posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:59 PM
I find it hard to believe, that if this oil spill happened under the watch of G.W. Bush, that the Hollywood elite would not be out in droves to whine
about the Gulf Spill. Where is Brad Pitt with his hip wadders on, cleaning up a seagull? lot's of people call for the boycott of BP, but how does
a boycott of BP clean up the oil spill any faster? It would seem the less revenue that BP makes hinders their efforts to stop, and clean up the
spill. but it just ticks me off to no end, that these elitist left wing celebs can't find the time to, help or raise money for a disaster with this
much environmental impact. I thought they cared about the environment? they have the time to go to Arizona, and Whine about illegal immigrants
rights. They have the time to push for all kinds of crazy causes. Where are they now? We all pay good money to see their lackluster films... and
listen to them go on and on about their political views, as if we care. The Celebs who are speaking out, only seem to be calling for boycott's and
sanctions against BP, putting families they don't care about out of work, while they live in the lap of luxury. I say we boycott them instead... It
doesn't matter to me if I never see a horrible George Clooney film again. I guess when it is their guy in office they don't care what happens, to
the rest of the country. When it's some liberal agenda, they are all over it... but something like this that really matters... they want nothing to
do with it.