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The "GAIACOMM... The technology of H.A.A.R.P." thread was a hoax

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posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:21 PM
And the "doctor" is really not a PhD...

For the past four (4) months, GAIACOMM CORPORATION has been seeking your assistance for a special funding allowance to enable it to initiate operations and construct two (2) working prototypes of its 4G wireless technology. So far, we seem to be falling on deaf ears because we are a micro company, of unknown notoriety, staffed by unknown persons who are not industry-accepted PhD-s. Basically, you are all ignoring us. OK - up until now, this has been amusing, but the time for joking around has ended.
Another fine reason for banning and trashing the thread was the unauthorized use of a discussion thread to promote and advertise for their company. This is strictly forbidden in our terms and conditions. [edit on 11-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Wonderwoman called, she wants her tights and makeup back

Nah, good work, i'm happy to see the little hoaxer silenced. Although he was an amiable liar who let you walk all over him I will miss tearing him a new butthole from time to time.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:20 AM
Finally. I was wondering when that Attention seeking Energy_wave was going to get banned again. All he was doing was attention seeking, making thigns biger than they actually are, and spreading information about hoaxes that had been proven to be false, while he is making out that they are real, still even after he knew and everypone knew them to be true. I know i filled out a complaint form.

Anyways. Good work SO

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:35 AM
yeah. nice werk. forgive mie spealling, but i'm a doctor, not an elevator.
the sad thing is, the material wasn't bad, just the messenger. there is much truth(and crap) in that thread.
especially this: ...."anything is possible!".
those guys were giving 'chemmies' a bad name, HAHA!

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:44 AM
Darn it, I always miss out on the hoaxes... nice work S.O. so when do you sign up for the 3 picture movie deal?

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE All he was doing was attention seeking, making thigns biger than they actually are, and spreading information about hoaxes that had been proven to be false, while he is making out that they are real, still even after he knew and everypone knew them to be true. >snip< Anyways. Good work SO
Thanks... but as these things go, you just know energy_wave will be spamming other discussion boards on how he was "wronged by ATS" and that we're trying to cover up his information, and since he's probably building the story that we're trying to kill and cover up his "information", he'll likely use that as validation that his "information" must be important, or sensitive, or dangerous... because, why else would it be covered up? -blah- We've seen the same old song and dance from other hoaxes and/or members who have gone off the deep-end with wrong information. All we can do is offer the realistic version and let people draw their own conclusions.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by browha
I absolutely love the new range of superhero pictures skeptic overlord...
Top points!

Denying ignorance is dirty business.

Which is why I wear gloves!

(Maybe we'll have Skeptic Overlord action hero t-shirts in the ATS store when it opens up!)

[edit on 11-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

Well it's a good thing they were banned. We dont want to be fooled! And Skeptic does you surperhero look like you?

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 09:42 AM
Hasnt Energy_wave just apologised to everyone for a previous hoax... then got let back and has done this?? cos thats f****d up!
unless im gettin times wrong

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by billybob
those guys were giving 'chemmies' a bad name, HAHA!

Damn straight, brother!

I didn't participate in either of those threads. The same goes for the Feb. 9th episode with e_w.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 10:59 AM
You have to realise that these are the same type of people that give all conspiracy theorists a bad name. Rense and Blackvault as well as many other sites became complete laughing stocks for most because, in their quest for "the truth", they let these people run riot spreading lies. Eventually destroying their credibility.

Good thing we eventually nailed them.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Let EW talk on the other boards! It only takes a few seconds to see through his crap. Those on the other boards, while not nearly as bright as those of us on ATS, will see through it and know that ATS keeps its' house clean by banning BS bologna bunk! Good job SO and those that searched out the truth.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:35 PM
BTW, where's he posting. Maybe a few of us could drop in and say hello - No, not to EW, but to the members of that community who might not know him as well as we do. On the other hand, we could just forget him and be just as happy!

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
BTW, where's he posting. Maybe a few of us could drop in and say hello - No, not to EW, but to the members of that community who might not know him as well as we do. On the other hand, we could just forget him and be just as happy!

no need to go there. the members on that board have already dealt with him. harshly i might add. and i'm not saying what the board is. the less attenton he gets from us in general the better.

forgetting about him is the best option i believe.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 03:17 PM
I agree, the other boards will take care of him as ATS has if he continues and we shouldn't get involved (just as America really shouldn't be getting involved with other countries matters, but that's for other threads... just comparison), but man... the curiosity is gonna kill me... is it searchable without days of digging? That's about all I wanna know... I wanna see what he got slammed for on other boards!

SO, question: Why trash these hoax threads? Why not make a "Hoax Depository" so they can be viewed by all as exactly what they are: a known hoax. It would definitly help the hoax awareness, and would make excellent example of proper use of skepticism. Basically it would be of excellent educational value to newcomers, or people that are ready to buy into just about anything... if they are aware of hoaxes, and can see for themselves just how elaborate and how out of hand some of these hoaxes get, they will be more likely to help comfirm or debunk possible future hoaxes. (would've used the suggestion button for that, but it doesn't feel right writing a suggestion in a complaint box, lol... and I wanna know what others may think about this idea, since this is a thread concerning a hoax).

I missed the EW hoaxes apparently, and cannot view the threads. I'll have to go back and look at some posts, but I have kinda questioned EW's posts in the past... they seemed to be worse than mine about giving sources of info. But, oh well... I pretty much work the same way: I'll let anyone into my house, but as soon as they get too far out of line, they are gone, and I may or may not give them a second chance to come back. I really can't believe he apologized and then did it again. Is there something to this? Did we just oust him unfairly? He admitted to one hoax, but I cannot judge for myself, nor even see what happenned or transpired because the threads got trashed... "The Hoax Depository", a nice locked collection of hoaxes from conspiracy past. I could see it being a really good thing

*EDIT: Oooh! "The ATS Hoax Musem"! A freak show at worst, education at best!

[edit on 12-6-2004 by Earthscum]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 03:42 PM
I'll miss his avitar

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by mtsquad
I'll miss his avitar


and good job S.O.! that double-crosser almost got ATS.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 04:07 PM
Having repository(SP) of Hoax threads is a good idea. There are lessons to be learnt from Hoaxes of all types and having a place to put them were they can be looked at either as objects of Curiosity or lessons to be learnt is all good in my opinion. It will also show what strong Moderation and healthy Scepticism can achieve. Also perhaps it would serve as a warning to New and established posters that Hoaxing will not be tolerated on ATS in any way, shape or form.
Plus i kind of have a morbid curiosity about Hoaxes myself.

It would also be a place were we can look at SO's Avatar's in all their glory.My personal favorite is the "Flying Banhammer"

[edit on 12-6-2004 by Janus]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by browha
Oh, I'd just like to add that I was initially suspicious because..
Dr. Judah Ben-Hur.... is also the star of a film called Ben Hurr which I watched just last week =p

I'm really laughing. You can't hear it, but it's there. That's good, you people thought there was a dr judah ben-hur. Maybe they're related.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 05:05 PM
Forgive me for saying this but everyone in that thread that said NO DO NOT LET HIM BACK so strongly should get a 250 point bonus for being right!

Anyway on to better things we go!


posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Maybe we'll have Skeptic Overlord action hero t-shirts in the ATS store when it opens up!

why stop there? we need some SO action figures!

Originally posted by browha
Oh, I'd just like to add that I was initially suspicious because..
Dr. Judah Ben-Hur.... is also the star of a film called Ben Hurr

i agree... i thought it was BS from the beginning

as for the banning, i just agree that it was about time. when i was new to the boards is when his last hoax went on, and i agreed that he should be let back... what a mistake i made!

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