signed up as im fed up of seeing the whole anti israel and `israel provides propoganda threads`
i remember the day israel did the right thing and defended themselves against that u.n boat which ADMITTED on bbc news they were carrying materials
which were banned.. regardless of their purpose they were BANNED.... there were around 15 anti israeli threads and im not going to stand up
so i am on here to help my jewish and israeli brothers
thank you
i wish everyone all the best
oh and i find it funny one thing.. you know all the palestinians.. they are imigrants who were kindly alllowed to stay by the israelis when they
declared their independence..... israel did not need to let them stay int he first place
and why are the muslim countries who rise in anger against anything israel does, not reachign out and providing comfort for their `muslim brothers`...
nuslims dont give a DAM about their `brother muslims` and that is a fact
its time for people to rise up, realise the truth about muslims, put down the `stop the occupation` banners.. and put up the `stop islam banners`
Welcome to ATS, have you been a lurker here for a while or is this a reasonably new experience?
Either way, i'm sure you'll have fun, you already seem up for discussion on certain subjects.....always nice to see keen members chomping at the bit
so to speak.
i basically just wanted to commend you for your honesty with your intentions. we may not agree on issues or we just might. honestly i dont think we
but you already stand on solid ground with me just for coming clean right in the beginning...
may your stay here be as enjoyable as it is enlightening