God, I wish he was. I got all nostalgic and listened to all his recordings again, hadn't done that in ages. The man was a f*cking prophet. The stuff
he done on relentless about the first gulf war (and the first george bush) is still relevant to this one. He was just what America needed, a good
swift kick to the happy sacks. If he hadnt died he'd be massive now. I'd so love to hear what he'd make of all this. He wouldn't be short of
material anyway, thats for sure.
the guy had a gift. Even his own parents said he was like a preacher - although they disagreed with his language at times!
Seems like he was another one of those who speak truth and die young. Occasionally wondered about the circumstances of his death, but not too much -
he smoked enough to kill himself
he died at 34 of pancreatic cancer, just as he was starting to make it really big. It's interesting to note that he made it big in the u.k, having a
few channel four shows etc, but the mainstream media in america pretty much ignored him for ages ( though a large reason for that was his early heavy
drinking and unpredictable behaviour.)