posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 12:00 AM
A year and a half later you now have people who will never ever believe a politicans lies again. People who will never vote for a standard two party
canidate again. People who now realize our government is fascist and has been for quite sometime. This once small minority grows everyday from the
freestate project to the nonrepublican tea partiers to militias to various other anarchist groups. The once small minority of fed up citizens is now
fast becoming the majority. Even people in their 60s and 70s who had been in a deep slumber for years are suddenly waking up. Many are aware that the
dream they sold the public is no longer viable. Many are not so willingly slaves for a dollar, and one by one the PTB methods of control are failing.
The criminal banking enterprise and fiat currency are being seen for what they are.
I wish you were right but I have been trying to motivate those that have their eyes wide open, with a little change in their pocket and fairly
intelligent, to stop voting for the status quo to no avail.
What you are not taking into consideration is that most Americans are thinkers; they are not doers. They are quite complacent with their lot in life
and though they may be a bit annoyed with the way our government is functioning, until it takes something directly out of their mouths or pockets they
will continue to do the same things that they have always done.
Sure they feel sorry for the guy down the street and they may even put a little extra in the community fund, fill the little brown bags with
non-perishables and leave them at the mailbox, but not enough of us have felt the sting to make the real difference.
Even with the political activist like the ones involved in the tea party movement, they are relying on the same guys that got us into this mess to get
us out. They are following the calling of the talking heads that have a vested interest in swaying their votes and they have no real substitute to put
into office.
I hear my local politicians falling on the bandwagon and trying to distance themselves from those on Capitol Hill. They want you to believe they are
different, but most are just wealthy businessmen that have learned to how lie, cheat and among the best of them.
We need change and we need real change but it is not going to come by putting carbon copies of the same people into the same positions. Trust me. This
people are not going to go down without a fight and they wrote the rulebook on how to fight dirty.
The only way I see any hope of real change is to clean house. Vote everybody out. Start with a new slate. Even if we voted in a bunch of trustworthy
people that have no clue to how the government works they can’t do as much damage as the ones that have taken our country hostage and uses it
towards their own agenda.
It won’t take long to see whom we should keep and whom we should let go come next election. I should add that any communication with the old guard
after the clearing of house is grounds from immediate impeachment.
Okay. I know that I am just dreaming and that I just exercised a flight of fantasy but I can dream can’t I?