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Originally posted by dianashay
I found this creep's pic,
he is for legit, and here I thought this thread might be a hoax.. uhhg.
Originally posted by pjslug
Absolutely outrageous.... He is like a modern day Josef Mengele. What other reason for this pedophile act than his own, sick, sexual fascination? What parents would actually allow this kind of horrendous torture, and moreso how the hell is this legal??
The world wasn't bad enough, so we needed to bring back Nazi-esque doctors.
Originally posted by James Battleworthy
more like 1984 every day, its getting rediculous. when will people see whats happening to us
"In fact, it seems to me that this is the kind of thing that a) Cornell University should not be tolerating, as a matter of practice and b) may well be worthy of actually legislating on, given the recent discussion of the American Academy of Pediatrics signing off on what amounts to better-branded female genital mutilation where needed to satisfy certain cultural dictates," said Mair.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
From the OP's article
"In fact, it seems to me that this is the kind of thing that a) Cornell University should not be tolerating, as a matter of practice and b) may well be worthy of actually legislating on, given the recent discussion of the American Academy of Pediatrics signing off on what amounts to better-branded female genital mutilation where needed to satisfy certain cultural dictates," said Mair.
I love this bit, so a girl having her genitals mutilated to conform to cultural dictates is wrong, even considered by an official body but a boy having his genitals mutilated is absolutely fine and hardly anyone ever questions it.
If you hate what happened to this girl but support the circumcision of boys then please shut up, don't ever post in this thread again because yo uare an absolute hypocrite.
I hate this hypocrisy.
Originally posted by Hazystars
Word. You're preaching directly to my choir, ImaginaryReality! I think it's illogical that most people don't see circumcision as genital mutilation as well.
I personally don't agree with these cultural practices, but i'm also not proposing that they should be outright outlawed either. I do think that the person that's being chopped up should be informed of what's going on at age where they can give legal consent. Humans alter their form all the time, including their genitals (the Prince Albert, pubic hair coloring is also quite popular), but it's usually an adult making that decision for themselves.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Originally posted by Hazystars
Word. You're preaching directly to my choir, ImaginaryReality! I think it's illogical that most people don't see circumcision as genital mutilation as well.
I personally don't agree with these cultural practices, but i'm also not proposing that they should be outright outlawed either. I do think that the person that's being chopped up should be informed of what's going on at age where they can give legal consent. Humans alter their form all the time, including their genitals (the Prince Albert, pubic hair coloring is also quite popular), but it's usually an adult making that decision for themselves.
Oh please don't get me wrong. If someone decides to undergo such a procedure later in life then i would not ever stand in their way. I just think it's wrong that a parent can decide to mutilate their childs body. Correcting flaws is one thing, like a cleft pallet, but to take away a perfectly functional part of the normal anatomy is another thing and i just get so utterly angry over the hypocrisy. Especially when i see women, nearly always american women talking about the uncut penis as if it's a terrible and disgusting feature on a man. They are happy to mutilate him for their aesthetic ideals.
The child never has a choice whether he wants to keep a part of his anatomy that is perfectly normal and that needs to change.
I just want to say that i speak as an uncut male, i have no mourning for my foreskin. I say this only because i have seen on other discussions about ths issue where men are accused of being over sensitive about " a little bit of skin they lost".
Such a horrible statement.
[edit on 18-6-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]
Originally posted by Maxmars
It is to remove the excess (hence nonfunctional) tissue and deformity while allowing the child to grow up with genitalia that hasn't been stripped of its sensory capacity.
That is why the sensitivity is tested. And a vibratory device is not necessarily a dildo.
The OP's article indicates there are those who wish to categorize this as mutilation, including the reporter/editor of the news organization. Maybe that sells better than the story of children who need to have corrective surgery, and the medical practice that accommodates that need.
I suppose that it is possible some surgeries may be unnecessary, but I hardly think this article explains why. It just hurls nasty inferences and arouses the ire of those who take it at face value.
Of these patients 46 (90%) were genetic females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 3 (6%) were 46 XY who had undergone sex reassignment surgeries and 2 (4%) were 46 XX disorder of sexual development.