posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:04 PM
How are conspiracy theories going more mainstream? All I see are the same politics as usual. Democrats are blaming Republicans for derailing all of
their bills. Republicans are saying that the Democrats want socialism, and, that every little thing they do is socialism and as a result of because
of that kind of rhetoric- rather than going to the Republican party people stay where they are. I just see a shift in the political ideology.
Republican voices are getting heard. The only real thing is that these people aren't really for free markets. They want an aristocracy, or a
metiocracy, or whatever that is. They also want strong national offense and they think that Obama's being weak and all of these other nations should
bow down to our will, and, they think that since they're not that Obama's a bad President. They're not interested in truth and knowing who is
controlling Obama behind the scenes, and, knowing what Obama wants to do personally which is good for the country or bad for the country. They're
just partisan hacks, just, like a lot of the people who were protesting against Bush when the Democrats were in power.