There will be people who will never see following explanation reasonable, but hopefully there may be few who find it more valid according to their own
experiences – but more likely there will be unfortunately large quantities of people who will just stick with their beliefs, based on explanations
given by religious authorities. Of course some people will stick on those explanations even they may have had personal experiences; after all, we are
considering something akin to symbolic archetypes of human mind, and when seeing is believing, and explanations given according these observations may
be so convincing, the more mundane explanation may be overlooked.
But we cannot let the preceding notions deflate our attempt to approach this matter from perhaps more logical and earthly viewpoint, as it may be more
accurate in describing what we are in fact experiencing when it comes to demons, demonic possessions and so forth. Demons in a sense are real, but
misunderstood. As human thoughts are based on ideas and language which are symbolic and during the aeons of development of human psyche, the abstract
ideas have taken concrete forms. Humans are actually capable of seeing ideas, as C.G. Jung observed:
Among primitives, for instance, the imago, the psychic reverberation of the sense-perception, is so strong and so sensuously coloured that when it is
reproduced as a spontaneous memory-image it sometimes even has the quality of an hallucination. Thus when the memory-image of his dead mother suddenly
reappears to a primitive, it is as if it were her ghost that he sees and hears.
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, part 6: Psychological
In same manner the images of demons, which are indoctrinated into human thinking throughout its religious history, may take visual forms amongst some
people. Then what those apparitions commonly called ‘demons’ may be?
There is strong indication that they are suppressed contents of unconsciousness. Demon encounters as such are more common with religious and spiritual
people than with mundane people. However, when it comes to so called ‘personality disorders’, the underlying psychological and –physiological
‘mechanics’ may be same between mundane and spiritual people, only their appearance is different. Also, the method of helping them should be
chosen accordingly. ‘Exorcism’ may be a substantial remedy for spiritual people, whereas psychoactive drugs and/or psychotherapy and –analysis
may be better for mundane people.
Demons have everything to do with one’s cultural education and upraising. Those brought up in non-religious environment are far less likely to
experience demonic encounters, possessions and so on compared to those of religious environment. Of course there are and will be exceptions, but the
rule of thumb is such. The contents of unconsciousness manifests them in distinct ways between the two – while non-religious person may experience
‘personal disorders’ and ‘neurotic behaviour’ religious people experience more likely ‘demonical obsession’ and ‘diabolical
Hence it is no surprising, that when one is ‘at the twilight zone’ of sleep and wakefulness, the experience of ‘evil presence’ may take place.
It may or may not continue in following dream. The dreams are interaction between the conscious and unconscious attitudes, and symbolic archetypes
often manifests in dreams. Obviously enough, one may have these experiences in stressful times, or when ones conscious attitude (for example religious
or spiritual pureness) conflicts with unconscious drives (carnal needs and so on).
So when keeping in mind that “seeing is believing’ and such events may take place in one’s sphere of experiences, it is not a great surprise
that there are constantly rumours of demons, shadow men and so on circulating about. The quantities of these experiences tend to increase during the
troubled times: The more one’s personal feelings conflict with the cultural values, the more there is conflict between conscious and unconscious
attitudes. Hence it may be healthy in psychological sense to keep up with individuality and make every effort available to hold on one’s inner
integrity. The more you split between your consciousness, the more uneasy your life become.