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Computer = 666 = mark of the beast

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Here is a great video on this subject. The keywords for the channel are: " 666 CALCULATOR CHANNEL YOU TUBE"

Once there you will find all the videos on 666 and a bunch of great videos about 9/11

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:18 PM
I get a perverse pleasure out of pointing out to all of the "666" fanatics that "666" is not the Number of the Beast. The number of the Beast, as far as we can tell at this point, is "616".

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 06:58 AM
Many of you search for some deep informations about 666 and computers but you don't need to look that far to actually see these number in modern computers
I only saw here information about Pentium III and 666 or 667 MHz clock. Nothing more.

So I will focus on DDR3 RAMs ( memory ) for now that are mostly "infected" by three sixes in modern PCs as I guess. Every RAM inside our computers work on two base things like clock and timings which determine overall performance of memory. There are 1066, 1333, 1500, 1600, 1750 and so on MHz in DDR3. But if you go a little further into it you will discover that these memory haves timings like 6-6-6, and also they have, 7-7-7, 8-8-8, 9-9-9 ( which some of you I guess will convert into 666
). So thats one thing but the second are these clocks and I will focus on this "special" one - 1333 MHz. Memory have the real clock and effective clock. So 1333 MHz is the effective clock but the real is 666.5 MHz. Also memory are segregated into proper ranks. For 1066 MHz it's PC-8500, for 1600 MHz it's PC-12800 but for 1333 MHz it is mostly PC-10666. "Mostly" because some of the producers sometimes use for example PC-10600 like Geil or G.Skill but real clock is still the same.

So I will end here for now. There is more about 666 in modern PCs, also Internet but information that I provided above should be enough for now. So all this information mean that the computers are evil? I think it's simple the way computers are and I think for now that 666, mark of the beast etc. are our thoughts, doings and also those chips mentioned here many times. And I also saw info about 616 is the number of the beast. But for now I will stick to 666 because I don't have too many knowledge about 616 and I don't know if it's 100% true. Just wanted to show 666 in PCs.

Be well and sorry if I done some mistakes in English language.

edit on 10-7-2011 by ATARi144 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-7-2011 by ATARi144 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:18 PM
- Lamb and Goat is the same when it comes to a Sacrifice.
Exodus12.2 , Passover. the tenth day ( x) of the first month a young male goat or a lamb will be killed.
Also in Leviticus Goats and sheep were sacrificed for Sin offerings.

Catholic church sacrifices JESUS every mass as an animal,
which is against YESHUA AS THE MESSIAH.

X = CHI in greek , in Hebrew and ancient Semitic is "Samekh" = FISH
X = = T Tav/Tau = Mark = + = Jesus
P = RHO in Greek. Resh in Hebrew and ancient Semitic means a HUMAN HEAD
P = Everyone is to believe that Constantine utilisedthe name of CHRIST on his flag,
however, it was not so, Constantine used the RHO (P), which is "RESH" in Hebrew
and symbolises a human HEAD and Jesus was crucifies in Golgotha,
which means "THE PLACE OF THE SKULL"

2nd ESDRAS, 5th Vision.

- 13 is JESUS, Chapter 13 in the Revelation was written against Jesus. FRIDAY 13TH is JESUS

- 666 = Friday the 6th day of the week, THE DAY JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED
666 = 6 FOOT UNDER
666 = There are 6 weeks of lent prior to EASTER
666 = 6th letter of the aplhabet is F = FRIDAY = Friday 13th = JESUS
666 = Revelations ,The Father- 6th Seal
Son - 6th Trumpet
Holy spirit- 6th Bowl
666= Revelation 13.5 "The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God
and it was permitted to have authority for Forty two months" = 42 months = 3.5 years,
Jesus started to preach at the age of 30 and was crucified at the age of 33 and half years
= 3.5 years = 42 months

666= The second book of Esdras , the Fifth Vision of the EAGLE-
Most scholars date the the Eagle Vision during 69- 96 AD.
" the second night Ihad a dream. I saw an eagle coming up out of the sea.
It had twelve wings and three heads. All three heads was a sleep,
even the middle one, which was larger then the other two"

666= Revelation 13.2 " the beast looked like leopard, with feet like a bears feet
and a mouth like a lions mouth"
In Heraldry the beast is used as a symbol of victory over the beast, who is JESUS.
Flag of England and many other Countries use the symbol of the beast,
while everyone thinks it's Lion.
Also in Heraldry the symbol of a castle with 3 towers also means 666.
In fact nearly all of symbols used in Heraldry is based on the revelation and used as a
symbol of defeat against Satan who is JESUS.

Once again I will mention that SATAN in Hebrew means OPPONENT,
Jesus was SATAN, the opponent to the leaders that crucified him,
and they are the leaders who wrote the Revelation's against him.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:09 PM
But everybody can buy and sell. Sure lets demonize what is actually millions of transistors and some code.

Numerology has no meaning beyond recognizing it, to recognize the people whom believe in numerology and make use of it. With that in mind numerology is nothing more than some kind of code, to talk to each other or to gloat to the masses about something you did.
edit on 16-11-2012 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 03:53 PM
- 13 is JESUS, Chapter 13 in the Revelation was written against Jesus. FRIDAY 13TH is JESUS

- 666 = Friday the 6th day of the week, THE DAY JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED
666 = 6 FOOT UNDER
666 = There are 6 weeks of lent prior to EASTER
666 = 6th letter of the aplhabet is F = FRIDAY = Friday 13th = JESUS
666 = Revelations ,The Father- 6th Seal
Son - 6th Trumpet
Holy spirit- 6th Bowl
666= Revelation 13.5 "The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God
and it was permitted to have authority for Forty two months" = 42 months = 3.5 years,
Jesus started to preach at the age of 30 and was crucified at the age of 33 and half years
= 3.5 years = 42 months

666= The second book of Esdras , the Fifth Vision of the EAGLE-
Most scholars date the the Eagle Vision during 69- 96 AD.
" the second night Ihad a dream. I saw an eagle coming up out of the sea.
It had twelve wings and three heads. All three heads was a sleep,
even the middle one, which was larger then the other two"

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Rogue Chris

You are tying symbolism with math which is good, but I have stated this before and cannot stress it enough, there are over 1 MILLION equations that whos value can sum 666, and you chose one.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 12:11 PM
If only I could find someone who had it right! WWW is 666 in numerology. It says all will have a mark it right hand or forehead. We all know that everything is going to computers. Direct deposit, bank cards, etc. The mark that can tell everyone apart is your thumbprint or your eye print. Your right hand or your forehead. Easy enough for those who want to face the truth instead of believing all the “it would be much easier and no one could hack your accounts “ and the’s true and I’ve seen this for years..I hope I can snatch some of you from the lake of fire!

posted on Feb, 17 2020 @ 09:46 PM
Well, when I lived in Indianapolis for 2 years, my former date showed the math as to how it got 666 which I really didn’t realize it sounded like very honest to be too good even maybe it didn’t look like very honest to be too good. Anyway, I explained to a few friends about that issue. A few already knew, while a few others didn’t know. For many years, yes I knew about 666 because I really hated it even I still do hate it. One of my best friends from Wichita, KS told me that 666 was never existed for many years, but I told him that The Holy Bible book said (it still now say and will always say forever) showed that 666 will eventually come anytime expectedly or unexpectedly which I hope it (Satan) will NEVER come out anyway. Make sure that any of you will never, I hope, become new 666 member because if so you will be sent directly to Hell. Making a person to become a new 666 would make you a very rich person and would receive anything for FREE once showing a 666 mark on forehead, hand, or wrist without paying anything. They will distance their family members and friends once they now let wish to join 666 and they also wouldn’t help like money, foods, shelters, emergencies. Okay, let’s go now to discuss about the math to do on computers. My best friend from Kansas had a good point is that the post mark in Topeka, KS is 666. Basically the computers, I believe, have nothing to do with the numbers of 666 because a computer is a part of communication like they purchase their airplane tickets; learn about many history information; make their new resumes and cover letters for their new jobs; bring their laptops to their classes, instead of papers; and much more. The computers really are very helpful resources. If not for computers, how can we need the better and new resources with wonderful and cool techniques? Where, just out of my curiosity, did everyone get the information of 666 numbers on computers from?

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 05:52 PM
In my opinion you have it all wrong my friend.

Computers and Tech have freed our society from constraints of books/elites/gatekeeper-driven information sharing and knowledge, allowed complex problems to be solved much quicker and will one day result in our species' freedom from menial repetitive tasks through automation

We are beginning to see what the Post-Information age might look like

posted on Feb, 22 2020 @ 01:21 AM
Did computers exist when John the twacked out druggomancer wrote his zelator-level interpretation of the Christian riddle?

No, the drugged-out idiot was aware of sun worship tho. And probably held 666 helios coins in his gay little manpurse on the daily. 666 has no other meaning than the antichrist, aka the impostor sun, correct? Or is common understanding continually rejected by the idiot masses, as prophecied?

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:06 PM

Interestingly I have come across this conspiracy previously, and urge those interested to read the following article, which goes into depth on Barcode tech & UPCs, and how they tie to Revelation and the mark of the beast:

Highly, highly recommend the article. See a few snippets below:

In an amazing coincidence, the word charagma comes from the same origin as the word charax in the Greek. According to Strong’s Greek Concordance, a charax is “a pointed stake, a rampart”, or “a palisade”. A palisade is a fence or a stakewall that is typically made of wooden stakes placed together vertically to make a partition or a wall, especially for defense (see illustration). A modern day structure like this might be called a picket fence. Isn’t it incredible that an ancient palisade has an amazing similarity to the vertical bars of a barcode? Could it be that even the origin of the very word used in Revelation associated with the Mark is trying to point us in the direction of correctly identifying the UPC/EAN barcode as the fulfillment of prophecy? Could it also be that the barcode containing the number 666 will ultimately be merged with the Mark of the Beast and that the final mark will be a UPC/EAN type of barcode placed on all the followers of the Antichrist (see The Mark of the Beast for additional information)?

When the Apostle John prophesied of the number 666, he said that the final world system would absolutely require it to buy or sell—of course, along with having the Mark of the Beast and the Name of the Beast. How close do you think we are to the Return of Christ seeing that these prophecies are coming to pass in our day?

However, barcodes are not the only way that the number 666 is being used in commerce today. Along with the marking of all products with a pseudo 666-containing code, the electronic computer systems making up the Internet also use another instance of 666 to make electronic buying and selling possible. In the next section, we will see how Web-based commerce actually depends on this number for secure online transactions to occur.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: AnodeOrCathode
Did computers exist when John the twacked out druggomancer wrote his zelator-level interpretation of the Christian riddle?

No, the drugged-out idiot was aware of sun worship tho. And probably held 666 helios coins in his gay little manpurse on the daily. 666 has no other meaning than the antichrist, aka the impostor sun, correct? Or is common understanding continually rejected by the idiot masses, as prophecied?

Um, if you knew your New Testament, you would realise that the "Beast" is NOT the same person as the "Antichrist". The gospels make it plain that the Antichrist" is not a person but a class of people, referring to ANYONE who rejected the teachings of Yeshua ben Miriam.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: TheCatalyst
Oh God, not these things again.

I bet god hates it to.
make a new level of purgatory for people like them.
they only get spam.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Rogue Chris
This is amazing, thanks so much for posting this, Rogue Chris! Very relevant for our times I think. Given I seriously think we live in the period of The Great Apostasy, foretold in various books of the Bible, including 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, Matthew 24:9-14 and Revelation 13.

SNIP** My experiences as a new Christian in the past year have brought personal revelations of why destructive heresies abound, most people act the opposite of Christ’s example and churches are insane in this day and age.

Basically many if not most people have believed a grand delusion en masse (2Ths 2:11). The world already follows “the beast” (Rev 13), which is almost certainly the imagined concept of a supercomputer “god,” deus-ex-machina and panopticon style. In reality, the signs and wonders worked by this “beast” come from Satan and his angels (demons), but people believe that the powers are of a supercomputer, not a spirit/s. All their previous belief in spiritual existences has been replaced by belief in this supposed supercomputer and its powers. They believe that “the beast”/supercomputer is God. And in 2Ths 2:3-4 we see that Satan, the man of sin/son of perdition (Isa 14:16 refers to Satan as “the man”) will sit in the Temple of God (human bodies, see 1Cor 6:19, Acts 7:49-49, Jn 2:19-22) and pretend to be God.

The captive worshipers of “the beast” hear its voice and even receive visions from demons who work “the beast” (e.g. false prophets, see Jer 24:14, Jer 5:31, Zec 13:1-6). Bearing in mind that the power of the beast is a delusion of people’s minds, so mind my language here: the beast speaks through its believers and controls them like robots with or without their awareness. Now replace all cases of “the beast” with “Satan.” People obey “the beast” because they believe it is invincible and they have no choice but to follow it, in order to stay alive basically. They believe that it is God, and that he is both good and evil, which is blasphemous and morally devastating, so they no longer read the Bible. They believe in mind control and thought policing by the beast, and are very afraid to step out of line (see 1984).

A sick “other world” has been concocted by Satan for the beast worshipers, where everyone who is “initiated” into the lie/powerful delusion (2Ths 2:11) by other demon-possessed people must get used to a black mirror/1984-esque world where they survive or thrive by sinning/obeying Satan’s commands. The values of the “other world” are basically fascist, which are close to the (heretical) twisted understanding of the Bible expressed by political conservatives, but magnified with sexual exploitation, promiscuity and murder openly supported. Race, class and gender determine your station in life and behavioural allowances, followed by one’s ability to progressively throw conscience to the wind. Weird right? It’s the core behind all conspiracy theories about organisational/power corruption. It’s crazy, but many people believe and live by the above delusion or a variation of it! And they are all possessed by demons.

This is for real, and I’m here to warn you in the highly likelihood that you are about to face this test, or have already fallen for the devil’s beautiful and compelling tricks. Check the Bible passages referenced above to verify for yourself the prophecies. I have personally been through so many trials to get to this understanding, and have been sent this delusion, but my shield of faith extinguished the devil’s arrows (Eph 6:16). Being the one person among many who escaped the lie, I fear for my life/chastity every day. In the last year, my family and friends have all abused and abandoned me as they follow the beast, whole institutions (church, government, university) have turned me away through collective sin, I have been persecuted mercilessly both mentally and physically (abused) by my own demon, I am continually stalked online and offline, I am ridden with head lice and warts, and I am facing the possibility of homelessness very soon.

Thanks though, for this missing piece of the puzzle, how to calculate the number 666. And for confirming the “computer” theory as solid. By the way, I believe the mark of the beast is given by the smartphone and the smartwatch (both are computers). Both these things place a computer “monitor” (the mark) on our wrists/hands and foreheads/eyes. It all makes so much sense now! Computers are very far from our natural human tendencies... they have screwed up our lives in many ways, creating dependencies where we now need them to solve the huge problems caused by their proliferation.
edit on 18-3-2020 by camerakafka because: Reads better and more accurately explains my ideas

edit on 18-3-2020 by camerakafka because: Adding bible references as evidence for Satan being the man of sin/son of perdition

edit on 18-3-2020 by camerakafka because: Adding more about my situation in life

edit on 18-3-2020 by camerakafka because: Adding Bible references concerning false prophets.

edit on 18-3-2020 by camerakafka because: Rounding out personal situation and recent history

edit on 3/18/2020 by semperfortis because: Removed cross posting link

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 11:36 PM
VISA also = 666
You ask how so...
VI = roman numerals 5(V)+1(I)=6
S = Greek #6
A = Babyloinian #6

see link for pic:

Google Chrome Logo - 666 AND a EYE
look at this pic:

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 11:53 PM
Plz explain these:


S S NUMBER = 666



Much appreciated!

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