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Restore America Plan has the gold!

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posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Restore America Plan has the gold!

According to Jack Mizell the Restore America Plan has acquired 30 metric tons of gold with which to begin the formal restored government of the united States of America. This gold will back the new currency and the restored government. The combined with the recent assassination attempt make it clear the RAP is for real and being taken very seriously on an international level.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Rumor also has it that within the next thirty days we are likely to see enforcement beginning for the end of taxation and the assorted false laws. The new government will need real leaders, new leaders who won't stand for corruption. The end of the old criminal syndicates seems to be very much underway.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:25 PM
im sorry..

i have no idea what your talking about.

can you please explain the whole situation?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by ReelView

OP, you should provide links.

Alone on this site there are about 5-20 links.

Maybe YOU should provide them.

Edit to add-AAGH, I will just provide one of the threads.

Here is the OP from mine-LINK

Originally posted by endisnighe

April 19, 1775 The beginning of a New Era

The protests regarding taxation reached a new height in the form of the Boston Tea Party. Colonists are clamoring for the right to run their own affairs, some going as far as to call for independence from the mother country. The stage is set for an historic conflict.

Flash forward to April 19, 2010

The United States of America the corporation is going broke. You ask yourself, what do you mean corporation. The United States of America is a country, not a corporation you may say, well you would be wrong.

Now, our country has become an abhorrent entity created by machinations instituted by corrupt Banksters and Companies. They created the Federal Reserve and the IRS, both unlawful entities in accordance with the US Constitution.

Now, a couple of weeks ago I started putting a lot of things together in my mind. I was trying to figure out what has been going on in this country for the last couple years.

Here is what I have come across in just the last few weeks. Thanks to everyone that has brought this to my attention. I am going to extract information from a lot of threads here and a lot of different members. I would like to thank you all for the links and for your comments. If I forget to source your comments let me know and I will credit you.

First, several movements came together.

Give Me Liberty .org

This is a large site and is the collection of numerous different people and different groups. They have been petitioning the government for grievances like the Income Tax, Property Tax, Social Security Taxes, Medicare Taxes, Statuatory Codes and numerous other components.

This movement is about bringing us back to the True governance we were meant to be under. A Representative government ruled under a Constitutional Republic. We were unlawfully placed under a Corporate ruled government controlled by Private Corporations.

This group has given presentments to all the States and Numerous Federal agencies and all of the Branches. The current Corporate government cannot dispute the claims in these presentments. Our government is running unlawfully under this abhorrent form of governance.

This movement is attempting to reinstall the true Republic.

Now you are going to hear all kinds of propaganda and scare tactics to try and demonize this. Do not believe it.


Thanks to TrueAmerican for this thread and everyone that researched in it. These presentments were delivered March 31. Here is a link to the thread on that component-Provost Marshalls to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America

Thanks to kyle43 for this thread. Do not fall for the scare tactics and propaganda that they will try to play. Here is a thread on the government's initial response-Nevada: Capitol locked down in wake of threats

Thanks to Boondock Saint for this thread. If you believe this is important you should do what you can to help. Here is a thread on the plan for the Reconstruction of the Republic-2010 Plan to Restore the Constitution - April 19


Now for some miscellaneous info.





Sovereignty laws
The UCC Connection:Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny

The Plan
Guardians Of The Free Republic

Sam Kennedy, Christian patriot and M.D.
A Brief Proposal to Restore Financial Sanity and the People’s Wealth

Sovereignty Video
John Harris - 'It's an illusion' talk at the Stoke 'Lawful Rebellion' Conference

States Flexing their Republic
Utah to Use Eminent Domain to Seize Federal Land

Freedom School
U.S.A. The Republic Is The House That No One Lives In

Video with Judge Napalitano
March 30, 2010
Restoring Constitutional Governance

The Principle of 1798
Faded Glory Patriot Wisconsin Wolves

Radio Broadcasts
Talk Shoe with Tim Turner

Angelas Talkshoe:

Sam Davis:

Dallas Debt Discussion:

[edit on 6/17/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:32 PM
OP, care to expand?

Is someone coming to save us all?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Signals

Signals, I will set up a signal when someone comes to save us.


posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

thanks end is nighe but those videos dont work and i cant find anything about gold.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by 7even7eas

I just copied my OP from an earlier thread back in March and April timeframe.

Is there something specifically you want to know about the RAP?

The OP did one HELL of a slack job of reference links and information.

edit to add-

from calculator-metric tons equals 1000 kilograms. An American ton equals 2k lbs. That means nothing.

Now, 1 lb=2.2 kilograms

Long and short of it, the 30 metric tons is equivalent to the price of gold at $1200/ounce to $1,267,200,000. Now, who are they going to give THAT TO? Hell, the US congress will spend that at Starbucks.

[edit on 6/17/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:45 PM
ummm.........what recent assassination attempt?

Reading the post theres some grammatical errors as well and they didnt capitalize the U in United States.....

Smells fake to me

[edit on 17-6-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 06:47 PM
I dont understand this, please explain.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

ive never heard of the Restore America Plan.

and that doesnt sound like enough gold to restore america .

i support anyone who wants to restore america to what it should be,

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by ReelView

Rumor also has it that within the next thirty days we are likely to see enforcement beginning for the end of taxation and the assorted false laws. The new government will need real leaders, new leaders who won't stand for corruption. The end of the old criminal syndicates seems to be very much underway.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Well they are going to have to prove it not just claim they have it. They have made a lot of claims with no evidence whatsoever.

Second your link has nothing on RAP.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
ummm.........what recent assassination attempt?

Reading the post theres some grammatical errors as well and they didnt capitalize the U in United States.....

Smells fake to me

[edit on 17-6-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

Some patriots believe United should not be capitalized because it is supposed to be a verb not a noun. If it is a verb it is more in line with how thing originally were; a bunch of states united for mutual defense and trade not one big country like today. if it is a Noun then it changes the meaning and makes it a name or title.

We don't have the original copy as it was burned in the war of 1812 however the earliest copies we do have all had United capitalized. Some think this was a British plot and the reason all our founding documents were burned too.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

well thats a nice lesson there, however, you can draw a conclusion that it wasnt deliberate it was accidental just because of the other errors....

Sorry if im skeptical but, always proceed with cautious optimism.....

Fact is, that wasnt the only error, and even at that.....anytime you use the name of a place, its capitalized.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:20 PM

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by 7even7eas

edit to add-

from calculator-metric tons equals 1000 kilograms. An American ton equals 2k lbs. That means nothing.

Now, 1 lb=2.2 kilograms

Long and short of it, the 30 metric tons is equivalent to the price of gold at $1200/ounce to $1,267,200,000. Now, who are they going to give THAT TO? Hell, the US congress will spend that at Starbucks.

[edit on 6/17/2010 by endisnighe]

Actually, 1 Kilogram = 2.2 Pounds, not the other way around. I re-did all of your math, and then I realized that your end-result is correct, haha, so you just worded it incorrectly. But 1.2672 Billion is a decent amount of money, albeit not enough to run the US for sure.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by mr_marbles

Yeah, when I posted it, I realized my mistake. Though the math was right, I stated it all wrong.

Thanks for verifying my math.

Two Captains and Cokes this evening.

Anyway, thanks for not ripping me a good one, which I deserved.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:57 PM
Over a billion dollars in gold? Did they take up a collection or rob Fort Knox?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by ReelView

This is great news, thanks for sharing. I hope the RAP plan come in soon, before this Nation collapses into civil war and chaos. I stand ready, and will do whatever possible to bring this plan to fruition. Time for the old government to go, and the new one to be installed. goodbye New World Order, we hardly knew ye. Goodbye Lobby and special interest, you will never have a place here anymore. Goodbye Lawyers, you never had a place in Public Office anyway, so away with you. Goodbye Statutory Corporate Laws, we need you not.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 03:53 AM
For those who haven't caught on. Over the last year or so a small group of very serious law students primarily in the south have been working on a plan to restore the united States of America to it's pre-civil war, true constitutional government. These are wise and experiences mature adults who have basically come to understand law and history better than the judges and lawyer. They are not students of the BAR association but independent scholars. The plan was formally initiated at the end of March with the notification to the Governors. The plan is known as the "Restore America Plan". The gold (Fort Knox Gold I believe) was fraudulently taken from the country and has now been returned as of the last couple of days. This sets the stage for financial backing of the restored government.

"United States of America" is the name of a municipal corporation established in 1871 by congress following the trauma of the civil war. In 1861 the constitution was suspended. It was around that time that "United" was capitalized to identify the municipal corporation and sucker people into thinking it was the same thing as the united States of America which was the republic. The constitution was suspended in 1871, it was not abolished. To do that would have required a vote by the people and the goal was to deceive the people and begin the fascist system. In 1944 via the Bretton Woods agreement ownership of the USA (the corporation) was transferred to the International Monetary Fund. The so-called national debt is the debt of the municipal corporation (USA) which is yet again insolvent. Of course the real purpose of these bankruptcy action is to consolidate power, they are acts of war.

With the USA came the "US Citizen" designation. This was because the authority of the municipal corporation was limited to the District of Columbia and the Territories. The USA never has had any authority in the states. So to gain authority over the people they where designated as "US Citizens" meaning in their twisted minds that Citizens where employees, so to say, of the corporation. Meaning they where "contract bound" to the rules of the corporation. Crazy as this sounds these events in the congressional record. Basically the overthrow of the united States was by "legal" not lawful means. It was an act of fraud. This process continued to degenerate to birth certificates, SSN cards, marriage licenses, drivers licenses, property taxes, income tax, etc. and leading us to the world today where you are viewed by the system as property of the state. Your car, your home, your children are (to the fraud government) state property. You are not the owner, the state is. Why don't they tell you openly? Because you wouldn't agree. When you go to court or don't pay taxes you find out the hard way that they own you. Again this is all fraud. States also became corporations, cities corporations, even your local police department, in a larger city, is likely a corporation. They are profit machines.

Somewhere in the Maxims of Law, the immutable laws that are the foundation of law and justice is "The created cannot be greater than its creator.". People create constitutions, government and corporations therefore they can never inferior to them. The living human is always superior. The living human is the ruler and the law. Basically ignoring the subject of fraud, the rational was that people who don't object are acquiescing to an authority. People didn't object to the take over (they didn't realize it was happening) so it became the law of the land or the De Facto government. A de facto government is what you get when the Nazi's come into town and kill people who don't obey their laws. They are the unlawful government of the time. The USA is an unlawful, criminal, de facto government that has been running since 1871 by lack of challenge and objection and really by the lack of people realizing what was happening to them. Now the RAP has stood up and lawfully objected and is in the process of restoring the original government and the constitution. Because of this people where tricked (defrauded) of their true sovereign, self authority by cultivating a fictional self, the Citizen name, the capitalized name, which is the slave name of ancient Rome. Your capitalized name on a drivers license, birth certificate, etc., indicates slave status. You as a US Citizen are property of the state. That capitalized name is aka the "Strawman" used in commerce. The original works of some elders like Tim Turner where in helping people to become "Secure Party Creditors". A SPC takes ownership of their strawman in commerce. In 1933, during the USA's bankruptcy, the "Citizens" where pledged as collateral and to do so their strawman was monetized with a trust fund having an initial value (something like 1.5 million each). That fund grows during your lifetime and can be worth billions. As a secure party creditor you are the owner of your strawman and you can have the treasury discharge public debt (bank loans) on behalf of the debtor (strawman). This process begins with a proper UCC1 filing then a public county filing of documents then the distribution of notice and bonds to the Treasury and interested parties. Tim Turned has the working SPC system laid out for people. Whether this will be necessary in the future, when the restoration is further along, I don't know.

One of the reasons this fraud (USA) was possible is because of the BAR association. The original 13th amendment was replaced with the anti-slave amendment when the USA was started. Basically they substituted constitutions. The original 13th amendment forbid titles of nobility from holding elected office. Lawyers are "Esquire" a British title of nobility. The lawyers oath is an allegiance to a foreign power. The massive infusion of lawyers into elected office became the means by which the deception has been orchestrated. The war of 1814 was probably a precursor to this effort and likely disposed of a good many documents of the original government making it easier, a generation later, to implement the switch. These kinds of serious actions are planned long in advance.

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