posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 11:29 PM
So this is where the food crisis begins.
Granted, it will not be a REAL food crisis, the mainstream media will just blow it out of proportion and have a field day with messing with the
citizens emotions by making it seem worse than it actually is.
Just watch -
By the end of the summer (which is prime crop harvesting season), farmers will come up short, and then it will hit the presses with fault laid on BP
and Core-Exit. This will be enough to slow production and import of food products NOT affected by the oil leak crisis in the Gulf, and BAM! There you
have it. The impeding food crisis hits and is in full swing before anyone gets a chance to comprehend what a food crisis actually is.
I have read on ATS that there are reports of crop dusters spraying Core-Exit on land during the night....
Think about it.
Something is brewing folks. There is talk of multiple conspiracies taking place behind the oil leak crisis. Reports of dying crops. Reports of mass
foreign troops on the ground in the U.S. Reports of untimely activation of National Guard and Reserve troops for Summer FTX's and drills. Rumors of
mass evacuation and relocation plans for the affected areas around the Gulf. We had an elected official attack a citizen. Tensions are high.
Perhaps there are just too many cracks in the levy at this point.
If the # hits the fan, grab your guns. We stand and fight. I am sick of reading threads here on ATS and elsewhere of people living in fear of what
might happen. I for one am not afraid. We all have know about what has been taking place and what is most likely going to take place. So, why be
afraid of it. There are over 300.000.000 million of us, and a select few thousand, maybe million of them. No matter. I believe that the people will
prevail. Call me a terrorist, call me what ever you please. This is not a call to arms, but hey, it can be I guess. I do not care what agency or
special interest group may be reading this comment. I am not afraid of any of you. You can take my user name and this comment and drag it through the
mud just like you did you boondock_saint and a few other ATS members. That won't phase me. Those tactics won't work forever. It is coming to the
point where people are starting to see through propaganda and smear campaigns. You see, it is not the people that should be scared, it is the people
of high authority that should be heading for the hills and making preparations. People are not just going to roll over on command anymore. Your moves
are becoming more and more predictable.
I for one have a plan. I know who to look for.
Bring it on I say.