posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:18 PM
Could this Oil Spill be the end of the World as the Mayans saw it?
This spill is going to kill our Ocean and it will not recover for 20 lifetimes. Life that began in the Ocean will soon die as a result of mans greed.
Plant life and Plankton are never going to recover and all the life they sustain will soon begin to die, this will happen all over the world. Once
this Oil hits the open Ocean it will be too late and the Ocean will never recover. BP hopes these Relief Wells are the answer, but in reality they
proably wont work. This is their only remaining option. If this Oil isn't stopped it will flow for years to come. The Oil under the Ocean is killing
countless species of plant life that is so important to many species in the sea. All the suffering right now is completely tragic but it's only the
beginning. Prepare your families.
This is the beginning of the end of our world.