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An email from a "BP Insider" -- Possible Conspiracies Are Numerous

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posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:03 PM
This sounds like the sort of thing a giant, faceless corporation would do. It is perfectly reasonable from a corporate profit standpoint. Who can argue with increased profits?

BP should be utterly destroyed. All the oil companies should be utterly destroyed. Their assets sold off to individuals and entrepreneurs who will drill and deliver oil more safely because they live in the regions where they drill.

The giant corporations simply don't give a flying muck about anything other than money. That is it. Not one other consideration is taken into account by these mindless corporate automatons programmed to make profit by any means... even murder.

Oil is not the problem. Oil companies are. Bust 'em all to pieces, the murderess pieces of crap.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Seems convincing and all, but now Ive read all the comments, i believe its a load of bull as well.

plus, if he worked at BP, i doubt he would have any access to the internet, even if he did i'm sure all the workers at BP will be kept under watch.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:15 PM
I find all of this extremely interesting. Perfect timing since a few weeks earlier Obama made the statement of offshore drilling to be safe.. just odd timings.. and that russian site saying the N Koreans had a midget sub attack.. now this? A lot of weird things going on... hopefully a whistleblower throws out the truth soon.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:25 PM
"Rumor is that now they're going to call marshall law and all of us will be prevented from leaving the ships to see our families. Things are going from really bad to crazy.
Nearly everyone here is of the belief that the blowout was planned as a way to destroy a well that had too many problems to be ultimately profitable, and get two new wells drilled (the relief wells) that will be wildly profitable and the only way to do that was destroy this one. We calculated that even with paying cleanup costs the profit on two wells in this reserve will far outweigh the costs in less than a year. "

I think the idea of the explosion being done on pupose also matches that Halliburton bought stock in the clean up company two days before the explosion. Its as though they knew what was about to happen.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry're underestimating the sheer EVIL of GREED. There are forces at work which feed off of such human ignorance,

Yes... "forces at work which feed off of such human ignorance" that "GREED" (in the context of this thread: the desire for more wealth) is the ultimate EVIL motive. If this is true then I would be unable to conjure up a more evil and sinister motive than the desire to accumulate more wealth. How about the motive to murder 80 to 95 percent of mankind and to enslave and genetically modify the remainder to be perpetual sub-class automatons? That seems to be a lot more evil and sinister of a motive than “greed.” This also helps the ignorant to properly identify the enemy in order to take offensive action.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by soleprobe]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by getreadyalready
I'll do better than that I'll put it on my signature.
I actually have over $50k of BP stock and that is just one of my smaller investments.
Since when is owning stock in a company make one disallowed from shredding a HOAX into oblivion?
You should attack my input not me personally.

You mean you had over $50k of BP stock. It's now only worth $25k. Either that, or you have $50k now, and it used to be worth $100k. Ouch.

I guess if I'd lost $50k in a stock and still held it, I'd be working full time on the internetz trying to make BP look better too.

Good luck with that sir!

[edit on 15-6-2010 by harrytuttle]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

I have been getting emails every two weeks or so before this happened from someone I have known a very long time so when this person began sending snail mail, I knew it was going to be big.

Yes the signs were there but the explosion was not deliberate. Each chain of command received a report. On a routine inspection, it was reported that the rig was "acting up" (which is a soft term used to blanket numerous safety concerns). This is not uncommon. They hit gas pockets all the time. Unfortunately, noone had a way of knowing how big this latest pocket was nor the resulting pressure. How it began is not a conspiracy but what BP did before and afterwards is nothing short of criminal negligence!

It is all about saving a few bucks on necessities in order to up the anti on the stock market and straight into the pockets of all the big wigs. It was a gamble, the folks in charge knew the risks but they also knew that it would be a big pay-off if nothing went wrong. Something did go wrong and due to the short cuts made to increase profit, lives were lost and an environmental disaster resulted in a local turned national economic disaster.

I posted all this as soon as I got the info so it is nothing new. What is new, however, is the prosecution by our government on anyone caught leaking information. My friend has been instructed by the boss to act as if tongues and fingers have been severed. Black Ops for real this time.

Just before the last message I received cutting me off from knowing, I got the message that the spill increased when they cut the pipe. Yeah, so, we knew that would happen but we were not told that BP could only capture one-fifth of the increased oil spewing into the gulf. BP made it worse but they were able to fandangle a way to capture more than what they were capturing.

I was also told that the relief wells are just for show. BP has no intention of stopping the oil flow. What they are working on is getting the well in question in working order. They think that the gas pocket they hit will eventually stop spewing so they can modify what they must in order to bring this well back into service. That is when my friend got called out to serve the real plan. Apparently, one of those ships out there is for housing all the people involved in the real plan. You will not see any of them come to shore and family will not get any emails, letters, or phone calls. It is Black Ops for real and now our government is assisting with the blackout.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
This sounds like the sort of thing a giant, faceless corporation would do. It is perfectly reasonable from a corporate profit standpoint. Who can argue with increased profits?...

...The giant corporations simply don't give a flying muck about anything other than money. That is it. Not one other consideration is taken into account by these mindless corporate automatons programmed to make profit by any means... even murder.

Oil is not the problem. Oil companies are. Bust 'em all to pieces, the murderess pieces of crap.

I just had to correct your thinking! Terms such as corporate and company and society are what individuals hide behind. Those individuals are the ones who make decisions to help or hinder their fellow humans and they are also the individuals responsible for destroying or replenishing the environment.

One individual made the call to the rig to ignore the safety concerns. One, not a corporation, not a company, not a society, but one person made that call to the rig. That individual was not an anonymous figure at the time the call was made so why do we think he is now?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 03:30 PM
Oil siphoning suspended after fire on drill ship, BP says. Just up on CNN.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by bwfan

already resumed according to AP on Yahoo frontpage

lightning struck it...bad luck after bad luck

BP: Oil containment efforts resume....

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Let me add something to this, from a BP document pdf reposted at: http://(nolink)/2010/06/08/breaking-news-leaked-white-house-document-exposes-bp-gulf-oil-spill/

Look at overhead #27 in that BP presentation to Congress. This BP comment comes from the ROV inspection of the BOP shortly after the blowout:

"ROV identified undocumented modifications to the hydraulic control system [of BOP]; the extent of these modifications is unknown at this time."

Now, it is interesting that BP would share this with Congress and the Admin. Certainly they might like to be able to claim some sort of vandalism to the BOP in light of all of their documented safety shortcuts. But, is it possible there really might have been some sort of vandalism to the BOP shutoff hydraulics taking advantage of the broken annular that everybody in the operation and some outside of the operation knew about? Why might somebody outside of BP do this, who might do this [only a few have the ability to get to that a mile down], and what would they have to gain?

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by RyannVonDoom

Forget about the Sorcha Faal i.e. David Booth story. There is no merit to that story. That's a total misdirection.

This current info. supposedly coming from a BP insider may have merit.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:31 PM
I call bogus!! The guy who sent the email is either not working for BP, or really ill informed.

1) The company lost 40% of its share value.
2) The possible fines and cleanup costs are estimated at $20-40bil...if it reaches anything close to $40bil, it could mean the end of BP according to some analysts.
3) There is no way 2 rigs could cover this cost and make it worth for BP to destroy the old one.
4) They already OWN the rights to drill in the area, nothing would have stopped them from setting up 2 new rigs. The theory of having to blow up one first to get permission to set up 2 new ones is beyond crazy.

I'm not saying there is no conspiracy...but I this email makes no sense economically, which makes me doubt that the sender really works for BP (or occupies a position that would allow him to make a judgment).

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Read through. The cost of fines and clean up are capped at $75 million. The rigs will make that up in a few weeks!

The lawsuits are shielded by layers of protections. The "fault" of the disaster is split 3 ways first between Transocean, BP, and Haliburton. Then it will be further divided up into all the different suppliers, subcontractors, and manufacturers of the equipment. Then if the lawyers have persevered, they will be inundated in data and studies. It will take decades just to get into court and then the juries will be entirely overwhelmed and not able to function.

Nope. BP will pay $75M, plus a little marketing and hush money, and they will pay some big payouts right up front to show their willingness to help and save face. A few months from now, they will be raking in profits and paying out zilch!

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Sorry, but you might be wrong there

The rating agencies have also changed the company's rating to just above junk level...not a move they'd do if blowing up a rig were financially sane

[edit on 15-6-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The american government under the obama administration has suspended off-shore drilling permits till further disaster prevention studies have been carried out and new tougher regulations supposedly take effect.

Can you imagine the public outcry if BP announced they managed to save this out-of-control oil/methane gusher a month or two down the road and people found out that BP was from the beginning much more interested in saving it rather than capping it?

It would be a public relations nightmare for them and the american/british governments. That is why I sincirely think that BP pretending to want to cap the well, and all this supposed speculation of them trying to save the gusher is misinfo to prevent people from realising the PTB's goal of quickly depopulating earth.

[edit on 15-6-2010 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Can't argue with that. I 'might' be wrong.

A lot of what-if's still.

If the get the leak stopped with the relief wells, and if they settle up with the people along the immediate coast, and if the press gets a new toy like a tsunami or twister outbreak or political scandal, and if the Gulf seafood remains edible........
If all of that happens they will be raking in the profits by this time next year unscathed!

Now, here is a bold prediction for you:

1. The relief well works.
2. BP comes out with big marketing campaign and merger to create new name.
3. Elections heat up in September/October and scandals ensue.
4. Everyone forgets about oil spill (except for us on the coast).
5. This time next year they are drilling away in the Gulf, BP will be operating seamlessly with a shiny new mergered name, and Obama will be taking all the credit for the operation being such a huge success, while Goldman Sachs, BP, and Halliburton are reaping all the benefits of shorting the stock prior to the explosion, and then buying up the deflated stock afterwards, as well as pre-buying the stock from the company that they buyout.

Either that or all the oceans will be black, Florida will be a ghost town, riots will be active across the South, and Obama will be in a bunker somewhere.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Can you imagine the public outcry if BP announced they managed to save this out-of-control oil/methane gusher a month or two down the road and people found out that BP was from the beginning much more interested in saving it rather than capping it?

If I were them, I would spin it this way:

Our relief efforts have been marginally successful and the leak has slowed to a "trickle." (they like that word) Our efforts are not complete though, and we vow to entirely stop the leak and fund the clean up by relieving the back pressure on our repair. Our second drill ship is in place and has been actively digging a pressure relief well capable of high capacity. With this new high volume well, we will be able to ensure the leak does not return, and our investors assets are protected. We thank the USCG and the Obama administration for all of their support as well as the support of Halliborton and Goldman Sachs for ushering through this merger opportunity and setting up the Gulf Coast Relief fund that will receive a substantial percentage of any profit obtained from this reservoir. As we promised in the beginning, our company will expedite all claims and clean up every last drop of oil that was spilled. We stand behind our investors, our management, and our engineers, and we will be on the cutting edge of the technologies that will clean up the oceans and the coasts. We stand poised to leap into the next generation of energy development!

Or something like that, LOL!

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Okay just from the comments I have been reading it does sound like BS. I mean BP is doing whatever they can to stop any news about the spill from happening. I bet even cell phones with internet capability are being watched closely by employees.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I have edited my post so feel free to re-read and draw new conclusions.

Its not about corporate greed this time, its about depopulation.

Sounds crazy? Thats why they gonna get away with it because people are too naive to understand some people are truely EVIL! It perfectly explains why nobody is really trying to do anything about it and why so many people are barking up the wrong tree.

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