posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Good, because this one's a doozy. I'm putting together alot of the doomsday stuff that has been going around this year into one big doomsday
Here we go.
Mid Summer 2004: Everyone's starting to relax now that we aren't all dead from any asteroid and the economy hasn't tanked yet and once again
threats from al Q. prove to be for attention only. Everything's pretty quiet around the globe. Every now and then there's a bomb that goes off or
sporadic fighting in both Isreal and Iraq but nothing major. Transfer of Iraqi power goes off without a hitch. And we're still waiting for the third
person to die. Regan, Ray, and ???. Maybe that's not true either? After a busy spring and early summer with hoaxes, people are starting to become
more skeptical.
Late Mid Summer 2004 (Late July - August): A new computer virus hits. A headache more than anything. After a long period of good economic numbers, it
seems the economy and job growth has leveled off. The price of oil is fluctuating still.
Late Summer 2004 (Late August - Early Sept.): 4 major oil pipelines in the Mid East are either bombed or Sabbatoged. OPEC decides that our continued
involvment in Middle Eastern affairs has brought this on, so they cut off our oil supply. And that's when "it" hits the fan. Every aspect of our
economy is devastated by this and takes a huge plunge. al Quaida annouces it is responsible and that this was only the begining. Our military
operations in Afghanistan are stepped up ten fold. The news of Osama's death and the war on terror however, are overshadowed by the collapsing
Early fall: Toutatis misses us. The economy however is still horrible. Only the depression was worst. You don't even want to know what gas prices
are. However sporting events still go on, and malls are still open (though prices are ridiculous at every store). Looting has increased quite a bit,
though there have been no major riots yet. Poor Bush. His ratings have fallen to the single digits. He has been doing his best trying to reassure
America this is only temporary but it goes unheeded. Our oil reserves have been released but has little impact.
Mid fall: Man, it's getting bad. Al Quaida has begun it's next phase. With the economy being so bad, security has become very lax. Reports that
suicide bombings are occuring everywhere. Sporting events, any mall still open, at protests, etc. Rioting increases. The government however is still
running. And after much debate the elections go on as scheduled. Bush loses. People should be happy right? Wrong. Things go from bad to worse. A few
days after the elections it's reported that three asteroids are on a collision course with earth. Though not that big, they are big enough to cause
major widespread damage. Two hit in mainly uninhabited land but affected a large area. One in Russia, the other in Canada. The other hit in the
Atlantic ocean, near Africa. Though it hit on the other side of the ocean, the ensuing tsunami washed a couple of hunderd miles inland here in the
U.S. The waters receeded rapidly and people started to move back into buildings not destroyed by the wave.
Late fall 2004 - Early Winter 2005: Bush declared martial law in the effected areas, with Kerry agreeing to keep that way after being sworn in.
People aren't happy about that and riots increase throughout the country. Chaos takes a firm grip. The people become organized and by...
Late Spring 2005: It's a full scale civil war.
Winter 2006: Other countries sieze on the oppurtunity with the world's police being in trouble. The middle eastern countries pounce on Isreal, China
finally attacks Taiwan, and the North Korean's bomb's (not nuclear) South Korea. Russia thinks it's now the only superpower so now sees itself as
the world's police. They send fighter planes to try and quell the fighting here in America. Bad move. Because by...
Early Spring 2006: American's unite, to attack a common enemy. Russia. Oops, who pressed that button? The button that lauches oh, just a half dozen
nuclear missles to Russian cities. They unfortunately return the favor. It's the end of the world as we know it. Very qucikly, the world takes
sides. WW3 begins. Basically north and south America vs. most of Europe and Russia vs. China and NK. Isreal lays waste to Iran and Syria and is
engaged against Egypt.
The world will never be the same. But us humans are resiliant little things. Life will go on.
How did the war end you ask? Well, war weariness sets in everywhere, peace talks had picked up paced and out of the blue, aliens came. Not an invading
force but there are thousands of them, and then.....and then......