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by Locoman8

Look for my post history on Beck and tell me that I hate him because he is on Fox.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

That post was directed to others... not you specifically. You are a good ATS friend and I mean no disrespect to you Lemon.Fresh. God bless you friend.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:01 PM
This thread is proof of my Glen Beckian theory. The reason there are so many right wingers is they watch Glen Beck, who makes them think he is onto something that no one else is. So the next step? Look on the internet. The most popular conspiracy site? ATS.

Case in point.

As usual, Jon Stewart sticks Glenn Beck to to the wall over his outlandish comments.

"Lets admire Glenn Beck's courage again" LOLOL

[edit on 23-6-2010 by nixie_nox]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:07 PM
Glenn Beck is fun to watch on occasion. I have recently enjoyed his hip hop demeanor in relation the pimping of his new book.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:19 PM
Ok one more time. This is how TV shows work.

There is a producer that hires a script writer after the targeted demographic is determined. In Glen's case mainly Po'ed white people. Just like Hannah Montana was staged for preteen girls.

Talent is hired by the director [Glen B. in this case] to deliver the script purposely written to influence and keep a targeted audience watching the show and buying the Depends, Gold bullion, Viagra, NutriSystem and what ever else the advertisers want to pimp.

Glen Beck is referred to as talent. Those aren't his thoughts or words. They belong to a couple of geeks with macbookspro's sitting around in an expensive office, drinking redbull and tossing ideas back and forth.

Apparently the show is a success as so many people suck up the BS, and continue to buy the junk advertised and keep the ratings up.
It's entertainment, fantasy and a vehicle to make some media Ex's very, very wealthy. Do you honestly think that with this kind of money involved that everything isn't planned, scripted, marketed down to the last stinking detail; even to Becks tears. It's not Real!!! It's TV!!!

How do I know this? You wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8
reply to

Like Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43.... Obama is not my president. He is merely the current occupant of the White House.

ok, i'm listening, so to speak ... um, i mean so to type...

You, my friend are the delusional one for believeing in Obama or any other president since Reagan.

even if he is a mere puppet and a mere mouthpiece, he is still a mouthpiece and a puppet that is speaking and is doing something. theses things in themselves can be means of communication.

I hold people to a simple standard, i think. If the words eminating from their mouth is inconsistant with what their actions and behaviors are, i believe i might be being decieved, ...

"trust, but verify"
- Reagan

there in lies a conflict of possibilities from a linear perspective.
this advice is sorta not advice for any individual, is it?
if you have to verify everything, then what do you know about "trust"?

trust is the blind acceptance of something without having to verify every aspect of it. i think.

I'm done with you either way.

It's not like you can do anything but spout out how much you hate Beck.

i don't hate Glenn Beck. I just do not trust him for all my input into what is going on. nor do i care for the propaganda, and lies he panders.

nothing against FOX, but the other day the female on the FOX And Friends morning show said her job is the same as obama's, no difference, and she was referring to his administrative duties and the Generals recent "resignation". i find that a little offensive, but maybe that is just my opinion.

my point is, Glenn Beck shouldn't be anyone's majority source of information. To Put Glenn Beck above all other sources of reference for your news will lead you to where you want to go .... eventually, maybe ...

And you seem to have too much time on your hands putting so much effort in putting me and the OP down. Have fun with your Cheetos and tighty-whities dude!

making any generalizations? prejudice means pre-judging. you are pre-judging. and yet, you are not prejudice, just ask yourself.

Let me guess, you have a love attraction for Rachael Maddow? That makes sense. She is very masculine.

you think i watch Rachael Maddow more than Glenn Beck?
you think i have watched Rachel Maddow more than Glenn Beck?

i would say over the last year i have watched Glenn Beck as much as i have watched the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I think this is the level headed thing to do, instead of making absolute assumptions that one Glenn Beck has it 100% more right than any other source of "information".

if you follow Glenn Becks logic, be prepared for where it leads you ... or put forth enough empathy or insight to see where it leads.

take the time to answer all the questions he asks, how many do you think he averages a show? more than 50? more than 100? more than 200?
how many questions does Glenn Beck ask per show?
how many questions does Glenn Beck answer per show?

is it equal?

thoughts, things and stuff,

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
Ok one more time. This is how TV shows work.

There is a producer that hires a script writer after the targeted demographic is determined. In Glen's case mainly Po'ed white people. Just like Hannah Montana was staged for preteen girls.

gee, that almost sounds like it makes .... cents.

It's not Real!!! It's TV!!!

and it almost isn't even real tv.

How do I know this? You wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

you don't need to tell me, i require less verification.

thanks for sharing with us,

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Case in point.

As usual, Jon Stewart sticks Glenn Beck to to the wall over his outlandish comments.

"Lets admire Glenn Beck's courage again" LOLOL

A perfect example of how Glenn Beck is exempt from letting the facts get in the way of his puppet masters' agendas.

All Hail Glenn Becks''es' Courage to show on his show what no other information outlet was willing to air footage of


his point of view is somewhere inbetween a dog chasing it's own tail, and a monkey throwing pooh at his own audience.

is fear and hate
GB's checkmate?
so tune in tomarrow, and don't be too late!
and he'll let you know before hand your fate
facts? no, just what he wants on your plate

thanks for sharing nixie_nox,

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:24 PM
i'm watching Glenn Beck ... again ... right now. taping it, too.
i'm not prepared to say there isn't some level of truth in his broadcastings ....

however, am i more intelligent for watchiing this program?
listening to those who follow his logic, (as their primary source of wisdom), are there average i.q.'s smarter for the more they accuse that others are leading us to lose?

Fellowship, Unification, Caring, Kinship ????

Yawn, Over, Understanding,

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Locoman8
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Most specifically I'm referring to the 10th amendment... the one law that is undoubtedly being ignored.

the one law that is undoubtedly being ignored?

out of how many laws? what are the number of laws you are taking into account to spew this information forth on ATS?

Honestly, your post made little sense and is an attempt to criticize.

honestly, the first sentence of your post made little sense in it's attempt to criticize.

you are going to TELL me what law is undoubtedly being ignored, yet you do not TELL me a number of the laws YOU are ignoring to make such a statement.

how many laws, a number please?

Fellowship, Unification, Caring, Kinship ????
Yawn, Over Understanding,

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 07:10 PM
One possible translation of the OP:

Optional Pop Quiz For Glenn Beck's Audience:

We should buy into Glenn Beck's ideologies because:

A) He is right, and knows all the variables.

B) He is right, and knows all the variables.

C) He is right, and knows all the variables.

D) All of the above

congradulations, you pass!
you have now graduated from Glenn Beck 101!

Fellowship, Unification, Caring, Kinship ????
Yawn Over Understanding,

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Locoman8

Let me guess, you have a love attraction for Rachael Maddow? That makes sense. She is very masculine.

oh my god, do you make it sooooo easy!!!!

Originally posted by Locoman8

Let me guess, you have a love attraction for Rachael Maddow? That makes sense. She is very masculine.

Let me guess, you have a love attraction for Glenn Beck? That makes sense. He is very masculine.

think much?

but that is a little bit of a personal attack (intent being on focussing on perception), and not a discussion on either the format of, or the content of, or the medium of Glenn Beck's methods, is it?

stop dragging ATSers sexuality, or anyones sexuality, into discussions on OUR ATS Forums, please. (unless it is a thread to do so)

This could be a discussion on .... the information, facts, truisms ... and opinions of preferred methods of .. denying ignorance ... helping people to be less stupid, rather than authoring threads to endorse an empower to follow the teachings of a misguided uninformed, and sometimes just a blatent liar and spewer of misinformation. Which has been proven in this thread, already via Jon Stewart's one clip, of which there are many on the menu to choose from.

yep yep,

edited to add link to homosexual discussion thread.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 08:57 PM
What happened to Helious, or all other ATSers who think Glenn Beck is the nth all and be all of journalism?


hope Helious is ok and all. i'll check his personal file and see if he has been posting. if so, maybe he just does'nt feel like talking about Glenn Beck as a cult leading journalistic genius...



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