posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Terviseks
Is it methane bubbles ?
Looks about the same to me as yesterday .. and the day before that .. and day before that .. and before that .. and ....
It's just the outflow of oil having is toxic octane level increased with corexit (as if problems weren't bad enough .. why they are adding that
stuff is beyond me, wouldn't it be easier to let it rise to the surface in one big string of black snot so it can be collected there .. how they
gonna collect that stuff while it's floating under water?).
Anyhow, take a look at the BOP. That thing is sure looking tilty. Need more tilt ... need more tilt ... Worry about THAT ... and those 14k psi
pressures down below (liquids at that pressure can cut through steel pipes if sprayed fine enough, such as through cracks and holes).
The British should send over their national guard or whatever to clean up this mess. Instead, BP hires their victims to clean up their toxic mess.
It's like being slapped in the face twice.
Toxic Tony should be given 1 hour of community service for every gallon of oil leaked and sent to the gulf to serve his sentence.
[edit on 17-6-2010 by Divinorumus]